Kestrelswipe, Beewhisker, anyone who wants to laugh at Kestrelswipe
Kestrelswipe is being attacked by wasps!
By the rockpath next to the Fourtrees approach
Kestrelswipe was running, shaking his head wildly as the hideous buzzing noise swarmed around his face. It was in his ears, too close to his eyes--everywhere. The wasps were chasing him relentlessly, landing stings through his pelt whenever he didn't shake them off.
It had just been a hunting mission, a normal squirrel hunt. If he had been paying a little more attention, if he had listened a little closer for the buzzing hum of angry wing beats, maybe he would have seen the wasps' nest. And maybe he could have avoided it before he knocked it off the tree branch. Then he wouldn't have half-clambered, half-fallen out of the tree, pursued by the enraged insects, and bolted blindly away.
Now, he'd run all the way to Windclan territory--he felt the rock path beneath his paws and caught the familiar scents that usually bathe Fourtrees. He knew he had to let the wasps calm down. I'll hide! he thought, blinking one eye open and searching for the nearest bush. Without much thought, he shoved himself into one that looked reasonably hollow. A few bugs followed him in, which he snapped and swatted at best he could as he waited for the swarm to abate.

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.
Beewhisker, on a solo patrol once more, or perhaps it was just a leisurely stroll, regardless, the wind blew a calming breeze towards their dappled face. But the relaxing moment was interrupted by a furious buzzing and a yowl from a tom. As Beewhisker focused on the yowl for help it was a friend of theirs Kestrelswipe! They had to help him in some way, but how?
It was then that they noticed an abandoned cobweb strung between two overhanging stones. That's it! They exclaimed in their own mind as they rushed to grab a stick and entwined the cobwebs around the stick until it was a messy ball, it would have been neater but they were in a rush to help their friend. Beewhisker then saw Kestreswipe dive into a bush for cover, the wasps had on his tail.
"Don't worry Kestrelswipe! I'm coming!" Beewhisker's supportive words were somewhat muffled by the stick in their jaws as they raced into the fray flailing the cobweb encased stick, trapping the majority of the wasps in the lump of cobwebs and the rest, which was not many in hind sight, surrendered in a panic for their life. They soon tossed the stick to the side and turned to the bush that Kestrelswipe had been hiding in.
"Are you still in there Kestrelswipe? I took care of most of the swarm." They spoke, slightly breathless and one of their cheeks stinging from some of the the wasp stingers penetrating the flesh of their face. But they were just glad the rest of the swarm surrendered.
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen (They/Them)
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder (She/Her)
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior (She/Her)
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior (He/Him)
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit (She/Her)
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior (She/Her)
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit (He/Him)
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior (He/Him)
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder (She/Her)
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit (She/Her)
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral (She/Her)
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic (She/Her)
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral (He/Him)

Blissful at best, clueless at worst
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
Larchpaw had been out hunting with Kestrelswipe and had taken her own path, maw parted as she tracked down a scent. She noticed she was getting closer, nearing the opportunity to strike but she was quickly distracted by the fast pattering of paws somewhere nearby. 'Kestrelswipe?' She called out, making her way over to the sound, completely forgetting she was supposed to be hunting.
Pushing her way through the undergrowth she was shocked to be greeted with Kestrelswipe running from a swarm of wasps. She held in a laugh before realising the situation could be quite dire and chased after her deputy, doing the best she could to catch up.
Pelting after him, she didn't notice they had traversed near WindClan's territory until the ground felt slightly less familiar under her paws. 'Kestrelswipe I'm coming! I saw the wasps!' she yowled, hoping he could hear him, as there was still quite a distance between the two cats. Larchpaw was solely relying on scent and the occasional glimpse of movement to try follow him.
She caught up, but not in time. Kestelswipe had stopped and hid, and she was worried the swarm would have caught up to him, but instead of wasps, she saw a tortie cat. One she didn't recognise. They had clan scent though so hopefully they weren't out for Kestrelswipe...
Speeding infront of the cat, she did her best to guard Kestrelswipe, unsure of the WindClan cat's intentions. She didn't show hostility, but she definitely didn't show a kind greeting either.
I play...
From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder
From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior
From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder
From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat
Within only a few moments, the angry buzzing was replaced with cat meows calling his name. Oh no, he thought, almost wanting to stay hidden in the bush to avoid the embarrassment. What a sorry state to be in. Here he was, Kestrelswipe, warrior and deputy of Thunderclan, cowering in a shrub.
Larchpaw's voice reached him and he felt a pang of guilt. He was supposed to be looking out for the apprentice, not the other way around. With a heavy sigh, he crawled out of the bush. "I'm fine, Larchpaw, I'm fine." Blinking his eyes open, he tried shaking his pelt out, as if that might help shake off the stinging pain. It chased away another wayward wasp, at least. "Thank you, Beewhisker," he said, glancing at the tortoiseshell warrior and the wad of cobwebs they held. A few raging wasps were still stick in the strands, letting out loud buzzes every other moment. "I--I'm not quite sure what happened. That's some quick thinking of yours with that stick."

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.
An expression of relief washed over Beewhisker when they saw Kestrelswipe emerge from the bush unharmed... mostly. But was taken aback when a tabby apprentice... or was she a warrior sped between Kestrelswipe and themself. Beewhisker stepped back as if obediently and dipped their head in a neutral greeting. "Hello there" The WindClan warrior meowed, their tone friendly and welcoming. "Your Larchpaw right? I believe I've seen you a couple times at gatherings" They added, their claws sheathed and their paws in the open to ensure they weren't any threat.
"I'm Beewhisker, a friend of your deputy here" Beewhisker introduced themself with confidence and a softness in their eyes that would hopefully plead their innocence and ensure they're not in any danger of being jumped on by an apprentice almost half their size. It was after explaining themself that they heard Kestrelswipe's thanks to them and let out a purr of acknowledgment.
"Of course! I couldn't just let you quiver in that bush like a frightened mouse, I'd feel terrible if I didn't do something" The large WindClan warrior replied their tail held high with the energy of a newly appointed apprentice. Despite the pain in their face from the wasp stings that is.
Beewhisker's long dense pelt was now smooth after being bristled from the shock of being nearly challenged by the apprentice standing before them, but they didn't heed that challenge, they didn't want to be in any fights, not on a lovely warm day like this. "Looks like those wasps had a bad morning" They chuckled giving Larchpaw a reassuring glance before plucking the wasps from Kestrelswipe's pelt with their teeth, breaking their exoskeleton with their teeth, though it wasn't a very pleasant taste, it was one that would help their friend. And that was something Beewhisker was willing to risk so their friend wasn't hurt, so none of their friends would be hurt
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen (They/Them)
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder (She/Her)
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior (She/Her)
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior (He/Him)
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit (She/Her)
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior (She/Her)
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit (He/Him)
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior (He/Him)
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder (She/Her)
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit (She/Her)
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral (She/Her)
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic (She/Her)
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral (He/Him)

Blissful at best, clueless at worst
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
Relieved to see that Kestrelswipe was alright, the young she-cat briefly pushed her head into his shoulder. To some it may seem weird for a random apprentice to show affection to their deputy, but this was Larchpaw. She loved her clan, and she made sure to show it to everyone. She was still holding in a laugh. Never had she thought she would see her deputy being chased by wasps.
Despite Beewhisker's friendly introduction, Larchpaw didn't move. She wasn't really sure what to do. The cat didn't seem to have bad intentions, but she didn't know them, and couldn't trust them, not yet. She did her best to block the cat off from Kestrelswipe, initiating casual conversation until her deputy would step in. 'Yes, I'm Larchpaw, a ThunderClan apprentice. I'm nearly a warrior though! You might have seen my sisters too, Brindlepaw and Dovepaw and then I have other sisters and brothers too who...' It wasn't long before the young cat abruptly stopped her spiel, realising she had let herself become distracted.
Larchpaw wasn't sure how the warrior recognised her, because Larchpaw had no idea who they were that was for sure. The cat had mentioned being a friend of Kestrelswipe's, so Larchpaw have him a confused look. 'Friend...?'
Kestrelswipe seemed to be relaxed around the WindClan warrior, so she let down her guard, allowing Beewhisker to reach Kestrelswipe, though she still stayed alert
I play...
From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder
From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior
From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder
From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat
Kestrelswipe gave an empty smile to being compared to a frightened mouse. What a great image for a deputy to have in someone's mind. Regardless, he nodded. "Very noble of you," he mewed, hoping his good-humored tone would get across even though his ears still flicked with embarrassment.
He nodded back at Larchpaw's confused look. "Beewhisker and I have run into each other a few times now. It's good to have a few friends across clan lines when you can manage it." Looking back to Beewhisker, he said, "I hope I didn't derail your patrol too much."

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.
Larchpaw's chatter was quite charming to the WindClan warrior, they let a loud purr out of their throat as they listened to her chatter until it came to an abrupt halt, and before the large warrior could even think of replying, Larchpaw had stopped in her tracks, glancing at the ThunderClan deputy in confusion. He seemed to explain well enough, it wasn't like friends were forbidden from different clans.
"Kestrelswipe is right, as long as it does not interfere with clan loyalty, there's no problem with cross clan friendships" The spoke, their voice as certain as the sunrise and sunset themself. After killing off the remaining angry wasps from Kestrelswipe's pelt, and licking the sings to clean them to some extent, their ears perked at the ThunderClan tom's question. It was normal to think that every clan warrior that was out at this time was on a patrol, so they didn't blame Kestrelswipe for thinking such a thing.
Beewhisker then shook their head, a smile on their more. "Oh no don't worry, I wasn't on a patrol, just on a walk" They spoke, their voice having a certain honest tone to it, but even if they were lying why would they lie about something so simple? They were just happy that their little escapade had earned them another meeting with a friend.
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen (They/Them)
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder (She/Her)
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior (She/Her)
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior (He/Him)
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit (She/Her)
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior (She/Her)
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit (He/Him)
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior (He/Him)
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder (She/Her)
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit (She/Her)
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral (She/Her)
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic (She/Her)
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral (He/Him)

Blissful at best, clueless at worst
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
Larchpaw didn't exactly know what to do now, and she was still a little confused on the whole 'friendship thing', but Beewhisker made sense. As long as clan loyalty remained the top priority it was okay, but to now know her deputy had a good friend within another clan, Larchpaw couldn't help but feel as though she knew so much less than she thought she did. All cats had their private lives and their own story, but Larchpaw was so focused on her own she forgot others had theirs too.
'What happens in battle though? Would you fight and hurt each other?' she asked curiously, or was she testing Kestrelswipe's own loyatly? She also gave Kestrelswipe a look, asking what she should do. Should she go and continue hunting? Return to camp, or stay here? The best option in her opinion was to stay here and to see where this unfortunate meeting went, but she would listen to her deputy and do what he asked.
I play...
From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder
From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior
From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder
From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat
Kestrelswipe wasn't entirely sure how he should present to the apprentice. He knew he should be setting an example, and he tried to in the half-thought up pieces of advice he was spitting out, but she raised a good point. "Ideally, that won't happen," he replied, a bit uneasily. "But it takes a lot of bad blood to push two clans to fight. So long as we don't step on each other's tails, everyone should be fine."
He glanced at Beewhisker. He'd had the fear of battle in the very back of his mind a few times now, but things had been relatively peaceful for moons. The clans were even working together to spread the news of poisoned prey. He couldn't foresee any major conflicts any time soon. But perhaps the apprentice was right in some way. He couldn't imagine inflicting wounds on someone as friendly as Beewhisker. Though, they'd probably be able to bowl him over before he could do anything.
"Battles only happen when the clans stop talking to each other, Larchpaw," he continued, speaking with more moons than he had, and probably more than he'd actually earned. "Keeping up friendships helps prevent that."

.。.:* ☆:**:. .。.:* ☆:**:.
Beewhisker gave a nod to Kestrelswipe's words he was absolutely right in that regard, if it could be, any serious battle should be avoided at all costs, which is why they wouldn't be caught dead with a paw on ThunderClan territory, never on purpose. "Exactly right, if a battle can be avoided, it should be avoided. Battle can bring death and death is never good for any clan now is it?" They meowed to the younger cat, giving them a nod. Their mother had taught them to be fierce and firm in battle, but they never wished for any battle to come, and hoped that none would come any time soon.
Being allies and especially friends with cats from other clans would do a whole lot of good in regards to keeping one another safe, healthy communication playing a heavy part in that exact thing. "I think you'll be a great warrior if you keep at it and listen to your deputy here, any clan needs more warriors like him" They spoke, more to Larchpaw but with a genuine softened gaze to Kestrelswipe, if it were up to them, all their friends would have countless luck in whatever they decided to do, but Beewhisker was not StarClan, and not even StarClan could be that magical. Could they?
Beewhisker's pale blue gaze moved back to Kestrelswipe, their eyes caring and alight with joy and friendliness. "I mean it, I aspire to be a cat like you, not deputy exactly, but to have as much knowledge and nobility as you, I'd fight StarClan for that" They mrowed, fighting the only clan that unites all would be blasphemy to the highest degree, if Beewhisker had brought up the topic of StarClan, they meant what they said, and they hoped that it would come off that way with their tone and certain gaze.
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen (They/Them)
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder (She/Her)
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior (She/Her)
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior (He/Him)
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit (She/Her)
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior (She/Her)
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit (He/Him)
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior (He/Him)
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder (She/Her)
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit (She/Her)
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral (She/Her)
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic (She/Her)
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral (He/Him)

Blissful at best, clueless at worst
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
She understood, she really did, but she couldn't help but push it. 'But would you hurt them in a battle' she said blankly, pointing her tail over towards Beewhisker. A simple questions, but a question that neither cat seemed to want to answer. 'And yes, I know how unlikely battle is, but it can still happen. I know friendship is a good thing. I love talking to those from the other clan, but it doesn't always end well. I've heard stories. I just want to make sure you understand that'
Larchpaw was surprised at herself for acting so boldly towards her deputy, as normally she was just a cruisy, energetic apprentice who did what she was told, but this was her way of showing she cared about Kestrelswipe. She just wanted to make sure that he would end up making the right choices so he would stay safe.
To Larchpaw, Beewhisker seemed... very fond of Kestrelswipe. They had a lot of enthusiasm, which made sense for a warrior to look up to a deputy like that but to a cat of a different clan it seemed like a lot. Aspenberry, Coldgaze and Dawnflurry were all very respectable cats, but not once had she aspired to be exactly like any of them. Not even the leaders of the other clans.
Her forehead creased a little, but not in disappointment of either cat, she was just trying to understand, which she couldn't as she had never made a friend outside of her own clan before, so she had no idea what it felt like.
I play...
From WindClan
Aspenberry (F) an affectionate deputy
Rooknose (M) an awkward elder
From ShadowClan
Dazzlepaw (M) an energetic apprentice
Flutterdream (F) a friendly medicine cat
Muddykit (F) a troublesome kit
Pebbleshine (F) an insecure elder
Specklenose (NB) a graceless warrior
From ThunderClan
Cherrytree (F) a loving elder
Coyotepaw (F) an anxious apprentice
Larchsong (F) a chatty warrior
From RiverClan
Bloomfire (F) a snarky warrior
Ebonyflare (M) a candid elder
From beyond the clans
Aurelius (M) a self-concerned feral
Potato (M) a laid-back semi-feral
Sarafina (F) a skittish housecat
Kestrelswipe shook out his fur again at Beewhisker's last comment. A few welts under his fur were starting to form, and stinging sensations were spreading across patches of his skin. "You're too kind," he replied.
Larchpaw's repeated question made him frown. Of course he didn't want to hurt Beewhisker, but he didn't want to hurt anybody. It was a non-starter question with nuanced complexities, not something he could have a satisfying answer for in one afternoon. While the itchiness in his pelt was growing stronger. "We can talk about it later," he told Larchpaw, rather pointedly.
Turning back to Beewhisker, he nodded. "I suppose I should get Larchpaw back to her actual mentor. And...I should probably go see our medicine cat. Not looking forward to explaining everything, though." He tried licking at a sting site on his foreleg, then winced as it throbbed under his tongue. A cooling poultice or something might help.