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Closed Thread Berries & Bees

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Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
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It was hot today, but still cooler than the past few days of sweltering heat. Unlike other days, today had a light, fur ruffling breeze that was able to provide a little cool to the moorland cats. Aspenberry, WindClan’s newly appointed ‘temporary’ deputy, wanted to get out while the heat was bearable, whether it be for something productive or something as simple as a walk.

The spotted she-cat had recently sent out a hunting patrol, leaving the camp relatively quiet. There were still enough cat around that if she were to leave, camp would be safe, so, looking around she picked the first cat she saw - none other than Beewhisker, a friend of hers. She had invited her out of camp, to go for a walk around the gorge edges, to chat or hunt - Aspenberry didn’t mind.
- - - 
Once near the gorge, Aspenberry curiously peered over. She usually preferred to stay away from the edge unless on a border patrol as it was known to cause unsuspecting injuries - and even death. The water was a little lower than it might be in other seasons, but it was still running which was a good sign. Especially for RiverClan. Taking a large step away from the gorge, Aspenberry turned to Beewhisker, giving her a quick flick with her tail to say she could go over and check it out if she wanted. ‘You know, I’m just glad that with all this heat, we still have water. If we go into a drought, this season might be harder than last Leaf-bare’ she mewed, though she wasn’t sure if she actually believed her words. The two were the most extremes of each weather, and were hard to compare as they both had hard-ships. ‘Anyway, how are you finding the heat? Not too I hope’ Aspenberry mewed with a light laugh.



Aspenberry & Beewhisker


Aspenberry and Beewhisker go for a walk - bonding


Gorge edges

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242

Beewhisker had been attempting to stay cool in some shady areas of the camp, while not extremely hot, their long fur made them fairly warm in the head of these seasons. Causing them to quite involuntarily, sliver into the shaded areas in a final attempt to keep themselves cool. But when they were called upon by not only their friend, but WindClan's acting deputy, their tall and rather large frame slipped out from the shade and stood beside Aspenberry, fairly large beside her. 

It had been a long while since Beewhisker had been on a patrol with close friends, so they barely thought before accepting Aspenberry's offer for a casual patrol, or perhaps it was just a walk around the territory. Whatever it was, Beewhisker was no cat that would turn down an offer to chat to their friends while on a patrol. With a shake of their fur, a few leaves that were stuck prior fell to the ground, freeing their pelt of any leafy debris from when they were asleep the night before. Regardless, they smiled wide, revealing their fangs that peaked through their upper lip before darting out of the camp in pursuit of their friend. 


Beewhisker stood fairly far from the gorge, they knew because of their size and weight, it would be a lot easier for rocks at the edge of the gorge and the commonly slippery edge would be certain death for the tortoiseshell. Or perhaps it was due to their father, Blacknose's death several moons ago, Tawnyflight had told the clan of him chasing pray and miscalculating a leap over the edge. Beewhisker had believed her of course, so they were even more cautious of the edge of the gorge. They soon snapped out of the thoughts when Aspenberry returned from being slightly closer to the gorge's edge and returning to Beewhisker's side.

"The heat could be worse if I'm being honest, I fret for you when Leaf-Bare comes around, you don't have a thick pelt to keep you warm" Beewhisker commented, though it was mostly in a, light hearted, joking manner. They then gave Aspenberry a short grooming as they two walked along the WindClan side of the gorge, their paws pressing down blades of grass behind them. "Being with all this fur in blistering heat is hard, but I've lived for 23 moons so it's not something I'm not used to" They added warmly

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
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Aspenberry nodded with a small laugh. It was true that with her short pelt she got quite cold it Leaf-bare, but it was nothing she wasn't used to, and nearly every other short-furred cat went through the same thing. Sometimes she wondered what it would be like to have a long pelt, but Aspenberry was sure it would irritate her, being heavy and getting in the way. 

'23 moons isn't that young, I'm only a little older than you are, yet Fawnbriar has made me her temporary deputy. Just because we are young doesn't mean we have no experience' she said with a soft laugh, 'Though I agree, I don't think I'll ever get used to the cold. I don't understand how others can sleep alone. I love nothing more than cuddling up with my clanmates on a cold night'. Aspenberry had said this before pausing a little with embarrassment. Deputies had better things to do than try stay warm with friends! 

She was near the tortoiseshell warrior now, having retreated from the gorge once seeing Beewhisker had no interest in it. 'So, just out of general concern I guess, how have you been finding things under new leadership? I find it a lot to just loose Badgerstar out of nowhere, and I know it's been a while now, but I'm still not used to it. As deputy, and your friend I just want to make sure everything is okay?' she asked, trotting next to the warrior as they made their way across the border. Aspenberry had already sent a patrol in this area to mark it, so there was no need to do such, but they may as well survey while they are there.

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242

Beewhisker let out a light hearted snort, clearly concealing a hint of laughter; hinting at a joke to come as the two WindClan cats walked side by side. The two had grew up around one another somewhat, but had not really made much connections until warriorhood and even now their friendship was still developing to something that Beewhisker cherished and will cherish to come. "Oh you say that as if I'm getting old, I'm still as spry as ever you know" they laughed, leaping a few tail lengths ahead of Aspenberry.

"But there's some things we will never experience y'know?" They stated, they knew deep down there would be a lot of things that Beewhisker would never experience, and many that they didn't want to experience, they didn't envy Fawnbriar's or Aspenberry's position, they had no idea what they would do if they had become the deputy or even the leader; they wouldn't be able to hold that sort of weight of responsibility. 

When Aspenberry mentioned cuddling up to clanmates for warmth, Beewhisker purred at the idea, knowing that their warm fur could be useful to some extent. "When Leaf-Bare comes around I'd be happy to help you keep warm, if you wouldn't mind that at least" They offered, their tail held high in a friendly gesture as the two continued to patrol along the edge of the territory. Beewhisker just seemed rather happy to be in the moor, prancing about with a close friend.

At Aspenberry's question, Beewhisker paused, they hadn't really seen Aspenberry change in attitude after becoming deputy, and they shouldn't have, as a clan rank shouldn't change a cat's perspective as drastically as it did to some. "I feel rather safe in the clan with you and Fawnbriar in leadership, Rowanglade would always be there to assist both of you if you are in need, and so would the rest of the clan I hope" They responded gently, their tone softer but certain. "I know I'll be there to offer a helping paw to you if you need it any time, goes for the rest of the cats in WindClan"

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

'You are definingly older than you used to be! You've slowed down compared to when you were an apprentice' she bantered with a joking purr. Aspenberry was older than Beewhisker, but they had shared the apprentices den for a few moons. So she had seen lots of the tortie cat growing up. 

Aspenberry chased after Beewhisker, letting a little bit of playfulness out. It wasn't an official patrol, so who cared if she was a little unprofessional? 'I've already experienced more than I expected, so, who knows what the future will hold' She never got to meet her mother, and her sister had died before she could get her warrior name, leaving Aspenberry struggling for a moon. Now she was deputy! Too much for only 27 moons of life!

'Maybe' she said with a smile. She could easily imagine herself in the middle of leafbare letting herself rest into Beewhisker's fluffy pelt. She would definitely have to take them up on that offer at some point. She already tended to curl up with her father on the coldest nights, but it could be nice to change it up every now and then. 

Slowing down a little, Aspenberry gave Beewhisker a gentle look of appreciation. 'Thanks, Beewhisker, I mean it. I'm not exactly a cat that stands out in my opinion, so I was worried the clan may doubt my abilities, but if Fawnbriar herself picked me, I guess I've got something going for me?' she said with a little chuckle. 'I still have a lot to learn, but like you said, I have Fawnbriar and Rowanglade there to help me, an even you!' she said, giving the cat a little nudge on the shoulder. 

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to land a hand. That's where real strength lies.

✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

Beewhisker began to laugh at Aspenberry's light hearted jab and placed their paw on their chest "Oh StarClan, cranky old Beewhisker isn't the age they were twelve moons ago! How abhorrent" They yowled in an overdramatic fashion before letting out a loud laugh once more. "Don't forget you're four moons older than me Aspenberry" They replied, nudging their friend with their muzzle.

Once Aspenberry had caught up to them, Beewhisker nuzzled against her short pelt with affection that wasn't often seen from the without warning, but hopefully appreciated nonetheless. "We've all had different experiences, some vastly different from others, but we're all cats at the end of the day" They added with a fond purr Beewhisker knew that cats had different experiences from one another, and of course, those experiences define who they are as a character. But as they stated, they all bleed the same, so Beewhisker would treat all cats the same, an exception being cats that were beyond second chances.

The wind of the moor brushed against Beewhisker's fluffy dappled pelt, and the large feline lifted their head to take in the gentle breeze, despite the warmth, they were glad that the moor was open with very little trees to get their pelt caught on. "Just a thought" They replied to Aspenberry's uncertain response to their offer, but their voice didn't seem disheartened or disappointed, more-a-less accepting that there was a chance it wouldn't happen rather than getting their hopes up to be disappointed when the time came along.

It was the comforted sound in Aspenberry's voice that snapped Beewhisker from their thoughts, their loud purr emitted from the depths of their throat at their friend being so relieved. "I've never spent a day as a deputy, but Tawnyflight gave me some pretty sound advice when it came to this sort of thing. I'd be more than happy to help you if you need me to" They replied. Beewhisker had always known their mother to be a wise and clever cat, and not the traitorous devil that she truly was, but who wouldn't? Her lies had been so effortlessly placed so that she would get away with her crimes with her life, even though it had ended quite prematurely for Beewhisker's liking.

But even so, Tawnyflight was rather short tempered and unkind, to others, but not to Beewhisker, never to Beewhisker...

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

'Four moons older by fact yes. But I think you're the one that's starting to age. I can see greys already!' She laughed, peering into the other cats fur pretending to look for grey furs. 'You fit right in with the elders'

The gentle breeze was refreshing, and Aspenberry noticed herself slowing down, not due to fatigue, but more so to let herself enjoy the weather a little better. 'Tawnyflight, huh. I never really talked to her much, but she made a lovely kit' To be completely honest, Aspenberry was never that fond of Tawnyflight. She seemed intense, with a mean-spirited heart, but that didn't mean she didn't grieve her death, for the loss of a clanmate was something that hurt, no matter who it was.

She led Beewhisker further back into WindClan's territory, away from the gorge. Just by scenting the air, Aspenberry could tell there would be little trouble, so it was better to head somewhere safer. 'Thanks for offering your help. I probably need it sometimes. Things are actually not too bad as deputy, but its hard not to doubt yourself. Just something I've got t work on though. No one's perfect! Not even the great Aspenberry, renowned deputy of the fearless WindClan!' she said with a giggle. Oh how silly she sounded, but she has happy and that was all that mattered.

They brushed past a heather bush, and Aspenberry brought up light conversation. Flowers were something she liked, why not ask Beewhisker what their favourite is. 'Do you have a favourite flower? I think mine would be these heathers. They just remind me of home, and give me a sense of peace not much else gives me. They look nice decorated around camp too, not that they last long. Cloudflare and I once gathered some for the nursery once. They have long since withered, but it was cute while it lasted!'

Once in a clear section of shade, Aspenberry flopped down, resting her chin on her paws, with the her tail tip flicking slightly. 'I've said this so many times, to so many clanmates, but I'm going to say it again. I love it out here so much'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

Beewhisker let out a chuckle "Fit in with the elders would I?" they let out a mischievous purr before bounding in front of Aspenberry and using one of their large white paws to push her back. "If I'm an elder than you're ancient!" They cooed playfully. Their body bounding left to right and their tail swayed wildly as they laughed. "You say I'm getting grey fur when you're full of grey fur, you seem pretty slow and fragile like an elder too." Beewhisker mewed, poking fun of the other she-cat.

At the compliment to their mother's parenting, or perhaps to Beewhisker themself, Beewhisker smiled, their fangs poking out of their upper lip as they paused as Aspenberry stopped to enjoy the gentle breeze, oh how it was freeing to live in the moor. "I try" They spoke out with a fond purr, twisting to clean their long furred tail quickly with their tongue. 

"Of course, whenever you've got any worries, don't hesitated to visit me in the warriors or in the clearing, and you'll know where I am if you send me on a patrol" They replied, knowing that their friend was still adjusting to being the deputy, but they couldn't have been more proud even if Aspenberry was their own kin, they could only imagine how proud Rooknose must be. When Aspenberry boasted about their position, Beewhisker felt a laugh beg to escape their lips, but they held fire before speaking a response "Even a fearless deputy needs their clanmates to have a fearless clan. The great Aspenberry is one of the bravest in my opinion" The cooed, placing their paw over their chest to signify that the statement was from the heart.

Beewhisker paused as Aspenberry before trotting away towards a patch of heather, Beewhisker was soon to follow, laying in a smaller patch, the sweet scent clinging to their long fur. But they didn't have much oppertunity to bask in the scent and roll about in the heather before Aspenberry asked them a question. "Favourite flower? Hmm, I'd have to say dandelions, they're so easily missed by most but I find them quite fascinating" They answered, rolling onto their back and stretching out their paws. Listening to the dappled she-cat speak of her love for her territory, causing them to smile "There's no place more free than WindClan, I wouldn't live anywhere else"

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

'Ancient but functioning' she laughed while skillfully dodging Beewhisker's paws, attempting to give her a gentle whack back. 'Slow? From what I recall, I was the faster one as an apprentice...' she smirked, doing a half circle around her friend. Really she had no idea who was faster, but pretending she was for the moment to pick a smile was what she would do.

'Your efforts pay off well. I am honoured to be a friend and deputy of such a lovely cat.' Aspenberry was so grateful she had been born into WindClan. Every born within the clan ends up growing to be wonderful, and she is quite fond of all of them. She had seen cats from the other clans, ThunderClan especially and would be forever glad she wasn't born in such a place. It wasn't the clan as such, but more some of the cats that might drive her mad. 

'You know, I'm not sure I would call myself that brave. Fear is a strong emotion and I struggle to battle it, but I guess when it comes to that cats I love, that feeling gets overpowered, and I become completely driven by the idea to protect' she shrugged. It wasn't that uncommon to feel such, but it was one of the things she was proud she could do, which was push away any fear and replace it with a caring heart. Or curiosity. Sometimes curiosity took over and no matter how dangerous something might be, she just had to try understand or find out. 

'Dandelions.. that's cute' she purred, looking to see if she could see any of the yellow flowers, but it seemed like there was none nearby. 'I agree. I feel like anywhere else would just feel... restricting. I like to wander and explore, but returning to the wide moors we call home at the end of the day brings me a sense of comfort many other things can't'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

"Yeah right, that's because you were almost a warrior when I was an apprentice" Beewhisker laughed, they weren't sure if either was faster than the other as apprentices, but Aspenberry was the leaner of the two of them, so it was more than likely Aspenberry who was the quicker one of the two. "Though I think I was around your size" They stated, kneading at the grass below them, grabbing some heather in between their large pink paw pads. 

The compliments of their close friends caused a loud purr in Beewhisker's throat, flicking one of their ears to show they were still listening despite their purring. "Being scared is okay" The meowed after letting Aspenberry voice her opinion and of course making sure she had nor more to say before they voiced their own. "If I met a warrior that was scared of nothing, I'd think they had descended from the stars themselves."  the tortie feline added, glancing over to their deputy and smiling at their deputy, a comforting, familiar smile. "But what do I know, I'm just a wrinkly old elder apparently" they laughed, rolling onto their back and letting out more breathy laughs.

Beewhisker gazed at the clouds that dappled themselves across the blue sky swatting the grass with their swaying tail. "As much as I love WindClan for what it is, sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be in the place of other cats, to see their different clans through their eyes." They meowed, glancing at a cloud that seemed rather reminiscent of a leaping fish. "An example being i wonder if RiverClan cats get their fur clogged up with water when they swim, it can't be pleasant"  They mewed, somewhat with a laugh in their voice

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

'You were probably bigger to be honest. I may have long legs and a lean body, but I've never been on the larger side. Rooknose always complained that we looked like a pair of long-legged ferrets together' She really wasn't that out of the ordinary, but her father on the other hand always looked little odd to her, but in a good way.

Aspenberry to plucked ad the surrounding nature, but rather than taking heather she just pawed at the nearby grass, playing with a few pieces with her claws. 'I know, I think being scared it a good thing. To me it proves the nature of another, that the have a heart and feelings, something to be scared for, or something to protect. It tells me that they are more than just a heartless shell living of the commands of others, or even themselves. I hope we both make it to the point where we are old a greying, and can watch from the elders den proudly as a future generation takes over. That's one of the things that combats my fear. The fact that there are others out there, that I can protect and do something for.'

She knew she could have sounded a little somber, but her words came from a good place. 'I don't think it would be all that different. We share the same skies and land, we meet once a moon and prey to the same ancestors. We just have slightly different backgrounds, and ways of doing things. My real question is what else is out there? Other groups? Other clans? What sorts of territories? There could be endless waters or ranging mountains, and I want to see it all. See it all while knowing that I can turn back and be back at WindClan's moor in a heartbeat, but that just isn't possible' she said with a little laugh. She had big dreams, silly and unrealistic, but she liked to imagine, for she imagined a lot of things. 'But, I am glad our clan has nothing to do with water. I hate being wet, and if I find it uncomfortable, I can't imagine what it would be like for you!'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

Beewhisker let out a short snort of laughter, Ferrets! that's a good one! The thought to themself, gaining their composure to continue the conversation. "I probably got all of that from Tawnyflight, Blacknose was somewhat of a lanky warrior himself" Beewhisker added with a small sigh, Beewhisker remembered their mother as a beautiful and elegant looking she-cat, and her father as a rather springy and limitlessly swift tom, though their visions of their parents were not what many others would thing, especially in Tawnyflight's case.

"Fear makes us cautious, it keeps us safe when we need it to. Despite how many cats try to ignore their fear to seem stronger, Blacknose taught me that if I recall correctly" Beewhisker added, giving their white tipped tail a short flick before shifting their gaze back to Aspenberry, their close friend as she spoke of growing old together, they liked the idea a lot and let out a purr at the idea. "You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Watching the clan change so rapidly has always fascinated me. We still have so much of our lives left, and I'm looking forward to spending them with you as a deputy, and as a friend" They added letting out a loud purr from deep within their chest.

The larger feline just seemed to sit in silence for several heartbeats as Aspenberry rambled on, their ears twitched with interest to make sure Aspenberry knew that Beewhisker was actually listening to her. "I'm rather happy where I stand, but I suppose you do have a point. The world has infinite opportunities that await those who chase them." They replied after the air grew still and quiet, their mind went back to the idea of watching generations grow and they let out a loud purr, thinking of if they could have their own kits to pass on a legacy that is yet to be made, to carry their love with them through life. 

"Aspenberry, what would you say if I decided that I wished to bare a litter of my own? To keep my bloodline flowing and to carry my love throughout the clan, and keeping the clan rich with life and loyalty" 

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

Aspenberry considered for a moment to just let her head rest on Beewhisker's shoulder. Her anxiety told her not to - that it was weird but for once she brushed it away, letting her head gently flop down onto her friends soft, thick fur. 

'We very much do have a lot of our lives left. Really ours have barely started. We are just getting into the hard bit now. Though I think for the both of us we have already gone though enough to make it feel like it can't get any worse. But we will be here for each other. The entire time until one day in the far far future we can rest down together and watch as the legacy we created take over and continue what we know as WindClan.'

Beewhisker having a litter? That was not something she had expecting from her friend. Well, not unexpected, but she hadn't realised it was on the feline's mind. She gave them a curious look, though there was a softness present in her eyes. 'A litter of your own? I think that is wonderful, but I do hope you know the dangers of doing such. I would go mad if I lost you to something like that. So please; consider this carefully' She was excited about the concept of her friend having a litter. Aspenberry wanted her own; someday. Not any time soon, but if her friend where to have one she might get a insight on what the life of a queen is like. Plus - new kittens! It then struck her, did she have a sire in mind? She couldn't really think of anyone. Bayflower perhaps? But that seemed very unlikely. 'If you don't mind me asking; and please, don't feel obliged to answer. I know that this is a very private topic, but do you have a sire in mind?'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

Beewhisker didn't really mind much that Aspenberry decided to take warmth on their soft fur. In fact, encouraging it with a purr and wrapping their tail around the spotted she-cat. The large feline smiled and leaned their head down to drink up Aspenberry's scent, perhaps there was a hint of comfort in their scent, they wouldn't know what they would do without Aspenberry. Surely they wouldn't want to last as long themselves. Though they washed the grief inducing topic out of their mind with a flick of their ear and rasped their tongue over Aspenberry's head, letting out a loud purr that they couldn't seem to stop.

Aspenberry's soothing words washed over Beewhisker like a relaxing wave of cool, light rain after a hot day of working and patrolling the borders. "Perhaps we'd even watch our kits' children grow into strong warriors." Beewhisker suggested, letting out a soft chuckle "StarClan I hope we live that long" They added, dragging one of their large, white paws across the grassy earth, watching the blades flatten and rise back up after being pushed down. There was probably an analogy there somewhere, but Beewhisker couldn't think of what it could be.

With Aspenberry explaining there could be complications with baring kits, Beewhisker wasn't surprised, they knew that complications and tragedy could happen when kits are in the picture. Beewhisker had heard of she-cats succumbing to blood loss during birth, but if they had anything to do about it, they'd watch their kits and their descendants grow up strong, and maybe even Aspenberry could mentor them one day. "I've thought about it for a while, I'm certain on having kits. And even if complications arise and I am lost, I'll never be truly gone. I often see Cedarprowl, Blacknose and Tawnyflight in little experiences most days, despite them being gone" they meowed, in an attempt to be comforting, but their voice was certain, it was a decision that they had already made and didn't plan on changing their mind.

The larger of the two cats tensed their muscles for a moment at the mention of the sire, Aspenberry is a fine and loyal she-cat, loyal to both her friends and her clan, but Beewhisker really wondered which one she would choose in a situation like this. "I wanted Kestrelswipe from ThunderClan to sire them. He is a noble and honorable tom, I've got a lot of respect for him and I'm sure that those traits will pass down to my kits with him as a father and me raising them in such a way here" After Beewhisker had spoken, they felt the anxiety force their blood to run cold, what if Aspenberry was more loyal to WindClan then to their friendship? Had they just condemned themself to exile?

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

At hearing none other than Kestrelswipe's name, Aspenberry let out no reaction, other than a twitch of an ear. What in StarClan's name was Beewhisker thinking? Not only was he a ThunderClan cat, but he was their deputy too. Yes, she had a high level of respect for the chocolate tom, and sure, he would make healthy kits - but the risks were undeniable. 

'That's.... very unexpected' she finally said, letting the words roll from her tongue carefully. 'Have you thought through this properly? You are putting yourself and these kits at risk - and Kestrelswipe too if you care about him. Surely you could ask Bayflower or something? Or even Boldclaw or Cloudflare?' She knew Boldclaw was a terrible idea. He had been struck with some unknown illness lately and was incapable of any duties. To potentially pass a disease like such onto newborns was a terrible idea, and with Cloudflare she had no idea how well she knew the tom. She hesitated; Beewhisker had trusted her with the knowledge of knowing she was going against the clan, but depite Aspenberry being deputy, she wouldn't tell a soul. Petty things such as parents of kits didn't matter to her - but their safety did. 

'Beewhisker... I'm sorry. I'm just really worried.. My mother died during kitting so that's already enough to stress about if you choose to have a litter, and then if Kestrelswipe sires them you may get into big trouble. Not by me, but I can't speak for the rest of the clan. I.. want you to please consider otherwise, but I know the decision is up to you. Whatever you choose, I will support you. Please, just be careful.'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

Aspenberry's reaction was what Beewhisker had expected, caution and a leap away from contempt for Beewhisker's decision, Beewhisker had the thought to lash out with their words at their friend for her disapproval, but Aspenberry wasn't wrong to worry, if Aspenberry had come to them saying they were planning kits with a loner or an enemy clan cat, Beewhisker would be just as surprised. But they were certain of their choice.

"I know that I can get in horrible trouble about this, and I'm probably in over my head at this stage. But this is something that I want, I've been thinking of baring kits since I was barely a warrior, and now that I have the chance, I wish to choose the sire I think would be right for my kits, and that sire will be Kestrelswipe" Beewhisker replied, their voice didn't even have a glint of discontent or anger, they knew that Aspenberry had a point, and they didn't want to get angry at her for that, so instead they approach the situation with a calm, certain tone of voice. 

Though, the calmness turned into a comforting tone as Aspenberry again mentioned physical risks, they knew that Aspenberry was worried about Beewhisker and thinking that they would meet the same fate as Swanblaze. "I can't deny there are risks, there are risks to everything we do, but there is also so much hope in the world. I've dreamed about kits since my vigil and I want to share that joy with everyone in my life." they began, showing Aspenberry in comforting rasps over her ears and the top of her head.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid, especially knowing that there are so many risks and so many things that can go wrong in this situation. But every situation if different. I'm in good health, and out medicine cats are skilled. I'll be cautious and take good care of myself. I promise to be careful no matter what" They added on, taking one last breath before placing their muzzle on Aspenberry's head "I know the idea of the sire being from another clan makes things harder, but I know how to handle myself, I'm strong and determined. I'll have the support of WindClan and I will make sure that my kits have everything they need to live happy lives" 

"I things go badly Aspenberry, know that this is not your fault, it never was and it never will be, you've spoken your worries and I hear them, if my decision gets me punished than it's my own fault. I just hope that I'm not going to do this alone..."

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral

Tree Player Information Drive, Medicine Cat Player
Joined: 9 months ago
Posts: 324
Topic starter  

'I am yet to understand my place in this world, but with you by my side, I know things just might be alright'
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

'I get it. I respect you and your decision.' She understood. She really did. Aspenberry wouldn't just ask anyone to sire a litter. They had to have something special about them that made them the one. Seemed as though Kestrelswipe was that cat for Beewhisker, and she would just have to accept that. 

In return to Beewhisker's rasps of their tongue, Aspenberry lightly shoved her head away from theirs, before returning their action, gentling grooming the tortie's ears. 'I'm happy for you, I really am. If you do go ahead with this, I can't wait to meet the stupid furballs' she said quietly into Beewhisker's fur, relishing in their scent a little as she tried to push any worries to the back of her mind.

The two had been out for a while. Longer than Aspenberry had realised. The air was cooling and a few stray clouds began to gather at the sky. 'Would you like to go back to camp? We've been out for a bit and I'm sure there is someone wondering where in StarClan we have gone. We can share a little snack when we get back' she said with a light purr, gently nudging her friends shoulder. 'I want to lighten up the mood a little. I've been a bit of a downer, but it's out of concern, I promise!'

I play...

From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy

From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) a curious apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Specklenose (NB) a troublesome warrior
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder

From ThunderClan
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice

From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder

From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat

Tree Player
Joined: 5 months ago
Posts: 242
Sometimes strength isn't just how you fight, it's about knowing how to stand firm and when to lend a hand. That's where real strength lies.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.

Aspenberry's understanding brought Beewhisker a wave of relief that seemed to make them feel a rabbit's weight lighter. Their pale blue eyes began to shine and a deep purr erupted from their throat at their ears were cleaned, leaning down closer to Aspenberry's level so she could reach the nooks and crannies of their ears. They were just happy to enjoy a tender moment with their clanmate, their deputy, their friend.

Beewhisker then let out a laugh at Aspenberry's comment "Those stupid furballs will be WindClan's future Aspenberry, treat them with respect" The cooed, turning their head away and placing a paw on their chest, playfully offended to a light jab at hypothetical kittens. But their tone revealed all that was needed, they couldn't seem to keep any sense of seriousness to it, laughing with every few words, showing that they had no ill thoughts of Aspenberry's comments, and perhaps any future comments Aspenberry could ever make towards them.

Then came the offer to return to camp, looking over to the horizon, Beewhisker only then realized that they have been out in the moors for much longer than they would have needed to be, as the sun was beginning to drift ever so slowly closer to the horizon, where it would eventually sleep behind the land and welcome the moon and stars into silverpelt. "of course! Maybe we can check if Emberback, Barleyswipe or Brightmaple need any prey and then grab some for ourselves" They suggested, giving their tail a quick flick as they stood on their large white paws. "A rabbit or a chaffinch sound really good right now" 

With a final yawn, Beewhisker brushed their long furred tail over Aspenberry's face and gave a tauntingly playful purr. "I can bet you I'm still as fast as I was when I was an apprentice. Race you!" They challenged, though they left Aspenberry no room to respond before darting into the direction of their camp, their dappled tail trailing behind them. Have fun catching up now Aspenberry!

Bee's Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ Chirpy Warrior
Sunbear - ♀ Blunt Elder
Greypebbles - ♂ Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ Cautious Kit
Clovershine - ♀ Optimistic Warrior
Goosesong - ♂ Stoic Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ Independent Elder
Sushi - ♀ Naive Domestic
Duchess ♀ - Friendly Semi-Feral
