Character Creation


Character Creation is an important process that every game has to have. CoSC has fairly intense character approval rules. Please understand that 99.9% of characters require at least one round of corrections before they are approved. Typical characters run from about 2-4 rounds. Any questions you have about the approvals process of associated requirements should be directed to Kitsufox.

Character Creation Rules

  1. Character Sheets are expected to comply with all rules, bans, guidelines, history and other game documentation.
  2. Non-player characters may only be created in the following situations:
    • To create parental NPC records.
    • To create a character for a plot after the plot & character have received Administration Team approval.
  3. Characters who are not cats may only be created with Administration Team Permission.
  4. Characters pending for 1 week or more without progress (being edited by the creator) will be eligible to receive a 48 hour warning and be deleted if the player has not filed a Leave of Absence.

My Pending Characters

  • You have no pending characters.

Handy Links

  • Parent Pool – Already created NPC parents eligible for use for your characters.

New Players

This page contains the types of character creation that are open to brand new players. CoSC considers players “New” when they have no approved characters and have not made the required number of forum posts.

We consider the creation process part of getting familiar with CoSC’s rules. If you run into a situation where you need assistance, pop over to the forum and ask away.

New Clan Characters

Clan cats are why we all play this game. In accordance, new players are expected to be here for them!

Parental Non-Player Characters

Here at CoSC we run genetics on characters, in accordance, placeholder type characters help establish what genetics a character has. This includes options like entering the NPC into the Parent Pool.

Existing Players

Do you have an approved character in the game already? Have you made 10 role play posts with that character? That means you eligible to use the options outlined on this page!

Reference Links

Additional Clan Characters

Many people like to play multiple characters, and if you’re eligible for another character you can.

New Domestic Characters

Domestic Cats, called Kittypets by the clans, may be played by those who qualify. Each player only gets one.

New Feral or Semi-feral Characters

Feral and Semi-feral Cats, called Rogues and Loners by the Clans, may be played by those who qualify. Each player only gets one.

Parental Non-Player Characters

Here at CoSC we run genetics on characters, in accordance, placeholder type characters help establish what genetics a character has. This includes options like entering the NPC into the Parent Pool.