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Closed Thread [ACTIVITY CHECK] SC Pre-Gathering Meeting - 14CF'20

11 Posts
8 Users
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Forest Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1331
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All of Shadowclan!


Call to announce attendees to Gathering


Gathering spot



Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

Palestar periodically glanced up at the sky, her own form draped a bit luxoriously near her own den. Soon it would be time again to call her clan to announce those who would attend her to the Gathering, and this moon's Gathering night seemed a bit more merciful than the last. Palestar hoped that there wouldn't be any more surprises - no walking in on a sodden gaggle of kits.

Stretching her front paws forward, the length of her back arched before making her way to where her ancestors had always called their clan together. Surveying those walking within the walls of the briar walled camp, her voice called out the familiar, age old call. "Let all cats old enough to catch thier own prey join here in the shelter of the briar patch for a clan meeting!"

Honey makes the world go round
✧ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ♖ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ✧

Honeyglow had spent the day tending to the outter walls, making himself useful in the warmth of the day. It wasn't unbearably hot and the older elder found his joints cooperative and a bit of bounce to his step. He lifted his head when he heard Palestar call, and settled to join the gathering crowd.

Tiptoe through the murk and mire
✧ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ♖ ⭒ ♦ ⭒ ✧

A blue bodied kit pushed himself out of the nursery at the soonest sign of Palestar's voice. He sniffed the air as cats began to gather, trying to put each scent to name. Dark blue eyes shifted upwards as he spied the looming image of the lynx pointed leader with her odd eyed stare very much familiar to his own sire. Where could he have gone and why hadn't anyone seen him? Murkkit was a bit dour as he emerged seeminly stuck in his own head. Also maybe he was just a bit hungry.


Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 339

The aim of an argument is not victory, but progress
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Sootpaw had come into camp a short while ago, and had spend the afternoon cleaning himself of all evidence of his previous swimming/hunting session. It wasn't really swimming - not like what Riverclan could do - but an affinity for water was something he wanted to have. He had resigned the idea of hunting ducks by swimming - but had made some important discoveries. It was easier to ambush frogs when they couldn't run back to the depths to hide.

Once he was sure he was dry, and plant free, he joined the clan in gathering on the camp. So it was already time for the gathering again! He could feel himself purring instinctively. Maybe he would be brought again! Maybe not... he had been mouthy at the last gathering. But he really wanted to see all the apprentices again. So... There was always a chance!



Palestar was calling a gathering! Redkit joined his brother at the entrance of nursery, looking out with awe at the assembling warriors. But for some reason Murkkit looked disappointed. Probably because they couldn't go yet - he certainly thought the 6 moon limit was stupid. He could be a warrior by now if he didn't have to wait.

"Don't worry. Soon, the other clans will see us and tremble." He assured Murkkit, tilting his head to look at his Aunt. "We just have to lie in wait - they won't see it coming."


Coldgaze: (M) Ruthless Riverclan Deputy
Lawn Gnome: (F) Motherly Semi-Feral Shecat
Redpaw: (M) Thoughtful Shadowclan Apprentice
Sootbounce: (M) Bubbly Shadowclan Warrior
Sturgeonpaw: (M) Altruistic Riverclan Apprentice
Sunstrike: (F) Anxious Thunderclan Queen

Quailcall: (F) Fierce Thunderclan Warrior

Sprig Player
Joined: 12 months ago
Posts: 77


Brackenwing would hear Palestar's call while carrying a mouse they caught from the patrol. As soon as they drop down the prey into Freshkill pile, Brackenwing quickly walks to where every cat is gathered. If this is about another gathering visit, from why Palestar called in clan meeting, then they hope to be selected and be able to see many cats from other clans. This might be a chance to go to one this Moon. The warrior just needs to sit quietly and listen. 

They look at their fur, turning its head a couple of times, just to see if there is anything to clean. But it looked fine, don't know why they are thinking about it at a time for this clan meeting. Brackenwing fixed their gaze back to Palestar again, needing to remain focused, and keep ears open. 

- - -
Brackenwing || nonbinary, warrior of Shadowclan||

Ambersmudge || she-cat, warrior of Riverclan||

Smallclaw || tom, warrior of Windclan ||

Spidertongue || tom, warrior of Thunderclan ||

Luna || she-cat, unaffiliated Feral ||

Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 277


At the sound of her leader's call, Heronsong's ears perked toward the briar patch. She had just been sharing some prey with a fellow warrior, and gulped down the last of her bites before heading over. She couldn't believe a whole moon had gone by since the last gathering. It had been so chaotic, it felt like it was still fresh in her mind. At least Murkkit was settling in rather well, even if he did sneak out on occasion. She glanced over at the kits slinking out of the nursery, and purred warmly, though she couldn't help but notice the dark blue kit didn't seem as bouncy as usual. Perhaps something was bothering him. Either way, Heronsong turned her attention toward Palestar as she settled in the growing crowd of cats.

Kestrelswipe, Thunderclan deputy
Wrentalon, Thunderclan warrior
Stormfall, Thunderclan warrior
Heronsong, Shadowclan warrior
Briarfang, Riverclan warrior
Fallkit, Windclan kit
Ghost, barn cat

Thicket Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 444

Dazzlekit rushed after his brothers, looking a little uncoordinated, but at least he kept his pace. Meeting! Maybe he was become an apprentice!

Dazzlekit, of course was not becoming an apprentice, being only three moons old but he looked up at his leader in awe anyway.

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior

From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 247
Hollyclaw strode past Hawkfeather, who was in the midst of devouring a chipmunk from the fresh-kill pile. She took a seat and awaited the announcements. What would this night bring? Nothing bad, she hoped. Last moon's hadn't, but she had been very surprised when they brought back a kit.

Rather than take his usual post near the elders' den, Dawnflurry stood closer to the Talking Spot and his gathering Clanmates. He was glad to see Murkkit fit right in with the others, but the deputy would not mind a dull Gathering this time. Not every moon needed excitement.

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 294

Hickorystorm padded to the entrance to the elder's den with a yawn. He had been napping, enjoying the break in the heat as the sun had begun to set. However, his ears had perked and caught the sound of his leader's voice so he went to see what was going on. Hearing all the kits emerge into the clearing, his whiskers twitched at Redkit's murmur to Murkkit.

Forest Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1331
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The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky
❖ ⭒ ❖ ⭒ ❀ ⭒ ❖ ⭒ ❖

 Gathering night was something to prepare for. Dawn patrol left plenty of time to rustle up some grub and nap a bit before the big night. Either she went and felt her best or not and she'd still be capable of watching over and defending her clan while the others were out. Emberdust's short bobbed tail flipped on her nest, orange eyes lazing a bit as she saw the light shift from outside. Soon it would be time for announcements! Stretching from the circular mossy rim of her bedding, she stepped outside and shook out her pelt, knocking a bit of leftover debris from the tips of her hairs. Her face lit up at Palestar's voice and she bounced her way closer to the Talking Spot, knocking down on her small haunches besides Sootpaw. "Think you'll go again this moon?" She smiled at her clanmate. Not too long ago she had been an apprentice too, and while they didn't share duties too often, now Sootpaw and Ashpaw weren't too far behind their warrior names!


Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral

Forest Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Leader Player, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 1331
Topic starter  

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

From above her clan she surveyed those who were collecting under her call. She, too, hoped this moon's gathering wasnt as eventuful as last. Giving a few moments for any lingering conversations to settle, the she-cat cried. "As well as myself, Dawnflurry, and Flutterdream - Hollyclaw, Brackenwing and Ashpaw will be joining us tonight. Heronsong, Emberdust and Sootpaw will be in charge of camp security." The three of them could take shifts, or freshen up their combat tactics while one keeps watch. Either way, the she cat pointedly raised her tail, signalling her departure. The night was yet a bit early, but she wanted to be first at Fourtrees with the strength of her clan beside her.

"Let's be on our way." Odd eyes turned towards the west entrance before breaking off into a trot to leave camp.

(OOC: Feel free to continue casual RP or have additional threads doing stuff while the other cats are out.)


Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder


Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit


Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit


Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice


Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot

Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery

Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral

Tree Admin Applications Team, Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 479

In youth we learn; in age we understand.

‹‹‹‹ ››››

Ashpaw has been waiting nervously since he had finished cleaning out the elder’s den. The work had been distrating, but it was hardly enough to set aside his worry that Sootpaw might get to go again even after the last gathering had been so exceptional. The feeling that it was his turn now loomed large in his mind.

As Ashpaw wove into the crowd towards his brother he caught Emberdust’s question as he came up to them. Her certainly hoped Sootpaw wasn’t so lucky. Then, before Sootpaw could make any sort of reply, Palestar made the announcement.

Relief flooded Ashpaw’s entire being. Palestar at least thought he was good enough to be seen by the other clans. That meant there was one less thing to have to do before he could become a warrior, now that he would uphold the truce tonight. Ashpaw hesitated only a moment before scrambling to make sure the leader didn’t  leave him behind in the dust of the camp.

Kitsufox, CoSC Owner & Administrator

Ashpaw ♂ Apprentice of ShadowClan
Boldstar ♂ Leader of RiverClan
Prudence ♀ Wanderer of Whitehart
Rowanglade ♀ Medicine Cat of WindClan
Savagefox ⚥ Warrior of ThunderClan
Stormpaw ♀ Apprentice of RiverClan
Uther ♂ The Once and Future King

Tree Player Information Drive, MCA Player, Genealogy Team
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 339

Sootpaw: (i dont feel like formatting on mobile)

Ah, that was somewhat expected. Sootpaw tried not to let it get to him.He turned to his brother, who visibly relaxed as his name was called. Sootpaw purred and tried to offer him his congrats, but Ashpaw was off already - wasting no time scrambling after Palestar.

Sootpaw bounced a few paces after him, before halting and calling out. "Have fun!! Talk to the other apprentices for me!!" His tail lashed with excitement before turning back to the warrior.

"... We have the night! Whadda think we should do?"

Coldgaze: (M) Ruthless Riverclan Deputy
Lawn Gnome: (F) Motherly Semi-Feral Shecat
Redpaw: (M) Thoughtful Shadowclan Apprentice
Sootbounce: (M) Bubbly Shadowclan Warrior
Sturgeonpaw: (M) Altruistic Riverclan Apprentice
Sunstrike: (F) Anxious Thunderclan Queen

Quailcall: (F) Fierce Thunderclan Warrior
