
InformationRosterLocal HerbsTerritory

Introduction Soon.

Unaffiliated Roster

Home to 0 cats, of which 0 are Male, 0 are Female, and 0 are other biological genders.

Rank Members
Dom. Ceridwen (A brown classic tabby she-cat with a rusty cast to her coat)
Diamond (A longhaired tuxedo she-cat with blue eyes and scars on her muzzle and legs)
Isolde (A longhaired, blue mackerel caliby and white molly with odd eyes)
Uther (A gray rosetted spotted tabby tom with green eyes)
Lelouch Von Noon (A lilac spotted tabby longhaired oriental tom with gold eyes & red & gold collar)
 Adoptable!  Siofra (A cheetah-like cream spotted tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
 Adoptable!  Sushi (A longhaired, plump calico with green eyes and a belled, salmon pink collar)
Morgan (A rusty brown two toned classic tabby cat with glimmering fur and bicolor eyes)
Sarafina (A tall, black spotted savannah she-cat with oversized ears and brown eyes)
Smokey (A longhaired, blue point tom with blue eyes and a yellow, brass bell collar)
Laetitia Von Noon (A lithe, lilac spotted tabby longhaired oriental she-cat with green eyes)
Raven (A black she-cat with a pink collar and pale green eyes)
Testvictim (For Kitsu to test things with. Sorry.)
S. Fer. Lawn Gnome (An older vitiligo cream manx queen with blue eyes)
Montgomery (A purebred fawn sepia Burmese tom with amber eyes and kink at the end of his tail)
Potato (A midfurred, ruddy silver and white classic tabby tom with blue eyes)
Duchess (A hazel-eyed, black and white she-cat with tufted ears and a luxuriously long coat)
Ahryndae (A black she-cat with ghost rosette markings and golden eyes)
Aodhan (A black tom with ghost rosette markings and bright amber eyes.)
Noah (A longhaired red and white tom with a blue and grey collar and yellow eyes)
Feral Eleni (A pale cinnamon classic tabby she cat with a mid-length, ragged pelt)
Prudence (A brown tabby half la perm she-cat with green eyes)
Aurelius (A large, golden sunshine, half Siberian ticked tom with gold eyes)
Luna (A reserved black she-cat with long fur and bright yellow eyes)
Fox (A large ginger and white mackerel tabby tom with lime eyes)
Kosmo (An odd-eyed, cinnamon ticked mink tom with primal markings & most of his tail missing)
Ghost (A mid-furred white she-cat with amber eyes)
Duke (A half-chausie black grizzled ticked tabby tom with blue-green eyes)
Gemini (A longhaired smoke tortoiseshell queen with amber eyes and a nicked ear)

This group uses the Unaffiliated Rank System.

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