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Closed Thread Stepping Up To The Challenge

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Brightkit, Piperkit, WindClan


Apprentice Ceremony


WindClan Camp, Talking Cliff



So, what, have you gone blind? Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?
✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧ ⭒ ✧

This was the part of leadership that was difficult, apart from the... other challenges, which included everything else besides today's ceremony. Two kits would need mentors that could ensure their continued survival on the moors WindClan called home. Not just that, but they also had to be ready to give their lives in battle if StarClan willed it. But before any of that, they had to learn how to live as a productive member of the Clan. Gone were their kithood days of playing and romping about. It was time to grow up.

Badgerstar almost felt himself step back into the paws of his kithood self, picked on by his parents for some perceived flaw that his littermates didn't have. Oh well, there was no time to dwell on the past. This was about Brightkit and Piperkit. And he was sure, after excessive deliberation and uncertainty, that he finally had the right matches. Or so he hoped.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Talking Cliff for a Clan meeting!" he yowled, then followed with, once the Clan was in place, "Today, we honor a sacred moment in a cat's life. Brightkit, Piperkit, step up to the Talking Cliff for your vows."

A deep breath in the moment between his request and the next slew of words. "As many have been asked before you, are you willing to take on the duties of an apprentice and honor the Warrior Code as you learn to be warriors yourselves?"

As they gave their answers, he continued, almost in a hurry.

"Brightkit, step forward. Featherflight, step forward as well. From this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Brightpaw. Featherflight shall be your mentor; she has been in this Clan for many moons and has plentiful wisdom to share with you. She will not coddle you, but she will provide heart when you need it most."

He gestured for the two to touch noses, then passed onto Piperkit.

"Piperkit, step forward. Cloudflare, step forward as well. From this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you shall be known as Piperpaw. Cloudflare shall be your mentor; while he is still somewhat young, he is diligent and confident. He will not try to break you, but he will help you find the courage of LionClan buried deep within you."

Once those two touched noses, he concluded the meeting.

"Now that our kits have become apprentices, you are free to mingle and celebrate the new mentor-apprentice pairings. The meeting is adjourned."

