
A Player Character played by freerangerage

Image © Picrew
A Male cat.
By Dawnflurry out of Hawkfeather.
Born in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2019).
Living at the age of 16 moons (1.2 years)
Short Description :

A stocky black van tom with yellow eyes

Long Description :

Sootbounce is a broadly built white tomcat with black markings on his ears and tail. His eyes are golden-yellow and always flitting about, looking for something to chase or pounce on. His markings are completely black, with no additional patterns. He has short fur, which makes grooming easy; a bonus when he spends so much time leaping headfirst into burrs and puddles.

To make up for his broad shoulders his limbs are exceptionally long and lanky which have proven useful for wading through the murk and muck of Shadowclan. This is his preferred method of hunting as he has a pelt that doesn’t blend in with his surroundings-  as well as being something he took to during his apprenticeship after becoming fascinated with the idea of swimming.

  • While not an exceptionally strong swimmer – certainly not as strong as Riverclan – Sootbounce would be able to take short paddles across the swamp and even pull a clanmate free of the murk.

Sootbounce is a playful and mischievous tomcat who is very opinionated despite his lack of life experience. He is happy to speak his mind for all to hear and he loves to argue his point with anyone who will entertain the notion. He thinks very positively of the other clans, and sees no problem in being friendly with their members – most notably his relationships with Larch_ and Brindle_.

Sootbounce loves to explore, and is most at ease during personal training sessions. While he is still light-heated and rather childish, the aspirations of greatness that he once held for himself have been tempered with his mentor’s teaching, alongside the mentorship of Petalstorm. Heronsong and Dawnflurry. He enjoys the free time he has between patrols – now no longer confined to the elder’s den and dirt-place duty – and roams freely on the territory, going places that he has been warned against as an apprentice.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2019) 128
  • Made an Apprentice as Sootpaw in ShadowClan during the Moon of First Fishing (2020) 134
  • Named a Warrior as Sootbounce in ShadowClan during the Moon of First White (2020) 140
Full History :

Kit: 0-6 Moons

Sootkit was born alongside their sibling Ashkit to the expectant parents Hawkfeather and Dawnflurry. With a steady, strong paw from each parent, the kits were well taken care of.

Once he and his littermate were old enough to explore the camp, they took to accosting warriors about their lives; Sootkit was especially interested in trying to get his clanmates to mentor him despite his status as ‘puffball with legs’. Not to be deterred, he was determined to get a head start on his training so that he could “earn his name early,” according to himself. Sootkit was especially excited to hear that his sire was the Deputy! Surely that meant he was destined to be great.

In the Moon of Promised Prey (2019), it was looking to Sootkit like he was about to get his wish. Hollyclaw, his half-sister had agreed (with a lot of harrassing) to show the kits a thing or two about fighting. They were just simple attacks and blocks with the warning of no claws, but…when it came to Sootkit’s turn to defend, he instinctively lashed out at his brother with a clawed paw. Horrified at his actions, Sootkit ran off to his dame with tears in his eyes.

He was a terrible brother and son for hurting Ashkit and he confessed as such to Hawkfeather. After a stern talking-to, Hawkfeather consoled Sootkit, who, upon the realization that Ashkit was going to be okay, bounced back.

Apprentice: 6 – 12 moons

Sootpaw was apprenticed to Palestar, and was ecstatic for the chance to learn from the Leader herself. Maybe she will have some secret techniques for becoming a warrior even faster!

Palestar turned out to be a patient, knowledgeable cat who put up with Sootpaw’s enthusiastic, kit-like personality with the grace befitting her rank. While his hunting skills left much to be desired, Sootpaw’s personal training (which happened a bit due to Palestar’s responsibilities) left him with good instincts if not the practical knowledge to back them up.

  • While learning to hunt ducks, Sootpaw learned how hard swimming is – and resolved to learn to swim so that he would be able to hunt aquatic creatures such as muskrats and ducks with ease.

Sootpaw attended the gathering on Moon of Lions Glory (2020) and was one of the first to approach the abandoned kit. Despite being distressed about the idea of seperating the litter, he hopes he can be a good influence on Murkkit.

He had an encounter with an apprentice from Thunderclan, a she-cat named Brindlepaw. Despite finding her abrasive and arrogant (like most Thunderclan cats) Sootpaw offered to escort her off Shadowclan territory, and even had a friendly competition with her on the way. The next moon he was fortunate enough to encounter Larchpaw, Brindlepaw’s littermate. He had been tresspassing on the territory out of curiosity and she saved him from being bitten by an adder at Snakerocks. Once everything calmed down Sootpaw and Larchpaw found they had a lot on common – and compared their experiences and opinions of their clanmates, mentors, siblings and leaders.

  • Both concluded they would be terrible leaders, but it was fun to speculate about! Sootstar and Larchstar; allies in… war? Peace? Sootpaw wasn’t sure but he did know 9 lives was a lot of chances to help out his clanmates.

Warrior: 12 Moons – Current

Sootpaw was honoured during his 12th moon with the warrior name Sootbounce. He was commended for his ‘zest for life’, and his mentor personally named him and his brother.

“You have shown a zest for life, a boundless energy that reminds us all of the importance of drive and passion within our ranks. While your enthusiasm has often led you down the more daring paths, it is this fire within you that has carried you through your training.”
– Palestar at Sootpaw’s warrior Ceremony

Sootbounce had a lot of mixed feelings about becoming a warrior due to his appearance when he took his oath (he had been hunting and was half coated in mud) but also because he would have to give up most of the things he enjoyed about being an apprentice. Namely exploring and investigating the other clans.

He ended up rationalizing that exploring unclaimed territory was just as good, and was excited to see what he can do will his spare time between his duties.

Sire :
Dawnflurry (A longhaired red broken tabby mask and mantle bicolor tom with orange eyes)
Dam :
Hawkfeather (A stocky chocolate classic tabby bicolor with gold eyes)
Full Siblings :
Ashcloud (A brown tabby van cat with a ringed tail and amber eyes)
Paternal Siblings :
Sunpool (A red ticked tabby she-cat with a fluffy tail & orange eyes)
Maternal Siblings :
Hickorystorm (A chocolate classic tabby bicolor tom with white hind legs, missing eyes and scarred face.)
Hollyclaw (A chocolate classic tabby she-cat with a spotted belly and green eyes.)
Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Sootbounce Dawnflurry Redspine (A longhaired red tabby with copper eyes)
Moorspeck (A red and brown classic tortie bicolor she-cat with hazel eyes)
Hawkfeather Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Mentor(s) :
Palestar (An odd eyed, long-furred seal lynx point tabby she-cat)
Others :

Petalstorm: The elder taught Sootbounce much of the stories and lore that he knows about the clan, and Sootbounce loved her like a grandparent. He told one of her favourite stories at her vigil – and misses her terribly.

Brindle__: An she-cat from Thunderclan that Sootbounce sees as a rival. He doesn’t much care if this view is reciprocated as he found her interesting, especially in contrast to her sister. He caught her trespassing on Shadowclan territory after chasing a squirrel across the border and helped escort her back, through a race which ended in a tie.

Larch__: A she-cat from Thunderclan that Sootbounce sees as a friend. She saved him from an adder when he trespassed on their territory, and thinks highly of her. The two of them share a fascination with asking question about their lives, territory and the nature of their world – which he doesn’t share with any other cat.

Additional Details
Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Public :

Sootpaw‘s pelt type is shorthaired. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, Lyly) They are a black tom with high white. (XoY, Bb, DD, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, WsWs) They have no non-pelt body mods. (acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)


Previously played by :
Bans Data :
Sootbounce has been compiled into the bans records.
Sootbounce is a Male Cat with a Black Non-color restricted Bicolor pelt of Short Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Semi-cobby build. Their eyes are Yellow and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent.
Last Updated :
2024-09-19 06:02

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