All of Windclan
Gathering Attendees
Talking Cliff
Fawnbriar sighed softly as she glanced up at the setting sun. She was not looking forward this Gathering. She didn't want to have to represent Windclan and reveal that Badgerstar had gone missing. The chocolate tortie knew they had to go, however, so she made a note to grab a small mouse before they left as she stretched until her entire body quivered. The release of tension in her body helped her feel a little better as she made her way up to the Talking Cliff.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Talking Cliff for a Clan meeting!"
As the heat of the day began to release it's hold, Brightmaple had been dozing by the Elder's den with Fallkit nearby. She was letting him explore the camp and play to release some of his excess energy, hopefully not getting under any cats' paws. Copper eyes blinked open as Fawnbriar called the clan meeting and she realized that it must be time for the Gathering again. She didn't expect to be called to go so she didn't move from where she was loafed but she kept her ears pricked just the same.
Boulderdash had returned from a hunting patrol, having brought back a young rabbit and a couple of mice, and had enjoyed herself a sparrow as she eagerly waited to see who would be called to the Gathering this time around. She lifted a paw and began grooming the last traces of her meal from her face as she waited to hear who would go tonight.
Aspenberry had been grooming her paws after a quick hunt, loitering around the warriors den before she had heard Fawnbriar's call. She padded over towards the Talking Cliff knowing she was likely calling a meeting for who would go for the gathering.
This would be an interesting gathering for sure. Without Badgerstar, the other clans would throw them curious, or possibly malicious glances. As far as she knew there was no trouble between WindClan and the others, but without a leader they were left vulnerable. She knew that Fawnbriar could lead them perfectly well, and had full faith in her, but who knew how the other clans would react to such happenings. She shot her deputy a quick glance, showing her a friendly face of support.
I play...
From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder
From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior
From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder
From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest cat on the planet
✧ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ❦ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ✧
Curled up in a tight loaf, Barleyswipe laid like a stoic gatekeeper to the elder's den. It was dreadfully lonely since Brightmaple had prematurely entered the nursery den to watch over Fallkit, which left the old she-cat coised in company with... ugh, Emberback. Taking a bit of air to themselves, they lightly dozed until she heard commotion by the talking cliff and her eyes peeped open just enough to watch as their deputy... er, leader, addressed the clan. Another Gathering night, huh? Maybe a good chance to bring home some juicy gossip...

Love is just a cloudy sky as far as I can see
⤝ ⥈ ⥈ ☁ ⥈ ⥈ ⤞
Cloudflare padded into camp, eyes a bit downcast. His pelt was fluffed at odd angles, like how ones pelt might stay after dozing a bit too long and Cloudflare was a bit embarrassed he had nothing to show for his hunt. He thought a little pre-hunting nap might energize him, but it wasn't long before sleep caught up to him and made him groggy in the worst of ways. He sat down near the entrance to the warrior's den, seeing Aspenberry before he suddenly felt a bit disheveled and began to groom himself, twisting his head around to slick over the ruffled fur on his shoulder. It seemed he was just in time for the gathering announcement, for all the good that'd be when the other clans found out...
Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder
Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit
Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit
Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice
Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot
Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery
Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral
Fallkit paused in batting around a small ball of moss and looked up to Fawnbriar. A gathering? Where all the cats went to the trees? His paws itched. He was still thinking of his sire--how had that cat known about the missing Windclan cat? And why hadn't he come to check on Fallkit? Kosmo had cared when they were younger, he'd checked on the kits and their mother from time to time. Didn't he care now? Fallkit's tiny claws kneaded the ball of moss as his blue eyes fixed on Fawnbriar. He wished he could go to the gathering. He wanted to see his siblings again.
The gathering - something Piperpaw liked and disliked at the same time. A chance to meet with the other medicine cats... and a mandatory event where she had to interact with the only other medicine cat apprentice. She tried not to grimace at the idea of listening to Nettlepaw drone on again. There was no nice way to put it.
He was boring!
Coldgaze: (M) Ruthless Riverclan Deputy
Lawn Gnome: (F) Motherly Semi-Feral Shecat
Redpaw: (M) Thoughtful Shadowclan Apprentice
Sootbounce: (M) Bubbly Shadowclan Warrior
Sturgeonpaw: (M) Altruistic Riverclan Apprentice
Sunstrike: (F) Anxious Thunderclan Queen
Quailcall: (F) Fierce Thunderclan Warrior
Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue
Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot
Brightpaw had spent the majority of this moon busying himself with apprentice work, but Fawnbriar summoning the clan made Badgerstar's disappearance all the more palpable. Before he could go about his day like normal all while imagining the older tom was doing something important, after all it's wasn't like he interacted with the leader frequently. He joined the slowly growing crowd beneath the rockface, looking up at the tortoiseshell just like all of the others.

Healing is a matter of time,
but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
‹‹‹‹ ››››
Rowanglade was fussing with herbs as she waited for the meeting to be called. A missing leader was a stressful thing, and the questions they would face did little be worry her. As she placed the leaves she was sorting aside in their intended alcove she caught the expression on her apprentice’s muzzle.
”Most apprentices look excited about a gathering.” Her voice was soft, intended only for Piperpaw. It was rich with her well-practiced purr. ”But then, you’ve always been an exceptional apprentice.”
Fawnbriar watched the clan gather under the Talking Cliff and took a deep breath. She was representing the clan now and she needed to be their leader now that Badgerstar was gone. So why didn't she feel as confident as she could act? Steeling herself, she called out to the Clan once more. "Along with Rowanglade, Piperpaw and myself, I'll be taking Aspenberry, Beewhisker and Brightpaw. Prepare to leave shortly."
Satisfied that she was bringing a good number of cats with her, she continued with a last request to the ones remaining behind. "Boulderdash and Shadesleek, I leave the camp security in your capable paws." With that, she hopped down from the Talking Cliff with a swish of her tail to gather those going with her.
Her mentor was as perceptive as always. She gave a slightly sheepish smile. "Most apprentices don't know if they are going to the gathering." She pointed out.
Her night drastically improved with the inclusion of her brother on the list of cats included. At least she would have someone else to talk to if no other apprentices showed up - or if they were all boring or stuck up.
She rose to her paws, and gave a swish of her tail, a bit resigned in her 'enthusiasm'.
Coldgaze: (M) Ruthless Riverclan Deputy
Lawn Gnome: (F) Motherly Semi-Feral Shecat
Redpaw: (M) Thoughtful Shadowclan Apprentice
Sootbounce: (M) Bubbly Shadowclan Warrior
Sturgeonpaw: (M) Altruistic Riverclan Apprentice
Sunstrike: (F) Anxious Thunderclan Queen
Quailcall: (F) Fierce Thunderclan Warrior
Bayflower was sat beneath the Talking Cliff, looking up at Fawnbriar as she spoke, the black feline had been so out of it as of late due to their kin’s passing that they just hadn’t been very present, it was only now that the dark-eyed cat had realised that Badgerstar was gone and nowhere to be seen. Bayflower wondered what this meant for them. If Badgerstar was missing but still alive, would StarClan still grant Fawnbriar nine lives? More importantly, where was Badgerstar and where had they last been seen? Despite the feline’s brown eyes looking up at Fawnbriar their mind was elsewhere as they kept wondering where there leader could have gone.
I play...
From WindClan
Bayflower (NB) an understanding warrior
Cedarkit (NB) a loving kit
Ashkit (M) an affectionate kit
From ShadowClan
Swampkit (NB) a grumpy kit
From ThunderClan
Finchkit (M) a reserved kit
From RiverClan
Cinderwhisper (F) a silent elder
From beyond the clans
Noah (M) a lazy semi-feral
Raven (F) a playful domestic kitten