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Moosestar, Tigerrush, Kestrelswipe


Discussing the gathering and what's going to happen with Coyotekit


Thunderclan camp, Highrock




A general nervous buzz was in the air around Kestrelswipe the morning after the gathering. The sun had barely risen, and the clan was still slowly waking up. His paws pricked in the chilly air as he headed towards Moosestar’s den. He paused for a moment, ears twitching as he heard a faint mewl come from the nursery, and moved on again once the quiet resettled. The new kit seemed to be settling in alright enough, but there were still things to discuss. I hope Tigerrush remembers I wanted to talk about the kit this morning, he couldn’t help but think. It was just him as he came upon Highrock.

“Moosestar?” he asked quietly. “Are you awake?”

Kestrelswipe, Thunderclan deputy
Wrentalon, Thunderclan warrior
Stormfall, Thunderclan warrior
Heronsong, Shadowclan warrior
Briarfang, Riverclan warrior
Fallkit, Windclan kit
Ghost, barn cat

Tree Player Medicine Cat Player, Leader Player, Deputy Player
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 289

Tigerrush had made a swift but thorough examination of the kit after they had returned from the Gathering. As far as she could satisfactorily tell, the young she-kit was healthy, if only just wet and cold. Coyotekit's pelt, once dry, seemed to fluff up to properly keep her warm and she was of a healthy weight. The petite medicine cat had left the kit to sleep afterwards and gone to her den to get a little bit of rest.

When the first rays of the sun began to make it's way above the horizon, it was enough to rouse Tigerrush. After giving herself a quick wash and a long stretch, the little brown tabby made her way towards the Leader's Den, sharp green eyes noting Kestrelstripe already calling softly out to Moosestar.
