
A Player Character played by Clover

A Male cat who identifies Nonbinary.
By Kestrelswipe out of Beewhisker.
Born in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2020).
Living at the age of 2 moons (0.2 years)
Short Description :

A chocolate lynx point she-kit with a white chest and socks, long whiskers & gold eyes

Long Description :

Cedarkit is a short-furred chocolate-coloured point she-cat with a large build and yellow eyes. Her face is a reminder of her father’s as she has achingly similar long whiskers, along with that square, defined face. Her bright golden eyes are hooded and she has mackerel tabby markings, along with white socks and chest.


Cedarkit is a cat who finds themselves enjoying tasks where she gets to cooperate with other cats, enjoying the company of others and helping them get done whatever they need to be done since well it feels good, doesn’t it? She also loves coming up with new ideas for things, having a similar curiosity to her mother’s friends Aspenberry and Bayflower but rather than wondering what the world is like beyond the borders, her curiosity is a bit more tame as she wonders if there are other ways you could use moss for besides what is known or if rocks had any use besides sitting there and being pretty. Though, to cats outside of Cedarkit’s circle of their kin, the molly doesn’t talk much and when she meets new cats, she tends to speak with a quieter voice. Why? Cedarkit isn’t so sure. Perhaps she has a subconscious fear of offending or being judged if she raises her voice too much.

One to get distracted easily, Cedarkit has to really be in the zone to get a lot done. It’s not enough of a problem for her to miss everything going on around her but if a cat were talking and she saw a pretty butterfly or something, she probably isn’t listening to the other cat anymore. Along with this, the molly has a tendency to bottle up her emotions and not tell anybody about her problems. She doesn’t do it on purpose but instead, overestimates herself and assumes that she will be alright.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2020) 141
Full History :

Born on the 17th day of Leopard’s Rest 2020, Cedarkit was named after her dam’s mentor and uncle, Cedarprowl. Unfortunately for her, her sire lives in an entirely other clan, unable to be in her life a lot as she and her littermate grows up but she’s not upset by this; not when she has her loving mother by her side along with Bayflower who she sees as a father figure in the absence of her biological one. Cedarkit plans to stick close to her littermate, the little kit dreaming about the days where they get their full names together.

Sire :
Kestrelswipe (A fit, chocolate broken mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Dam :
Beewhisker (A plump, long haired tortie and white cat with pale blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Berrykit (An undersized cream classic tabby tom-kit with pale blue eyes)
Other Family :



Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Cedarkit Kestrelswipe Goldenstar (A solidly muscled ginger and white mackerel tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Wildcry (A fierce lilac caramel ticked tabby she-cat with a single amber eye.)
Beewhisker Blacknose (A lean seal point tom with bright amber eyes)
Tawnyflight (A longhaired chocolate and cream tortie with white and aqua eyes)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Mentor(s) :
Pending Mentor (For characters awaiting mentor creation.)
Others :

Foster sire: Bayflower

Additional Details
Genetics :
This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data :
Cedarkit has been compiled into the bans records.
Cedarkit is a Male Cat with a Brown Pointed Bicolor pelt of Short Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Semi-cobby build. Their eyes are Amber and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent.
Last Updated :
2024-11-12 06:15

2 thoughts on “Cedarkit”

  1. Appearance:
    -Just to specify, Cedarkit is a chocolate mackerel “point” cat. A chocolate point would have a pale body and chocolate extremities. Please edit your appearance to reflect this. Thank you.

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