

This character sheet was last updated on 2024-09-18 08:17

A Player Character played by XxBeewhiskerxX

Image © Creds: hazy.o.ultimately on TikTok
Elder of RiverClan
A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Pending Sire out of Pending Dam.
Living at the age of 57 Moons (4.4 Years)
Short Description:

Long Description:

Lilyriver has ghostly white pelt flowing like the ripples of water. Her long, wavy fur has thinned with age, especially around her delicate nose, ears, and paws, exposing the pale pink skin beneath and giving her fur an almost translucent appearance. Her eyes are a rare shade of extremely pale, glimmering like the sky against clouds in contrast to her pale form, framed by soft white lashes, though it does not come at a price, as one was clawed in a border skirmish. She has a lithe frailty that emulates a light framed stature in her youth.

Lilyriver is an example of unapologetic confidence, strutting through life with a fierce determination that wishes to command attention. With a sharp tongue and an ever sharper wit, she is not afraid to speak her mind and stand up for what she believes in. Beneath her exterior lies a vulnerability that she guards fiercely, only revealing to those who earn her trust, which is not often. She thrives on challenges, viewing obstacles as opportunities to prove her strength and resilience. Despite her boldness she possesses a deep sense of empathy for those who are weaker than her, always ready to help a queen, fellow elder or kit in need. She is a force to be reckoned with and she despises many cats who walk through life without struggle and claim they deserve more than they’re given. Unapologetically herself in a world that she sees as trying to box her in.
Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of Long Sun (2016) 084
Full History:

Lilykit was born to a well-respected warrior couple, Cloudfall and Snowstorm, in the heart of RiverClan. From a young age, she was a curious and daring kit, always eager to explore beyond the nursery and test the boundaries of her abilities. While her siblings were content with playfighting or listening to stories, Lilykit was often found scaling the little rocks by the at the camp’s edge or challenging older kits to races. Her sharp tongue developed early, as she quickly learned that to be heard among her more passive siblings, she had to speak boldly. Yet, even as a kit, she noticed the different ways her clanmates treated one another, especially those who seemed to have life handed to them, and she silently vowed to earn everything she achieved without shortcuts.

As an apprentice, Lilypaw was determined to prove she wasn’t just another RiverClan cat who would simply excel at swimming and fishing. Her mentor, ____, often marveled at her relentless drive and quick thinking during training sessions. While she picked up on the traditional RiverClan skills with ease, Lilypaw often challenged the methods her mentor used, asking why things were done a certain way and whether they could be done better. Her assertive nature sometimes led to clashes with her and Mallowfrost, but Mallowfrost admittedly admired her boldness. This sharpened her sense of independence, and she became somewhat of a lone figure during her apprenticeship, identified for her skill but respected from a distance due to her fiery personality.

During a particularly harsh leaf-bare, Lilypaw’s true resilience was tested. The river had frozen over, leaving the clan struggling to find food. RiverClan was getting low on prey as all the clans were, but Lilypaw refused to let the situation defeat her. She pushed herself to help patrol the land and hunt on the scarce frozen ground, managing to bring catch and return prey to the clan, not enough to completely sustain it, however, her efforts were appreciated by Mallowfrost. This challenge only strengthened her belief that hardship bred strength, and she grew disdainful of those who complained about their circumstances without making an effort to improve them.

Upon receiving her warrior name, Lilyriver, carried herself with the confidence of a cat who knew her worth and attempted made sure everyone else did too. Her sharp tongue earned her both admiration and irritation among her kin and former mentor, but few could deny that she was one of the most skilled warriors in RiverClan. She led and attended many successful patrols and defended her territory with unwavering dedication. Yet, despite her bravado, Lilyriver was not without compassion. She had a soft spot for the vulnerable, often volunteering to guard the nursery or help queens who were struggling with their kits. She understood that strength wasn’t just physical; it was also emotional, and while she despised cats who wasted their potential, she had endless patience for those truly in need.

Her true vulnerability was revealed only to a select few. After her father Ashstorm died in a border skirmish, Lilyriver became distant, throwing herself into her warrior duties with even more intensity. But when alone, she grieved quietly, feeling the pressure of living up to his legacy. It was during this time that she met a young warrior named Gladetail, who was the first cat to truly see past her hardened exterior. Their bond grew, and for a while, Lilyriver allowed herself to soften around him. However, tragedy struck when Gladetail was swept away during a river flood with his apprentice, Reedpaw, his body never recovered. The loss hardened her further, and from that point on, Lilyriver decided to guard her heart fiercely, refusing to let herself be vulnerable again.

As she aged, her sharp wit and unyielding personality remained intact, but the fire that once fueled her battles slowly transitioned into a quieter, wiser confidence. She began mentoring a young young apprentice, teaching them not just the physical skills of a warrior but the mental and emotional fortitude needed to survive in the harsh world of the clans. While she wasn’t the most affectionate mentor, her apprentice knew they had learned from one of the best.

When she had been half blinded in battle, Lilyriver reluctantly retired to the elders’ den, feeling like she wouldn’t be able to do her duties as efficiently as before. For a cat who had spent her entire life proving her worth through action, retirement was a bitter pill to swallow. She still carried herself with the same fierce determination, though now her battles were verbal, exchanging sharp words and witty retorts with her fellow elders. Despite her initial resistance, Lilyriver found a new purpose in offering guidance to the younger generations, her insight and wisdom gained through years of hardship making her a respected figure. She was often seen helping queens with their kits, teaching them about the importance of resilience and never relying on anyone but themselves. Even in her later moons, Lilyriver refused to let the world box her in, remaining unapologetically herself until her last breath.

  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire: Pending Sire (Sire will be created after approval)
Dam: Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Lilyriver Pending Sire Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Pending Dam Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Significant Cats
Notes & Additional Details
Parent Pool: This character is a part of the Parent Pool.
Genetics: This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data: Lilyriver has not been compiled into the bans records.

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