All cat attendees
Usual Gathering, discussing the murders

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night
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The night air was crisp, still heavy with a damp chill. Palestar led the procession of ShadowClan cats through the underpass, the scent of wet stone and earth filling her nose as the echoes of their pawsteps bounced off the tunnel walls. The cold clung to her pelt, but she barely noticed it. Her thoughts were fixed ahead - on Fourtrees... on the leaders who would be waiting and on the truth she had no choice but to bring to light.
Whisperingwind’s murder could not be ignored.
She kept her expression composed as she glanced back at her warriors. ShadowClan had been shaken and tonight she would ensure that the other Clans were aware of the incident and protect their own borders. As the trees loomed closer, their bare branches stark against the full moon’s glow, Palestar took a steadying breath. The Gathering had begun. And before the night was through, all of the forest would know that blood had been spilled.
[OOC: From ShadowClan: Dawnflurry, Flutterdream, Clovershine, Hollyclaw, and Duskpaw]
Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder
Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit
Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit
Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice
Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot
Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery
Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral

The best are often found in midst of thunderous chaos.
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The lingering cold was.. concerning, to the younger leader. He disliked the idea of Leafbare fighting to hold its grasp on the forest. Leafbare was hard enough- they had been lucky to not suffer casualties to sickness this year..
Just that thought, "casualties" made him want to pause and dig his claws into the soil.
Nonetheless, he made his way to fourtrees with his clanmates in tow. There were many of them today, and for good reason. Despite the lasting peace between clans, a rogue had dared to create chaos of their own.. killing one of his Senior Warriors, Cottonlily, in the process. If such a cat could manage to kill her, one of the most skilled cats in the clan.. then there was no doubt every cat was at danger of this clanless fiend.
Thus, as he walked into the moon-bathed clearing- which he crossed without thought- he offered Palestar a thoughtful nod, while considering her. Every warrior knew well not to betray secrets to the other clans- whether through word or expression. However, it wasn't hard for a strong emotion, such as grief or anger, to still seep its way through even the most stone-hard cat. He was curious if this rogue had only troubled ThunderClan and RiverClan's border, or if it was more far-reaching than that..
Perhaps those rogues had returned.. If so, this problem would be highly unlikely to be more than simply a problem for ThunderClan- bigger than simply keeping patrols large and full of skilled fighters..
Just the thought made Moosestar's blood cool..
[OOC: Attendees from ThunderClan: Wrentalon, Mistyleaf, Leopardrose, Stormfall, and Spidertongue.]

Tiptoe through the murk and mire
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Duskpaw moved with the rest of ShadowClan, his ears pricked, blue eyes sharp as they passed through the underpass.
Whisperingwind was dead. Murdered.
The word stuck in his head like a thorn, a cold, gnawing thing. As Fourtrees came into view, bathed in the eerie glow of the full moon, Duskpaw's claws flexed against the ground. His gaze flickered to Palestar. She was steady, unreadable, but he knew the truth she carried would shake the Gathering to its roots. He could already imagine the looks on the other Clans’ faces - shock, suspicion, maybe even fear.
Good. Let them be afraid.
His tail lashed once before he forced it still. ShadowClan wouldn't cower. He wouldn’t cower. Keeping his head high, he followed his leader into the clearing, the weight of the coming storm settling deep in his bones.
Cottonbright, ♀ Anxious Warrior
Nettleplume, ♂ Cynical Medicine Cat
Merrypaw, ♀ Steadfast Apprentice
Otterwhisker, ♀ Adventurous Elder
Brindlespice, ♀ Selfish Warrior
Bravesong, ♂ Gracious Elder
Leopardrose, ♀ Striving Warrior
Wildcry, ♀ Fierce Elder
Rimekit, ♀ Rowdy kit
Cloudflare, ♂ Suave Warrior
Barleyswipe, ⚧ Ornery Elder
Heatherkit, ♀ Sweet Kit
Palestar, ♀ Stern Leader
Honeyglow, ♂ Reserved Elder
Emberdust, ♀ Artless Warrior
Duskpaw, ♂ Opportunistic Apprentice
Ahryndae, ♀ Princess of Camelot
Lelouch Von Noon, ♂ Marquess of Noon Cattery
Kosmo, ♂ Visionary Feral
Montgomery (Monty), ♂ Sentimental Semi-Feral