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Private Thread The Coyote and the Finch

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Coyotepaw & FInchkit


Finchkit bothering Coyotepaw for the first and definitely not last time


ThunderClan apprentices' den



"Go. I'll be here."


Finchkit was done playing with Rimekit. She was so unfair because there was no way a kitten so much younger than him could beat him at a game like that! Once everybody in the nursery was asleep, the tom escaped into camp, noticing the she-cat whose name his mother had dropped once or twice. Coyotepaw. ThunderClan’s current only apprentice. If Finchkit was remembering correctly, Coyotepaw would be a warrior by the time the kit was an apprentice. Even though Finchkit wasn’t a fan of socialising it sounded really lonely… He wasn’t sure he wanted to be an apprentice all by himself.

I play...
From WindClan
Bayflower (NB) an understanding warrior
Cedarkit (NB) a loving kit
Ashkit (M) an affectionate kit
From ShadowClan
Swampkit (NB) a grumpy kit

From ThunderClan
Finchkit (M) a reserved kit

From RiverClan
Cinderwhisper (F) a silent elder

From beyond the clans
Noah (M) a lazy semi-feral
Raven (F) a playful domestic kitten
