Thornstrike and Mistypaw
South Field area
Thornstrike refused to let the cold slow their steps. They padded against the wind as a brief breeze blew through the area, but some of it was blocked by foliage once Thornstrike reached a sandy area not unlike the one Coldgaze had a group of warriors and apprentices training in earlier that moon.
"We're starting with sparring," the calico told Mistypaw once they found an acceptable spot. "Do you feel like you're struggling with anything in particular?"
Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue
Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot
Mistypaw followed in her mentor's wake, ears flattened against the breeze as the made their way through the South Field to a sandy spot where the next phase of her training would start. She hated the cold, but she had learned as a kit that complaining about it didn't change a thing.
Hearing her mentor's question, Mistypaw thought a moment before replying. "From the bit of sparring I've done with the other apprentices, the only thing I still feel like I'm still lacking in is strength. I can remember the things you've taught me well enough and I enjoy the lessons you've been teaching me- it's just doing some of them is what I've been having difficulty with."
The young lilac tabby she-cat hated to admit said weakness, but since her mentor asked and was supposed to help support her and aide her, she felt it right to be truthful. Her ears remained flat as she remembered that she hadn't been born in the clan. In fact, she was often reminded of it. Was she really the weak because of it? Was she really at that big of a disadvantage due to it?
Hollyclaw, Warrior of ShadowClan
Dawnflurry, Deputy of ShadowClan
Mistyleaf, Warrior of ThunderClan
Thornstrike, Warrior of RiverClan
Shadesleek, Warrior of WindClan
Morgan, Royal Scion of Camelot
Duke, Rogue
Hawkfeather, Elder of ShadowClan
Nettlesky, Warrior of RiverClan
Ceridwen, Princess of Camelot