
A Player Character played by HummingDaze

A Male cat who identifies Male.
By Pending Sire out of Pending Dam.
Born in the Moon of Melting Waters (2019).
Living at the age of 25 moons (1.9 years)
Short Description :

A fit, ticked tabby sepia tom with large green eyes and large ears

Long Description :

Smallclaw’s whole coat color is sepia agouti to the tip of his tail being black, strikingly similar to their grandparent who was a full blooded Singapura cat. His own fur texture is short-haired and silky. Having large almond-shaped green eyes helps him see well during hunting patrols. He puts his big ears to good use by staying alert in whatever clan territory he’ll patrol in. Smallclaw’s body is slim, him having muscular limbs from all the experience of chasing prey, and is shorter in height comparatively.


Smallclaw’s behavior never stems from having troubles in the past but with himself and the way he perceives anything. He is quick to feel frustrated with any minor problems yet will try to find a way of calming himself. The warrior does find it comforting to talk about what frustrates him, but oftentimes he’ll just want to be left alone. He’s helpful enough to gain some sense back and get back on his paws into warrior duties once more.

He is sweet with kits, shares respects for the elders, and has a neutral relationship with his warrior clanmates. Smallclaw sometimes offers to participate in any patrol with clanmates, covering for those who won’t be available to do so. Although rarely does this, he would offer being on anyone’s side if they’re going through something emotional, silently listening to their problems and what led them to feel that way.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of Melting Waters (2019) 118
Full History :
  • apprenticed as Smallpaw around Moon of Lion’s Glory (2019)
  • became a warrior as Smallclaw around the Moon of Tiger’s Wraith (2019)

Kithood || 1-5 moons ||

Smallkit stayed besides his dam for safety and security until he turned 3 moons, where he got comfortable enough to play with any other kits in the nursery den. He enjoyed roughly tumbling onto his clanmates and pretending to play warriors with them, whether they wanted to or not. This sparks him to feel more talkative as he grew more and was fueled with determination in becoming a warrior.

He visited the elders den for the first time, where Smallkit got to meet his grandparent there. Smallkit looked at them with awe, amazed how they looked slightly similar to him except for the height difference. Both of them connected and laughed through the stories his grandparent shared with him. Smallkit hoped to eventually connect with them again.

Apprentice || 6-12 moons ||

He’s first tour outside of camp to the territory amazeed him. Feeling the breezy wind, the smell of grass and dirt below his paws, oh, it made Smallpaw excited for the teachings his mentor would pass onto him. That energy died down when he was instructed in aiding the elders with their bedding change and tick removal first. Smallpaw did the task as he was told, finding it secretly irritating; Why would he be doing this instead of his real training? But eventually, stopped his thinking once his tasks were done with. As he aged, he began to show maturity and desire to know the elders, hoping to continue to help them for as long as he lives. Moon of Leopard’s Rest (2019) he went out of camp with his mentor. Tracking down a hare scent, ears followed the hare’s footsteps, and his eyes caught a glimpse of the hare not so far from him. Smallpaw focused on the hare as he crouched closer to it. Leaping out of the spot, Smallpaw pounced onto the big hare, and clung onto the prey when it tried to get him off. His bite down on the neck didn’t work so the mentor took the chance to take down the hare. Both him and his mentor bring the big hare back to camp with pride.

Warrior || 13 –  moons ||

During his warrior ceremony, he wore his warrior name proudly and was proud that he had become one. Smallclaw has hopes he’ll keep a balanced relationship with his clanmates, even if there might be conversations that’ll get him to feel peevish towards them. Kits do not make him feel that way, though, as he knows they’re fairly young and are only trying to understand clan life.

Sire :
Pending Sire (Sire will be created after approval)
Dam :
Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Other Family :

Grandmother – Charlotte

Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Smallclaw Pending Sire Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Pending Dam Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Mentor(s) :
Rooknose (A lean black tom with a white nose bridge and green eyes)
Additional Details
Genetics :
This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data :
Smallclaw has been compiled into the bans records.
Smallclaw is a Male Cat with a Black Burmese pelt of Short Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-small Size and Common build. Their eyes are Green and ears are Abnormal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Quarter Singapura descent.
Last Updated :
2025-01-27 11:10

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