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Closed Thread The Boulder by the Bay Creates Shade

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Sapling Player Information Drive
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Bayflower, Boulderdash, & Shadesleek


Bayflower getting to know their 2nd cousins Boulderdash and Shadesleek


WindClan camp



"Your happiness is mine"

This had probably been the worst day in terms of weather in a long while. It was cold and there had been an afternoon storm. Which had only just passed. Bayflower’s original plan had been to go snuggle with Beewhisker but found the queen sound asleep with their kits and decided that it was better not to bother them. So he made a turn and headed in the direction of the warriors’ den to find Boulderdash and Shadesleek’s 2nd cousins… Their kin. Bayflower didn’t even remember the last time they spoke to them. Well now was better than never.

I play...
From WindClan
Bayflower (NB) an understanding warrior
Cedarkit (NB) a loving kit
Ashkit (M) an affectionate kit
From ShadowClan
Swampkit (NB) a grumpy kit

From ThunderClan
Finchkit (M) a reserved kit

From RiverClan
Cinderwhisper (F) a silent elder

From beyond the clans
Noah (M) a lazy semi-feral
Raven (F) a playful domestic kitten

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 288

Boulderdash had been on the afternoon hunting patrol. This was a nice change as she had been resigned to think she was only suppose to be going out on border patrols. The thunderstorm hadn't seem to phase her, trying to use the plants to stay drier but her fur still seemed to get soaked. It was a little vexing only because it made her cold but her response to the storm had been to shake as much extra moisture from her fur as she could and twitch her bobbed tail before continuing the hunt.

By the end of the hunt, she was pleased with herself. For how cool the weather was and the storm itself, she thought she had done a pretty good job- a chipmunk, a songbird, and a vole were the result of her hunt. She currently carried them into camp with an easy going amble to lay her prey on the fresh-kill pile. Looking at the pile with her mis-matched eyes, Boulderdash considered if she wanted to grab something from the pile for herself or not.

Tree Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 236

The storm hadn't deterred Shadesleek from her work, partly because she liked rain but mainly because it couldn't. She had been on sentry duty, which would be done in rain or shine...

But now it was over! Now free and originally padding towards the dens, she stopped to stretch and her original plan of taking a nap or something was paused when she saw Bayflower and, in the edges of her vision, Boulderdash. She gave a nod and blink of greeting to the older warrior, then looked over to see what Boulderdash was bringing to the fresh-kill pile.

"Looks like it was a good hunt," Shadesleek commented, indicating her sister with her tail.

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot

Sapling Player Information Drive
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 211
Topic starter  
Bayflower noticed Boulderdash come in from camp after her hunt, noticing her soaked fur but before they could say anything, their littermate, Shadesleek spoke up slowly returning to the nod. The black feline wanted to get to know their kin but wasn’t sure where they would start. Should they compliment Boulderdash’s hunt too? Shadesleek’s simple nod felt like a passing acknowledgement rather than an invitation for small talk. Bayflower decided to give it a shot anyways, deciding to start off by complementing Boulderdash’s hunt as well. “Uh. Yeah. I’m impressed you managed to get anything besides worms after the storm.”

I play...
From WindClan
Bayflower (NB) an understanding warrior
Cedarkit (NB) a loving kit
Ashkit (M) an affectionate kit
From ShadowClan
Swampkit (NB) a grumpy kit

From ThunderClan
Finchkit (M) a reserved kit

From RiverClan
Cinderwhisper (F) a silent elder

From beyond the clans
Noah (M) a lazy semi-feral
Raven (F) a playful domestic kitten

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 288

Boulderdash took a few steps back from the two cats and fresh-kill pile so she give herself and nice long shake to rid her fur of the excess moisture, leaving it sticking up in wet spikes. After enjoying her vigorous shake, the tabby van she-cat turned her mismatched eyes to her sister and her cousin.

"It was a good hunt, wasn't it? I'm really pleased with what I was able to find. I saw you guarding camp. You must be hungry! Want to enjoy some fresh-kill with me?" Boulderdash stepped back up to the pile to retrieve the vole that had been taunting her with it's aroma since she had caught it. It was then she caught Bayflower's added on remark. "Oh, hello! Did you want to join us for a bit of fresh-kill too?"

Picking her vole back up, she waited for Shadesleek and Bayflower to pick their pieces and led the way off out of the way to flop down and worked to disemboweled and discard the stomach of her meal.

Tree Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 236
Shadesleek snorted when Bayflower mentioned catching worms. She had imagined her sidter returning to camp with a mouthful of the things.
"Yeah, probably should eat," Shadesleek meowed when Boulderdash invited them. She mused aloud as she padded over. "It's kind of weird how hungry standing around doing almost nearly nothing but staring can make you."
The warrior's tail swished back and forth a few times as she looked at the available fresh-kill. "Uhh, you like birds more, right?" Shadesleek asked Bayflower, debating between the prey Boulderdash'd brought back and the rest of the pile.
"One time," she went on and chose the chipmunk without waiting on an answer, "I caught a bird after it went for worms that'd come out in the rain, but I think that kind of thing works best during newleaf."

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot

Sapling Player Information Drive
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 211
Topic starter  
“Hello, Boulderdash. Hello, Shadesleek” Bayflower responded with a polite and small but genuine smile, their tail swaying briefly behind them. “Yes. I’d love to join the two of you for fresh-kill if you guys don’t mind.” 
They had been staring at the prey pile, trying to decide what to eat when Shadesleek spoke up, confirming that they liked birds. The black-pelted feline nodded slowly. They didn’t remember ever telling Shadesleek that they liked bird but maybe she had overheard it when they had been telling Cloudflare or Sunbear or something? Or maybe they did tell her and their memory was just horrible or they were delusional? However she knew it didn’t matter. Bayflower was overthinking again. 
While Shadesleek was telling her story, Bayflower decided to pick out a small hare before following Boulderdash and sitting down on her left. The dark-eyed warrior wondered if they ever reminded the two of Nightrain. Maybe. Maybe not. That’s cool.” Bayflower meowed in response to their story before taking a huge bite out of their hare.

I play...
From WindClan
Bayflower (NB) an understanding warrior
Cedarkit (NB) a loving kit
Ashkit (M) an affectionate kit
From ShadowClan
Swampkit (NB) a grumpy kit

From ThunderClan
Finchkit (M) a reserved kit

From RiverClan
Cinderwhisper (F) a silent elder

From beyond the clans
Noah (M) a lazy semi-feral
Raven (F) a playful domestic kitten

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 288

Boulderdash tossed the stomach off to the side to dispose of after their meal and eagerly took a bite out of her vole before recounting her hunting expedition.

"The chipmunk was too worried about trying to find an acorn under one of the old oaks and the vole while it was trying to get a drink. I took care of my own thirst after I caught it- it ended up being quite refreshing. There was a group of birds just sitting in a bush waiting to be caught but I wasn't fast enough to get more than one." The tabby van she-cat sounded disappointed at her lack of speed with the bird hunting and gave a wistful sigh. "If there had been another cat with me, there might have been a few more birds brought back, but that's how the leaves fall, I guess."

Tree Player Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 236
"Very resourceful," Shadesleek meowed, then began to tear open the chipmunk and check its stomach. "So what I'm hearin' is that you should have company next time." Shadesleek's tail-tip swished as she examined the prey's innards.
"If it was all three of us, we'd probably get the whole flock." She paused in thought and looked blue and forth at both warriors. "Or maybe one really big bird. It'd probably work better at night with our pelts."

Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue

Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot
