Who: Rowanglade and Badgerstar
What: Brining news from the Medicine Cat's Meeting
Where: WindClan Camp
When: 7-8th day of the moon of First Green (2020)
Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
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Rowanglade made her way into camp on quiet paws, the punishing wind ruffling her fur uncomfortably. Her gate was quick, communicating the stress she was feeling to anyone who saw her go by. Her paws carried her directly to the leader's den, where she hoped that she would find Badgerstar.
"Badgerstar." She called quietly, not wanting to wake the whole camp over something they didn't need to know of yet. "Wake up, I have news for you." She was tired, but until she had spoken with the leader about the what she had seen she wasn't going to be able to sleep.

Weep little lion man,
You're not as brave as you were at the start...
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧
Badgerstar had faith in his ancestors. They had generations of experience and wisdom to share with the living so that, little by little, the Clan's storied legacy could grow. He only wished that they communicated a little more directly than the direction the wind blew or the coloration of an odd leaf. For the moment, he was pondering this in an attempt to return to sleep after waking from a particularly troublesome nightmare.
When he heard Rowanglade's voice, he rolled over to glance at her blearily before he realized what this was. Right... the half-moon medicine cat meaning. If she had news, then it had to be something important. After all, medicine cats were the best conduits the Clans had for the wills of their ancestors.
He sat up. "What is it? Did anything happen?"
Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
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Rowanglade was not normally impatient enough to find the time it took for a cat to wake from a dead sleep to be too long. Tonight it was far too long. The news she had to share burned on her tongue as Badgerstar stared blearily at her for a long moment.
Then, finally, the young tom sat up.
"StarClan had a warning for us. It was very strange, though:" She paused, pulling together her best memory of the prophetic words that had been spoken. "Prey has come. Hunt it well. Time will pass. Prey will kill. Hunted will hurt. Time will show."
Rowanglade hated to be as vague as she was, but she didn't understand what they meant yet. It was the curse of dealing with StarClan, the vagueness and indistinct warnings helped, yes, but only sometimes were the spirit cats direct. She could have used some directness with the eery warning that had come to her ears this night.