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Litter System


How to fill out the Application Form

  1. Title should be in the format of [SIRE] x [DAM], replacing [SIRE] with the name of the Sire and [DAM] with the name of the Dam.
    If this is not the first litter request for the pairing, please append a number onto the end.
  2. Sire should be entered as the name of the character who sired the litter.
  3. Dam should be entered as the name of the character who will bear the litter.
  4. Breeding Date is the date of the thread which will lead to the mating occurring.
  5. Breeding Information should include links to various threads and details that outline the development of the relationship between the character. Recent RP is important to showing the contributions of the characters in game.

How to file an agreement

  1. Click on the litter record in the active applications area of the Litters Department.
  2. If you agree to your character either siring or bearing the litter; Click on the link to file agreement on the litter record located at the bottom of the sire or dam information.
    If you do not agree to your character either siring or bearing the litter; reach out to a member of the Department Team to request that the litter be declined immediately.
  3. On the agreement page, click the check box agreeing to the letter then click the “File Agreement” button.

How to assign a kitten

  1. Click on the litter record in the active applications -> did conceive area of the Litters Department.
  2. Click on the words “Assignment” in the entry of the kitten you wish to make assignments for.
  3. Fill out the form:
    • Name is the name selected by the future player of the character for the new kitten character.
    • Player is the username of the future player of the4 new kitten character.
  4. Click the “Assign Kitten” button.

Department Team Only

How to review a litter

  1. Click on the litter record in the active applications -> awaiting review section of the Litters Department.
  2. Fill out the form:
    • Litter Approved should be checked if the team will be approving the litter conception.
    • Litter Declined should be checked if the team will be declining the litter conception.
    • Number of Kittens should be filled out according to the number of kittens rolled during the litter rolling process.
    • Birthdate should be assigned according to the litter rolling process.
    • Archive should be set to “No”.
  3. Click the “Save” button.

How to archive a litter

  1. Click on the litter record in the active applications -> awaiting review section of the Litters Department.
  2. Edit the form: Archive should be set to “Yes”.
  3. Click the “Save button.

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