Verbatim from General Policy
Harassment will not be tolerated. Players found to be harassing others through any medium will suffer a permanent ban from CoSC.
Harassment Policy In Detail
What is Harassment
CoSC defines harassment as any act that violates the rights of another player in any way.
Player Rights
CoSC Assigns the following rights to other players:
- Respect: The players have the right to be treated with respect by all other players. This includes (but is not limited to) other players honoring things like requests for them to be left alone.
- Non-Confrontational Environment: While conflicts between players do happen, CoSC expects players to not intentionally initiate conflict with another, and when finding themselves in conflict with another will work with staff to settle that conflict peacefully, without extending the conflict.
- Non-racist Environment: Every player has a right to a CoSC experience free of out of character racism. (Inter-Clan racism is canon and should be expected).
- Lack of Religious Persecution: Players have the right to use the greetings of religious holidays when appropriate, but are expected to accept the sentiments of others (even if they do not share the same holiday). Respect for others’ religions is to be expected, and in the same vein religious soap-boxing is frowned upon.
- Non-Sexist Environment: Every player has the right to an experience free of out of character sexism.
- LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Environment: Every player has the right to the sexual orientation and gender expression of their choice without any form of out of character persecution for those choices. This includes (but is not limited to) things like intentional mis-gendering and exclusion based on sexual orientation. Game staff will also make efforts to support players both in and out of character with tools needed to communicate variations of sexual orientation and gender expression as deemed applicable to the game environment.
Harassment Investigation
When harassment is discovered or reported an investigation will commence. In some cases, this may include a suspension of the reported-harasser account for the duration of the investigation. The investigation will first establish whether or not harassment actually took place. If harassment is decided to have taken place they will then proceed to determine if it was intentional or unintentional. The final step is to decide a punishment for the violator.
Offensive User or Character Names
Any User or Character name that is offensive will be addressed thusly:
- User Name: Any account with an offensive username will be immediately deleted.
- Character Name:
Any character with a name deemed offensive will not be accepted into the game and immediately deleted (The player will be informed of this action and why).
Any character with a name deemed offensive after approval will be required to be changed within one week, during which the character in question will be hidden from the public parts of the site. Failure to provide a new name after the grace window will result in immediate deletion of the character.
Please use THIS PAGE to report any Users or Characters you feel are problematic.
Punishments for Unintentional Harassment
Unintentional Harassment, being unintentional, is not punished as severely as intentional.
The CoSC staff will generally ask for an apology to be issued to the person harassed. Whether or not this apology is public or private will be decided based on the situation. Should the harassment be public, so shall the apology. In the case of publicly executed harassment, the harasser will also be expected to issue an apology to the other members of the game for disrupting things.
It should be noted that people guilty of consistent unintentional harassment will leave the staff no choice but to take severe action against them, up to and including eviction from the game.
Punishments for Intentional Harassment
Intentional harassment will result in expulsion from the game. There is no place at CoSC for players who abuse others.