Kestrelswipe and Beewhisker
After being ditched by his patrol, Kestrelswipe wanders until he finds himself near Windclan territory, where he meets up with Beewhisker again.
The afternoon was turning out to be something of a dreary one, despite the warm and sunny weather. Sunstrike, one of the only members of Kestrelswipe's extended kin that he actually got along with, had completely ditched him to go cavort with a tom, and one of the more annoying ones in Thunderclan. He just didn't understand what she saw in that Wrentalon--the brown tabby tended to cause more problems than he was worth.
Still, Kestrelswipe decided to put the afternoon to good use. He was out, and by Starclan, he was going to bring back some prey to show for it. In his heavy thoughts, he hadn't realized just how far out his paws had carried him. Soon enough, he found himself nearing Fourtrees. A vast field of grass expanded beyond his vision, cut through only by the twoleg rockpath that led to the four clans' gathering area. Perhaps he'd be able to find some rabbits here.
The gathering had been long over, the events weren't as life changing as the one before, at least what they've heard. But they had decided to have a break from their thoughts and go on a solo hunting trip by Fourtrees. The scent of all the clans was still inside of the clearing, it was very stale but present. Beewhisker lifted their nose, opening their jaw to activate their scent glands in search of the nearest piece of prey.
Soon enough, the scent of a thrush drifted into their nose the large tortoiseshell turned to see a thrush pecking at the earth, more than likely nipping out ungrown seeds beneath the earth. Beewhisker fell into a couch and kept their paws as light as they could, though it was easier said then done due to their large size and big paws. Eventually though, they got close enough to pounce, with a mighty leap, their claws unsheathed, they bit into the suddenly startled thrush mid-flight, biting down until they heard a crunch and the body fell limp in their jaws.
Beewhisker contemplated eating the bird right there, but they decided against it, digging a small hole in the ground before placing the limp form of meat and feathers into the hole, burying it to conceal the scent before moving on.
Though before Beewhisker could scent so much as a mouse, another scent drifted into their nostrils, their switched their ears and turned towards the direction of the scent. A brown broken tabby stood there to meet their pale blue gaze. Their ears perked up in recognition and their smiled wide, their fangs peeking out through their lips "Kestrelswipe!" They called out to get the tom-cat's attention before diving into the clearing to meet him easier "How have you been? Well I hope" They mewed
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral
Kestrelswipe blinked in surprise as the tortoiseshell Windclan cat called out to him. He hadn't expected to find any other cats this far out from their clan camps right now. At least they were a welcome sight, though. "Oh, Beewhisker!" he meowed, flicking his tail as they approached. "I've been well. You too, I hope?"
He sat down in the grass, wrapping his thin tail across his paws. "I didn't know you'd be out here too. Here I was thinking I was all by myself today, after all. I hope I didn't interrupt you?"
Beewhisker was pleased to see that their friendly tone had been returned, and that the ThunderClan deputy had been just as pleased to see them and well off in his own clan, at least of what they knew. "I've been quite well yes" They cooed, happy that the interaction had not started with suspicion and scorn, despite how close the two were to one another's borders.
The tom's word came as somewhat of a surprise, surely a warrior would go anywhere there is prey, especially prey that the clan always needs. Despite their subtle surprise at Kestrelswipe's words, they replied to them with unwavering honesty "I thought it would be peaceful to get out of camp and hunt for a bit" They meowed, their polite voice a friendly symbol in the wide clearing where gatherings took place.
"Are you with any of your clanmates? I don't normally see ThunderClan warriors patrolling alone" Beewhisker added, taking a seat in a similar way to the cat from another clan, but laying their tail lazily behind them to show their relaxed form an their paws, sheathed claws meaning no harm to any clan unless any war broke out, though it wasn't likely at the moment as far as the dappled feline was aware of, all was well for them in WindClan at least "How's ThunderClan after the gathering? If you don't mind me asking" the tall dappled warrior added once more
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral
Kestrelswipe nodded, admiring the peace of the area. He wasn't used to seeing such wide, open areas, and with Windclan territory right there...he imagined it must feel freeing to run across the moor with the wind in his fur. He supposed he could see the appeal.
His fur pricked at Beewhisker's question. "I was," he replied. "Our patrol split up." It was exactly a lie. Even with the friendliness growing between them, he wasn't so sure about airing what might pass as rudeness to members of other clans. Especially since he was deputy now. "The others are back in the forest, and I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. Silly, huh?" he added with a slightly embarrassed ear flick.
"Thunderclan is doing well so far. We're ready for the next moon," he replied to their question. "And Windclan?"
Beewhisker's ears twitched as they listened to Kestrelswipe. "Splitting up huh? That happens sometimes. I'm glad you found your way here though. It's nice to catch up without the usual clan tensions hanging over us" Beewhisker replied, despite not knowing this tom for very long, they felt a unique and hopefully long lasting friendship between them, but all in all they were just rather happy to be talking to someone new.
The large tortoiseshell warrior let out a soft chuckle as the ThunderClan cat labeled himself as silly so quickly, though they weren't laughing at him, more-a-less laughing to add a sense of comfortability to the conversation. "It's not silly. Being deputy must be a demanding job. I'd never be able to adjust to something so important" They said, their tone still as light hearted as ever, they couldn't even imagine how Kestrelswipe felt being in such a position of power, to have your words and actions actually have meaning to the clan you're caring for.
"ThunderClan seems strong as ever" Beewhisker added, listening to the chocolate tabby's words of his clan. despite them not be many. They thought of speaking of their own clan then the thought was further established when Kestrelswipe prompted Beewhisker to speak about the clan's wellbeing, as if he was hearing their thoughts. Despite their eagerness to speak of their clan, Beewhisker assumed it would be rather redundant to speak about their kin's future kits once again when Kestrelswipe had already heard about it at the gathering, so they chose to be more broad on WindClan's wellbeing. "WindClan is holding our own too. They prey is tunning well and I would hope our warriors are in high spirits"
While their words had also been short, they had hoped it was enough to explain that WindClan was nothing to worry about, but the thought dashed through their calm mind. The hadn't once asked how Kestrelswipe was doing. Their heart became heavier at the idea that they have been talking to this tom-cat for a few moments already and hadn't asked how he was doing, so they tasked themselves with the simple task of checking up on him immediately.
"How is everything going with you? As deputy I mean. It must be a big challenge"
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral
Kestrelswipe nodded as Beewhisker went on. The fluffy tortoiseshell was so friendly, so pleasant to talk to, he hardly cared at all they were from another clan. Thunderclan could absolutely do with more cats like them in it, he thought.
"I'm doing well," he replied to their question. "Being deputy is...I'm learning how to do it." Having cats listen to orders he'd give was strange and new. It was so odd to find that line between demanding and suggesting that would be best for morale. At the gathering, he was reminded of how young he really was for such a position, hearing the maturity with which the other leaders and deputies spoke. "It's a little difficult, but all new things are, I think. I always have Moosestar I can get advice from, I suppose. He's the only other one in the clan who's been a deputy before."
He shook his head, tired of talking about himself. "What about you? And how is Brightmaple with her kits?"
Beewhisker listened intently to the tom's words, smiling with a gentle whimsy as they heard Kestrelswipe's experiences. But they felt obligated to put in their opinion on the matter, though, it was an opinion that is not intended to cause any harm or uncomfortable emotions. "We're all learning as we go along with our lives, you'll be a great deputy and even leader one day I'm sure" They mewed with a sense of kindness that was oh so familiar with them.
"I don't think anyone can prepare for that sort of responsibility, not when your first starting out anyway" They add, moving to sit beside the tabby tom, and curling their long furred tail overtop of their paws. "It's a big job that I don't know anything about, but my mother told me I was destined to do something great, not sure what that says about her or me, but those words always seemed to stick with me"
Beewhisker glanced over at Kestrelswipe, who they hoped was listening to their words with the amount of intent as they had listened to his. But at the moment Brightmaple and her kits had been mentioned, Beewhisker jolted up and looked as if they would burst with pride, as if Kestrelswipe had mentioned their own kits that they didn't even have yet "Brightmaple is well, the kits will be here any day now I'm sure, I hope I'm one of the first to see them" Beewhisker couldn't silence a loud purr that rose in their throat, the pride shining in their pale blue eyes. "Well after Barleyswipe and Fawnbriar of course, But I won't complain if other cats see them before me" They added, the pride still teeming in their voice and their chest swelling with love and adoration for kits that weren't even here yet. But Beewhisker loved them already.
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral
"I'm sure you're a great warrior for your clan. That's important." In his mind, there was no greater honor than simply dedicating oneself to the clan. Anyone could do that--usually everyone did end up doing that in some form or another. Bravesong was living proof, sacrificing an eye for his apprentice's life and now raising a stray adoptee. If Kestrelswipe could be half the cat Bravesong was, he'd be satisfied.
Kestrelswipe grinned at Beewhisker's excitement for their kin. He, Savagefox, and Sunstrike were the two youngest in their lineage, and they were all pretty close in age. He had no idea what it was like to welcome brand new members. "Glad to hear it. It must be exciting. Thunderclan hasn't expected kits in a while," he remarked, somewhat wistfully. "I've kind of forgotten what that feels like." No one in the clan seemed very interested in rearing a litter. He supposed Sunstrike and Wrentalon weren't far from having some kits, if anyone would be, but that still could be a long way off. (Little does he know.)
Suddenly, the thought of Wrentalon reminded him of something else. "Oh! Windclan hasn't seen any odd rogues around lately, have they? I know Fawnstar said nothing about it at the gathering, but since then?"
Beewhisker's eyes soon became a little more thoughtful, even with the expectation of Brightmaple's kittens, WindClan still wouldn't have many... well, unless her brood is large that is. The large feline shook their head, shaking the thought away, the clans' kits were nothing to be concerned about right now. Who knows? maybe any she-cat in the clan could announce they're expecting any day now, though Beewhisker had assumed that to be unlikely.
"For me, there's nothing more excited to a clan than new life, they aren't bothered by any code, or any sort of pressure to be great. For the first moon or so, they are so blissfully oblivious, I find it to be the cutest thing" Beewhisker stated honestly, glancing over to ThunderClan's deputy, they soon wondered if Kestrelswipe would one day expect any litter of his own, if he did, they were sure he would be a great father to whoever he chose to mate with. "I'm sure ThunderClan will be expecting kits soon, you've got Coyotekit don't you?"
The topic of kits was soon changed to one of less sweetness, rogues... a common enough threat that should have been mentioned at the gathering if they had been seen. "I haven't seen any personally, but I'm sure if any warrior did, it would have been reported to Fawnbriar, I'll be sure to let you know if we spot each other again if you like" They replied, giving the tom a friendly smile the tip of their tail twitching ever so slightly to prove they were listening when they weren't speaking.
Beewhisker's chest and whole body seemed to relax as the two chatted on, despite Kestrelswipe being a ThunderClanner, it didn't particularly bother the WindClan warrior, a good cat is a good cat no matter what clan they're from, they thought to themself, a question soon flashed itself in their mind "Say, apologies if this is a probing question and all, but have you every wondered if you'd have kits one day?" they asked, only with curiosity that any youthful cat would show.
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral
Kestrelswipe nodded as Beewhisker answered his question. It was good to think that perhaps the intrusion on Thunderclan territory had only been a one-off event, after all. Wrentalon did tend to be paranoid about these things. He supposed he should try to keep a cooler head.
He frowned, figuring he should probably make his way back to the brown tabby and Sunstrike for their hunting patrol. Assuming the two hadn't ditched him entirely. However, Beewhisker's next question made him blink in surprise. "Er...I suppose I have. I think most cats do at some point, right? I doubt I'll be one to sire the next Thunderclan litter, though."
(if we're ending it)
Kestrelswipe stood with a flick of his tail, feeling a bit awkward, though he did his best to mask it with a pleasant expression. "Well, I've probably been gone long enough from my patrol. I'd better find my way back to them," he mewed. "It was lovely chatting with you, I hope we can chat again sometime." And with another tail-flick, he started off back towards the forest.

✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
Beewhisker gave a sincere nod to the tom understanding the urgency to return back to your clan, especially since he was the deputy of a clan that he had to her back to urgently. They didn’t want to keep him up much longer.
"Of course, I don’t want to keep you from your clan" They replied they let out a gentle purr at the idea of seeing a new friend once more. They did hope that day was soon, perhaps after Brightmaple’s kits had been born. Then Beewhisker would have so much more to talk about! "It has been a lovely time taking with you" Beewhisker nodded in agreement, pressing their nose against Kestrelswipe’s shoulder before stepping back towards the WindClan side of Fourtrees
As the large tortie climbed up the wall of Fourtees, they unsheathed their claws to keep themselves from falling. Once reaching they top of the ledge, they turned to see Kestrelswipe "Let’s try and return with more news next time!" They called out, their voice an echo within the hollow of Fourtrees.
After their rather sweet goodbye, they sniffed at the ground, in search of the bird they had previously caught before their small chat. Skuffling at the ground with their snout until the scent hit their nose. They soon retrieved the bird from the hiding place and lifted it, turning to Kestrelswipe again, flicking their tail in goodbye before leaping away into the moor
Bee’s Characters
Beewhisker - ⚧ A Bubbly Queen
Sunbear - ♀ A Stoic Elder
Basilflame - ♀ A Gentle Warrior
Greypebbles - ♂ A Quiet Warrior
Robinkit - ♀ A Thoughtful Kit
Clovershine - ♀ An Optimistic Senior Warrior
Wolfkit - ♂ A Reserved Kit
Goosesong - ♂ A Disciplined Senior Warrior
Lilyriver - ♀ A Fierce Elder
Skykit - ♀ A Gracious Kit
Duchess - ♀ A Charming Semi-Feral
Laetitia Von Noon - ♀ A Poised Domestic
Fox - ♂ A Charismatic Feral