Placeholder Character
Placeholder for the sire of a character who is in progress, to stand in until initial approval is done and the actual sire character may be created.
A played by System Account |
![]() Name Pending Sire
Vitals |
Appearance Short Description : Sire will be created after approval Long Description :
Personality |
History Key Dates :
Full History :
Threads :
Family Sire : Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Dam : Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Offspring :
Alderfly (A small tuxedo tom with an asymmetrical blaze and yellow eyes.)
Badgerstar (A green-eyed, scarred black tom with a damaged left ear)
Blackbranch (A mid-furred, mostly black tom with white on his underside and lime eyes)
Boldclaw (A burly seal point tom with blue eyes)
Boulderdash (A stocky brown tabby van she-cat with a bobbed tail and odd eyes)
Burnstone (A large black tom with dark brown eyes)
Ceridwen (A brown classic tabby she-cat with a rusty cast to her coat)
Cinderwhisper (An angular, silver mackerel tabby she-cat with hazel eyes and a slim build)
Doveflight (A disheveled longhaired brown tabby bicolor she-cat with green eyes)
Idris (A marbled, rusty cast tabby with golden eyesand a midnight-teal collar)
Lawn Gnome (An older vitiligo cream manx queen with blue eyes)
Luna (A reserved black she-cat with long fur and bright yellow eyes)
Nightrain (A long tailed, medium sized tom with white spotted black fur and lime eyes.)
Nightwhisper (A longhaired tuxedo she-cat with green eyes & curled ears)
Noah (A longhaired red and white tom with a blue and grey collar and yellow eyes)
Pinestep (A small, long-haired dilute calico with dark green eyes.)
Prudence (A brown tabby half la perm she-cat with green eyes)
Raven (A black she-cat with a pink collar and pale green eyes)
Rosepelt (A longhaired, lilac primal-ticked torbie with brilliant green eyes and a bushy tail)
Shadeclaw (A midfurred chocolate molly with copper eyes and sharp features)
Shadefrost (A gray eyed tuxedo tom with a scar on the back of his head)
Shadesleek (A long-tailed she cat with mid-length black fur and amber eyes.)
Siofra (A cheetah-like cream spotted tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
Sushi (A longhaired, plump calico with green eyes and a belled, salmon pink collar)
Sweethoney (A longfurred, curly haired chocolate and white she-cat with hazel eyes and scarred ears)
Testvictim (For Kitsu to test things with. Sorry.)
Tigerrush (A petite, brown striped she-cat with cream underside and green eyes.)
Whisperingwind (A longhaired chocolate calico she-cat with gray eyes)
Pedigree & Geneology Pedigree :
Family Tree : |
Significant Cats |
Additional Details Genetics :
This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Notes Bans Data : BANS DATA HAS NOT BEEN PROVIDED: Please feel free to remind the staff. Last Updated : 2024-06-10 08:18 |