
A Player Character played by LixusPattison

Warrior of ShadowClan
A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Dunestar out of Earthspeckle.
Living at the age of 15 Moons (1.2 Years)
Short Description:

A plump, cinnamon spotted and white tabby with blue eyes

Long Description:

Echobright is a plump she-cat, with a taller stature than her sister. With longer well muscled legs and a broad build to match. Her mid length pelt is a intricate cinnamon color with an off-white underside, covered in darker brown spots. Her eyes are the color of a deep pool of water, while her head is more angular. Her tail, larger with a fringe, is covered in larger spots than almost look like stripes.


A young she-cat who adores anyone and everyone she meets. She doesn’t seem to dislike or distrust anyone even when given very good reason she still tries to find the good in them. She comes off having a strong connection to her sister, Emberdust, and always takes pride in her sisters accomplishments even if that is just how well she wears mud. She dreams of one day having kits but has never even thought of who it would be with. Going with the wind and letting whatever happens happen is what this she-cat does best.

Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2019) 125
Full History:

Kit History:

Echobright, named Echokit on the night of her birth, was born alongside her sister Emberkit. She was the second born kit of Dunestar’s second litter with Earthspeckle. Losing her mother a few weeks after their birth pushed her to be very close with her sister. While always thankful to Hawkfeather for taking over the duty of Queen for the young kits, Echokit was never able to forget that the Queen was not her true mother.

Losing Dunestar a moon later to sickness, caused her to turn to her sister even more. While not really knowing her Sire or Dam well she knew that she was theirs and they were hers. Knowing her sister was enough for her, causing her to be happy whenever her sister was around.

In her last moon of kithood she finally began to truly come out of her shell thanks to the help of Emberdust and Hawkfeathers kits. She realized it wasn’t just her sister that cared for her but the whole clan, maybe she could even get the whole forest to be her friends.

Apprentice History:

Echokit became Echopaw and was apprenticed to __, a young tom(Moon of Melting Waters 2020). The young tom proved to be a great teacher and good friend to the young Echopaw. The two respected each other a great deal and Echopaw couldn’t help but skip whenever her mentor was around. She enjoyed her time as an apprentice with Emberpaw by her side even though her sister liked to sneak off and take naps quite often.

Her air of joy seemed to be infectious to her clan or at least she thought so, at the very least Emberdust seemed to like to laugh at her jokes and antics.

Warrior History:

Echobright. Echobright. She loved hearing her clan say her new name now that she was a Warrior(Moon of Long Sun 2020). Nothing ever really seems to ruffle her fur. She has both her sister and her clan, and for now until the day she can make the whole forest her friend, that was enough.

  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire: Dunestar (A primal ticked, fawn and white tabby tom with a kinked, bobbed tail)
Dam: Earthspeckle (A temperamental chocolate tortie with a scarred ear and blue eyes)
Full Siblings:
Emberdust (A cinnamon broken mackerel torbie point she-cat with orange eyes)
Paternal Siblings:
Heronsong (A mid-furred pale grey she-cat with amber eyes)
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Echobright Dunestar Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Earthspeckle Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Significant Cats
Pending Mentor (For characters awaiting mentor creation.)
Notes & Additional Details

Everything has been ran through Faux for anything involving their characters and Kitsu approved us doing the retcon

Genetics: This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data: Echobright has been compiled into the bans records.
Echobright is a Female Cat with a Tan Non-color restricted Bicolor pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Semi-cobby build. Their eyes are Blue and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Mix Manx Bobtail descent.

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