– It’s a murder most foul –
Danger has come to the territories of the Clans. Each group has lost at least one cat to a hidden murder. With Kits in the nurseries, and apprentices in training an unease has settles on all four clans.
With this shadow cast over the Clans all that brings hope of an end is prayers that StarClan or chance can bring the culprit to justice…
– What is the truth, and where did it go? –

The world of CoSC features a forest where the illustrious Rusty never set foot. Instead the four clans have existed for what feels like time eternal: Keeping borders, raising apprentices, and staying alive. This revised warriors universe focuses on the tribal, visceral vibe of the earliest books, taking it one step further to give birth to a version of Warrior Cats where choices matter and human morals don’t apply.
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- Previous: Moon of Tiger’s Wrath (2020)
This moon ended 28 Feb ’25 - Current: Moon of Melting Waters (2021)
This moon began on 1 March ’24 and will end on 30 April ’25 - Next: Moon of First Green (2021)
This moon will begin on 1 May ’25

- Previous: 14TW’20
[ THREAD ] - Current: 14MW’21
- Next: 14FG’21

- Previous: 7TW’20
- Current: 7MW’21
- Next: 7FG’21

Deputy: Kestrelswipe
Med. Cat: Tigerrush
M. C. App.:
With Cheetah’s Flight becomes new growth; Moosestar has finally chosen Kestrelswipe as his Deputy. Even with such a positive, ThunderClan has still been on high watch, specifically for rogues, which have been daring to get closer and closer to ThunderClan’s camp..
Moons before, there has also been a multitude of odd deaths, all of which seem to suggest a form of unknown illness.. Despite such odd occurrences, ThunderClan focuses on it’s rogue-laiden borders.. It’s only the future which can tell whether this will come back to bite them, or not..

Deputy: Coldgaze
Med. Cat: Nettleplume
M. C. App.:
Nettleplume, responsible for the discovery of the poison in the prey, is elevated to full medicine cat and Mintwhisker is granted their full name a moon later. With the approach of Leafbare the newest kits are apprenticed as Hailpaw, Merrypaw, Stormpaw, Sturgeonpaw and Mistypaw.
Conflict sits on the horizon, with loyalties lying in different leadership and tensions with ThunderClan brewing. Only time will tell whether this boils over into violence, or simmers as distain for another generation.
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Deputy: Aspenberry
Med. Cat: Rowanglade
M. C. App.: Pipertuft
The past few moons have been quiet and kind to WindClan. There have been no deaths and the nursery is full with Brightmaple and Beewhisker’s two litters- Oatkit, Heatherkit, Berrykit and Cedarkit who are currently growing and thriving. Meanwhile, Fallpaw was apprenticed to Aspenberry, Piperpaw gained the medicine cat name of Pipertuft, and Brightpaw was made a warrior as Brighteyes.
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Deputy: Dawnflurry
Med. Cat: Flutterdream
M. C. App.:
ShadowClan moves forward with the rhythm of daily life, but unease coils within the bite of Leaf bare. Apprentices Dazzlepaw, Duskpaw, and Redpaw make strides in their training, proving their growing skill and promise. In the nursery, new life emerges as Emberdust welcomes her kits – Muddykit, Swampkit, and Wolfkit – bringing a flicker of warmth to the cold season. Yet, even as the Clan celebrates, darkness lurks at its edges. Whisperingwind’s brutal murder at moon’s end has left ShadowClan reeling, the scent of a rogue the only clue to the killer’s identity.
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