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Forum Documentation


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Moderating Topics

  1. Navigate to the unapproved post list by clicking Forum -> Recent Posts -> Setting dropdown to “Unapproved”.
  2. Click on the a topic awaiting moderation (symbolized by the exclamation point in an orange circle).
  3. Decide if the topic/post will be approved.
    • If there is a rules issue: Refer the topic or post to the Administration Team using the “Report” button at the top of the topic/post. This sends an email straight to the Administrators.
    • If approved: On the topic display page, click the check mark to approve the topic at the bottom of the topic/post. It will now be visible to all members
    • If not approved: Message the user in question and give them 24 hours to correct the issue. If the issue isn’t correct, or one that isn’t subject to correction, delete the topic/post using the delete button at the bottom of the topic/post unless it is a rules violation issue.

Sticky/Unsticky a Topic

  1. Navigate to the topic you intend to Sticky/Unsticky.
  2. Above the first post of the topic you will see a button featuring a push pin and the word Sticky/Unsticky. Click that button.

Close/Open a Topic

  1. Navigate to the topic you intend to Open/Close
  2. Above the first post of the topic you will see a button featuring a padlock and the word Open/Close. Click that button.

Delete a Topic

If you have any questions about if you should or shouldn’t delete a topic, please Unapproved the Topic and all posts replying to and report the topic starter. Administration will then take over the issue. Topics cannot be un-deleted!

  1. Navigate to the topic you intend to delete.
  2. Above the first post of the topic you will see a button featuring a trash can and the word “Delete”. Click that button.
  3. In the conformation pop up that reads “Are you sure you want to delete?” ensure you are deleting the correct topic before clicking “OK”.

Delete a Post

If you have any questions about if you should or shouldn’t delete a topic, please Unapproved the post and report it . Administration will then take over the issue. Posts cannot be un-deleted!

  1. Navigate to the topic containing the post you wish to delete.
  2. At the bottom of the post you wish to delete you will find a trash can icon. Click this icon.
  3. In the conformation pop up that reads “Are you sure you want to delete?” ensure you are deleting the correct topic before clicking “OK”.

Move a Topic

  1. Navigate to the topic you wish to move and click the “Tools” button at the top of the topic.
  2. “Move Topic” should already to open for you. If it isn’t, click it.
    • Set “Choose Target Forum” to the forum you wish to move the thread to.
  3. Click the “Move” button to move the topic to the new forum.

Move a Reply

  1. Navigate to the topic you wish to merge the post into. Copy the topic URL.
  2. Navigate to the topic containing the post you wish to move a post from and click the “Tools” button at the top of the topic.
  3. Click “Move Reply” and fill out the form
    • Paste the URL of the into topic into the “Target Topic URL” field.
    • Click the check box for “Update post dates” if you want the posts from the merge from topic to be at the bottom of the merged into thread. If you do not want them at the bottom, then leave it unchecked.
    • Leave the “Update Post Titles” checkbox clicked.
    • In “Select Posts to be Split” select the posts you wish to move to the into topic 
  4. Click the “Move” button to move those posts/replies to the correct topic.

Merge a Topic

Merging topics cannot be undone. There are rarely situations that will call for it. If you’re unsure, reach out to Kitsufox.

  1. Navigate to the topic you wish to merge into. Copy the topic URL.
  2. Navigate to the topic you wish to merge from and click “Tools” button at the top of the topic.
  3. Select “Merge Topics” and fill out the form.
    • Paste the URL of the into topic into the “Target Topic URL” field.
    • Click the check box for “Update post dates” if you want the posts from the merge from topic to be at the bottom of the merged into thread. If you do not want them at the bottom, then leave it unchecked.
    • Leave the “Update Post Titles” checkbox clicked.
  4. Press the “Merge” button to merge the topics.

Split a Topic

Splitting topics cannot be undone. There are rarely situations that will call for it. If you’re unsure, reach out to Kitsufox.

  1. Navigate to the topic you wish to split.
  2. Click the “Tools” button at the top of the topic.
  3. Select “Split Topics” and fill out the form.
    • Ensure the “Create New Topic” checkbox is clicked.
    • In “New Topic Title” give the topic a title using the site’s conventions
    • For “New Topic Forum” select the forum you wish the new topic you’re splitting out to be placed in.
      Ensure the “Update post titles” checkbox is checked.
    • In “Select Posts to Split” check the box in front of each post you wish to include in the new topic.
  4. Press the “Split” button to split the topics.

Advertisment Conversion

  1. Navigate to the Advertising and Intersite Affairs Forum Category.
  2. Click into the topic that requires moderation (symbolized by the exclamation point in an orange circle)
  3. Click the edit button at the bottom of the starter post.
  4. Click the source code edit button that looks like {;}
  5. Edit the advertisement to convert the shortcode provided into HTML. Try to stay as true as possible to the way the guest poster laid out the advertisement.
    Easy guide to HTML can be found here.
  6. Remove any indications of linking back or forum type from the topic title.
  7. Save the edits to the post.
  8. Back on the topic display page, click the check mark to approve the topic.

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