Clan – Warrior

Warriors are former apprentices who have passed assessments proving they have reached an acceptable knowledge level in hunting, fighting, and the Warrior’s Code. They are typically of the age of 12 moons or more.

Setting Set to Explanation
Name Warrior The full name of the rank.
Appreviation War. An abbreviation of the rank used in situations that require 10 characters or less including spaces and punctuation.
Subtitles Subtitles that holders of this rank might hold.
Order 6 The location the rank should appear in the rank sturcutre on group membership pages.
Type Normal The classification of the rank for out of character purposes.
Aquisition How the rank is aquired in & out of character:

In Character: Cats of the apprentice rank may be promoted to Warrior by the Clan’s Leader

Out of Character: Cats who are warriors may be created through character creation. This is the only rank never banned.

Membership Limit Unlimited How many characters may hold this rank at one time.
Exceptions may exist to this limit based on role play.
System Warrior Clans The system this rank belongs to.

Further details on this rank to come.