
This Moon Numbering Guide is designed to help users to get the age of their characters correct for listing in their character sheets.

For details of CoSC’s opinions on clan cat age, please see the related file.

Unnamed Year (2021)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
156 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2021) -12 moons (-0.9 years)
155 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2021) -11 moons (-0.8 years)
154 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2021) -10 moons (-0.8 years)
152 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2021) -8 moons (-0.6 years)
151 Leaf-fall Moon of Unnamed Blue (2021) -7 moons (-0.5 years)
150 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2021) -6 moons (-0.5 years)
148 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2021) -4 moons (-0.3 years)
147 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2021) -3 moons (-0.2 years)
146 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2021) -2 moons (-0.2 years)
145 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2021) -1 moons (-0.1 years)
144 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2021) 0 moons (0 years)

Year of Promised Prey (2020)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
143 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wrath (2020) 1 moons (0.1 years)
142 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2020) 2 moons (0.2 years)
141 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2020) 3 moons (0.2 years)
140 Leaf-fall Moon of First White (2020) 4 moons (0.3 years)
139 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2020) 5 moons (0.4 years)
138 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2020) 6 moons (0.5 years)
137 Green-leaf Moon of Lion’s Glory (2020) 7 moons (0.5 years)
136 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2020) 8 moons (0.6 years)
135 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2020) 9 moons (0.7 years)
134 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2020) 10 moons (0.8 years)
133 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2020) 11 moons (0.8 years)
132 New-leaf Moon of Promised Prey (2020) 12 moons (0.9 years)
131 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2020) 13 moons (1 years)

Unnamed Year (2019)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
130 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2019) 14 moons (1.1 years)
129 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2019) 15 moons (1.2 years)
128 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2019) 16 moons (1.2 years)
127 Leaf-fall Moon of First White (2019) 17 moons (1.3 years)
126 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2019) 18 moons (1.4 years)
125 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2019) 19 moons (1.5 years)
124 Green-leaf Moon of Lion’s Glory (2019) 20 moons (1.5 years)
123 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2019) 21 moons (1.6 years)
122 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2019) 22 moons (1.7 years)
121 New-leaf Moon of Unnamed Blue (2019) 23 moons (1.8 years)
120 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2019) 24 moons (1.8 years)
119 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2019) 25 moons (1.9 years)
118 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2019) 26 moons (2 years)

Unnamed Year (2018)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
117 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2018) 27 moons (2.1 years)
116 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2018) 28 moons (2.2 years)
115 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2018) 29 moons (2.2 years)
114 Leaf-fall Moon of First White (2018) 30 moons (2.3 years)
113 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2018) 31 moons (2.4 years)
112 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2018) 32 moons (2.5 years)
111 Green-leaf Moon of Lion’s Glory (2018) 33 moons (2.5 years)
110 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2018) 34 moons (2.6 years)
109 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2018) 35 moons (2.7 years)
108 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2018) 36 moons (2.8 years)
107 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2018) 37 moons (2.8 years)
106 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2018) 38 moons (2.9 years)
105 New-leaf Moon of Unnamed Blue (2018) 39 moons (3 years)

Unnamed Year (2017)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
104 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2017) 40 moons (3.1 years)
103 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2017) 41 moons (3.2 years)
102 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2017) 42 moons (3.2 years)
101 Leaf-fall Moon of First White (2017) 43 moons (3.3 years)
100 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2017) 44 moons (3.4 years)
099 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2017) 45 moons (3.5 years)
098 Green-leaf Moon of Lion’s Glory (2017) 46 moons (3.5 years)
097 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2017) 47 moons (3.6 years)
096 Green-leaf Moon of Unnamed Blue (2017) 48 moons (3.7 years)
095 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2017) 49 moons (3.8 years)
094 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2017) 50 moons (3.8 years)
093 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2017) 51 moons (3.9 years)
092 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2017) 52 moons (4 years)

Unnamed Year (2016)

Now # Season Moon Name ? Character Age
091 Leaf-bare Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2016) 53 moons (4.1 years)
090 Leaf-bare Moon of Long Nights (2016) 54 moons (4.2 years)
089 Leaf-bare Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2016) 55 moons (4.2 years)
088 Leaf-fall Moon of First White (2016) 56 moons (4.3 years)
087 Leaf-fall Moon of Turning Leaves (2016) 57 moons (4.4 years)
086 Leaf-fall Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (2016) 58 moons (4.5 years)
085 Green-leaf Moon of Lion’s Glory (2016) 59 moons (4.5 years)
084 Green-leaf Moon of Long Sun (2016) 60 moons (4.6 years)
083 Green-leaf Moon of Running Prey (2016) 61 moons (4.7 years)
082 New-leaf Moon of First Fishing (2016) 62 moons (4.8 years)
082 New-leaf Moon of Unnamed Blue (2016) 62 moons (4.8 years)
080 New-leaf Moon of First Green (2016) 64 moons (4.9 years)
079 New-leaf Moon of Melting Waters (2016) 65 moons (5 years)

Older Years

2019, 2020, & 2021

  • 2019 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2020 – Year of Promised Prey
  • 2021 – Unnamed Moon

2016, 2017, & 2018

  • 2016 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2017 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2018 – Unnamed Moon

2013, 2014, & 2015

  • 2015 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2014 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2013 – Unnamed Moon

2010, 2011, & 2012

  • 2012 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2011 – Unnamed Moon
  • 2010 – Unnamed Moon