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This character sheet was last updated on 2024-10-18 08:46


A Non-player Character played by XxBeewhiskerxX

WindClan Warrior
A Male cat who identifies Male.
By Unknown Sire out of Unknown Dam.
Short Description:

Long Description:

Fennelwhisker was a fluffy lynx point tom with cream-colored fur that darkened to warm tan on his face, ears, and paws. His fur was thick and soft, giving him a slightly larger appearance, though he wasn’t quite as massive as Sunbear. His eyes were a bright hazel that often seemed calm and thoughtful to his closest friend, Sunbear, whom of which admired them dearly. Despite his size, he moved with almost silence through WindClan Territory, his soft paws making him surprisingly light on his feet for a warrior of his build.


Fennelwhisker was a warm and friendly tom, always willing to lend a paw with advice or comfort whenever his clanmates needed it. Sunbear describes him as a calming presence, nothing that he often preferred to avoid conflict and keep the peace, often attempting to act as a mediator during disputes, though weather some cats appreciated that or not was entirely situational. His ability to see the good in everyone, no matter how difficult, made him a rather optimistic within WindClan. Fennelwhisker had a natural empathy, understanding others’ feelings and offering thoughtful guidance when times were tough. Despite his gentle nature, he was still a capable and determined warrior, showing his strength through compassion rather than aggression.

Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of Long Sun (2015) 070
  • Died in the Moon of First Fishing (2019) 120
Full History:

Fennelwhisker was born into WindClan to two devoted warriors, growing up in a peaceful and loving environment. From the time he was a kit, his parents and littermates knew him for his gentle and calm nature, preferring playtime with his denmates that involved teamwork or quiet exploration over roughhousing. As he transitioned into his apprenticeship, however, his passive nature became a challenge. His mentor struggled to instill in him the drive to fight with the same intensity as his clanmates. Fennelwhisker, disliking conflict, often hesitated during training sessions, reluctant to cause harm even in practice. This lack of aggression made it difficult for him to thrive early on, and he began to doubt his ability to become a successful warrior.

Despite these struggles, Fennelwhisker was determined to prove his worth in other ways, focusing on his natural talents for empathy, problem-solving, and endurance. Around the age of 8 moons, he crossed paths with Sunbear, who was then an older apprentice in ShadowClan. The two met during a border patrol encounter, and while it was brief, something about Sunbear’s quiet strength and her own internal battles resonated with Fennelwhisker. Over time, their paths continued to cross during Gatherings, and a quiet friendship developed. Sunbear’s stoicism contrasted with Fennelwhisker’s warmth, but it was that same warmth that eventually softened her. She found comfort in his ability to listen without judgment, and Fennelwhisker admired her resilience. Their bond deepened over the seasons, and Fennelwhisker slowly began to blossom into a warrior, gaining confidence through his relationship with Sunbear.

By the time Fennelwhisker had earned his warrior name, he and Sunbear were inseparable, or as inseparable as they could be despite the difficulties that came with being from different clans. The two cats found solace in each other. When Sunbear became pregnant with his kits, she confided her worries about how ShadowClan would react. Fennelwhisker, ever the optimist, promised to support her no matter what, and when she made the difficult decision to leave her clan and come to WindClan, he accepted her with open paws. The two shared many happy moons together supported their oldest kits from afar, starting a family that was to be raised in WindClan, though tragedy struck when their second litter lost Hazelkit and later, when Fennelwhisker himself died from consuming poisoned prey. His passing left a void in Sunbear’s life, but his legacy of kindness and optimism lived on through their surviving kit, Basilflame.

  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire: Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Dam: Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Other Family:
  • Sandflame (Sister – Littermate)
  • Coyotefang (Brother – Littermate)
  • Basilfern (Dame)
  • Owlmask (Sire)
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Fennelwhisker Unknown Sire ()
Unknown Dam ()
Significant Cats
Notes & Additional Details

Former companion of Sunbear and the sire to all of her litters

  • Died on the Moon of First Fishing (2019)
  • Born on Moon of Long Sun (2015)
Parent Pool: This character is a part of the Parent Pool.
Genetics: This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data: Fennelwhisker has not been compiled into the bans records.

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