
A Player Character played by XxBeewhiskerxX

A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Ebonyflare out of Lilyriver.
Will be born in the Moon of First Green (2021).
Short Description :

A sleek, mid-furred white she-kit with blue eyes and tufted ears

Long Description :

Skykit is a sleek, mid-furred white she-cat with a soft, feathery coat that reflects her Somali ancestry. Her bright, icy blue eyes shine with curiosity, a near perfect mirror of her mother, Lilyriver. Unlike Lilyriver’s long, flowing fur, Skykit’s medium-length pelt gives her a more streamlined, appearance. Her ears are slightly tufted, a subtle nod to her sire’s lineage, and her dainty paws may make her movements seem graceful even as a kit. The faint sheen of her fur catches the sunlight, giving her an almost ethereal glow as she plays under the open sky.


Skykit is a cheerful and optimistic kit who always seems to find the silver lining in any situation, trying her best to spreading warmth and positivity to those around her. Her modest nature keeps her from seeking attention or praise, preferring to let her actions speak for her. Skykit’s well-mannered demeanor makes her, to some, a joy to be around, as she treats every cat with kindness and respect, regardless of rank or age. She is unfailingly polite, always quick to offer a gentle word or a thoughtful gesture to brighten another’s day.

(As she is unborn/newborn, her personality doesn’t shine through as much, but as she grows, it will begin to develop)

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of First Green (2021) 145
Full History :


Skykit had been born to a RiverClan elder, Lilyriver, in a lush new-leaf along with her littermate __kit. While she didn’t know who her sire was, as he had never been announced to the clan, Skykit lived unbothered by the unknown knowledge of whoever her sire was. Lilyriver had raised her to be modest and polite, always putting other cats first and to make sure the idea to respect cats regardless of age or rank was pushed into her mind. Although, her loving and cheerful nature was a stark contrast to the headstrong and fierce queen that she mirrored in appearance.

Threads :
  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire :
Ebonyflare (A scarred, mid-furred dark ruddy and white tom with amber eyes)
Dam :
Lilyriver (A longhaired, white she-cat with a thinning pelt and pale blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Galekit (A longhaired, temperamental frosty white tomkit with yellow eyes)
Other Family :
    Hailrush (A solid white tom with yellow eyes): Father of Lilyriver
    Cloudfall (A longhaired lilac, broken mackerel tabby van she-cat with blue eyes): Mother of Lilyriver
    Rosepelt (A longhaired lilac primal-ticked torbie with brilliant green eyes and a bushy tail): Mother of Ebonyflare
    Blackbranch (A mid-furred, mostly black tom with white on his underside and lime eyes): Father of Ebonyflare
    Nettlesky (A longhaired primal ticked torbie with brilliant green eyes): Sister of Ebonyflare
    Bloomfire (A mid-furred, ruddy ticked tabby she-cat with green eyes): Daughter of Nettlesky
    Briarfang (A amber-eyed tortie tom with a nicked right ear): Son of Nettlesky
    Thornstrike (An odd-eyed, mid-furred calico she-cat with a scarred right shoulder): Daughter of Nettlesky
Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Skykit Ebonyflare Blackbranch (A mid-furred, mostly black tom with white on his underside and lime eyes)
Rosepelt (A longhaired, lilac primal-ticked torbie with brilliant green eyes and a bushy tail)
Lilyriver Hailrush (A solid white tom with yellow eyes)
Cloudfall (A longhaired lilac, broken mackerel tabby van she-cat with blue eyes)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Additional Details
Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Public :
  • Use the extra slot pass for this character that was brought via Financial donation
  • Name Progression = Skykit -> Skypaw -> Swansky

Kitten 1‘s pelt type is shorthaired. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, Lyly)
They are a dominant white molly. (XOXo, Bb, Dd, dmdm, Aa, Mcmc, Spsp, Tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wdwg)
They have no non-pelt body mods. (acac, sfsf, JbJb, Mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)

Special Slot :
Financial Donation
Bans Data :
Skykit has been compiled into the bans records.
Skykit is a Female Cat with a White Non-color restricted pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Medium Size and Common build. Their eyes are Blue and ears are Abnormal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Mix Somali descent.
Last Updated :
2025-02-12 06:59

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