

This character sheet was last updated on 2024-10-11 07:24


A Player Character played by Clover

RiverClan Elder
A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Pending Sire out of Pending Dam.
Living at the age of 80 Moons (6.2 Years)
Short Description:

Long Description:

A silver tabby molly with a slim build and hazel eyes. Her fur is short and sleek, making it easy for her to groom. The shape of her eyes could be described as rounded almond and her nose and pawpads are pink. Along with this, her face is pointed.


A solitary molly who enjoys sticking by those she considers dear to herself. Though, being a cat who never had children, she’s the last one of her bloodline to her knowledge, the last of her immediate kin being her littermate and sister who had passed away about four moons ago meaning that nowadays, she’s usually found in a corner of the elders’ den by herself, sleeping or daydreaming since she didn’t really form close bond to those outside her kin and the few friends she had made in her kithood who were long gone. She’s not particularly fond of visitors in the elders’ den but would never kick anybody out and if someone says the right thing she may warm up a little.

Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of First White (2014) 062
Full History:

With the death of her mother through birth complications, Cinderkit and her sister Wolfkit were raised with the help of the clan and a queen who had milk at the time. Their sire, although alive, wasn’t super present in the kits’ lives but would visit maybe once a moon just to check up on them. The two littermates weren’t too upset over this though, happy to have various different cats take care of them. They mostly stuck with each other though, sharing a small nest and getting into mischief together, catching little bugs and playing nursery games like moss ball. 


In her early apprenticeship, Cinderpaw saw herself as a very happy and understanding molly who was always ready to train. The part of training that she loved most was hunting and providing for her clan though ironically enough, she wasn’t a fan of getting wet all that much so she’d often be seen trying to do things that required as little interaction with water as possible though she wasn’t one to argue with an older cat if they requested for her to do so. It wasn’t even like she had long fur she just wasn’t a huge fan of swimming. 

She didn’t change much further into her apprenticeship other than the fact she wasn’t as close to her sister compared to when they were kits. It made sense. They were both a bit busier. But it wasn’t like they stopped talking and Cinderpaw was sure that once they became warriors they would find a way to start spending time together again. Cinderpaw had a positive relationship with most cats who were close to her including her sire and dam since, in her heart, she felt that being loyal was immensely important not just to the clan but to your friends and family too.


When Cinderwhisper got her warrior name she felt pretty happy with it, especially since the name just felt right as with age and she slowly but surely grew out of being an adolescent, she became a quieter cat in general, starting to be found keeping to either herself, her kin, or one of her two close friends. Being a new warrior was exciting. She had been one to stand tall and proud when she had been introduced at the gathering alongside her sister and she no longer had to spend so much time training over and over again. 

As four seasons came and went, Cinderwhisper had settled into a nice routine. The most recent leafbare had been extremely harsh on her though as she had caught greencough, the molly having been convinced that she was going to see StarClan the next time she blinked. Thankfully, that was behind her now. Cinderwhisper found that her favourite thing to do in general was hunting. She didn’t just enjoy being set on hunting patrols but rather, having hunting as a past-time as well. She found that, despite the fact that fish was the staple of RiverClan, she personally found the most joy in catching avians and rodents.

    • Minimum Warrior History Length: 8 paras
  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire: Pending Sire (Sire will be created after approval)
Dam: Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Cinderwhisper Pending Sire Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Pending Dam Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Significant Cats
Pending Mentor (For characters awaiting mentor creation.)
Notes & Additional Details
Genetics: This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data: Cinderwhisper has not been compiled into the bans records.

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