A Player Character played by freerangerage |
Name Sturgeonpaw
Affiliation Vitals
A Male cat.
By Boldstar out of Otterwhisker. Born in the Moon of Running Prey (2020). Living at the age of 9 moons (0.7 years) |
Appearance Short Description : A grey-eyed, blue ticked tabby point tom with white paws and mask Long Description :
Sturgeonpaw is a large cat – or at least he will be. Even as a kit he was easily twice the size of his sisters. He has a short ticked blue tabby point pelt, with white mittens and mask. His fur is quite fine, which means it is almost always sticking up straight which makes him look a bit like a dandelion puff. Sturgeonpaw has dark grey eyes, and his short ears are tipped with tuffs of grey hair. His large cheeks and short nose make his face look a bit flat. Even with his large size, his feet are massive compared to his body – making him appear weirdly disproportionate. He is slowly working on growing into these flippers, by eating twice as much food as his peers. It’s a good thing his feet also make excellent paddles for gliding through the water when hunting. |
Personality Sturgeonpaw retains his somewhat relaxed personality from his kithood, willing to let others push him around if it makes others happy. His large size – especially for his age – would make it very easy for him to pick on others, but this has never been the case. In fact he often spent a lot of time getting tricked by his siblings and is a bit slow on the uptake. His mental and physical reflexes have improved with time, and Sturgeonpaw is slowly growing into his own skin and finding ways to use his large size to his advantage in hunting and combat. Despite his struggles he has a good attitude and is often lost in thought about his training and his sibling’s aspirations.
History Key Dates :
Full History :
Kit: 0 moons – 6 moons Sturgeonkit was the youngest of Otterwhisker’s first litter, sired by Boldstar. He was born with his three littermates, Merrykit, Hailkit and Stormkit on the dawn of the 22nd day of the Moon of Running Prey (2020). At the time, he was not a quiet kitten. When he wasn’t asleep there is always mewing of protest – about food, bathtime or over some perceived slight. He doesn’t have to fight hard to nurse, able to bowl over his siblings. This is probably a good thing too because he wouldn’t be too interested in actually fighting for food. Sturgeonkit seems to enjoy sleeping most of all and can be found napping all across the nursery in – frankly – hilarious positions. As he grew, he found that he was much slower than his siblings and was often being unable to keep up with them in their games. Sturgeonkit explored outside the nursery to discover that there were many cats much bigger than him – some of them even helped him figure out how he should go about using his large size! During Moon of Lion’s Glory (’20), Sturgeonkit was introduced to Mistykit for the first time. She smelled weird, and had magically appeared in their den overnight. Sturgeon wasn’t exactly sure how kits were made at that point – and he wasn’t about to question his dame when she said that Misty was a ‘gift from Starclan’. So he just chose to accept that he had one more sibling than before!
On the Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (’20) Sturgeonkit’s sire was struck down by a mysterious poison in their prey. He wasn’t privy to the event although his sibling Merrykit was. Sturgeonkit was happy that the situation was resolved – and that his sire hadn’t entirely perished due to the incident but was worried about his siblings from there on out. Apprentice: 6 moons – Current Sturgeonkit was apprenticed as Sturgeonpaw to ___ on the Moon of Leopard’s Rest (’20) |
Family Sire : Boldstar (A large primal ticked tabby tom with tufted ears and green eyes)
Dam : Otterwhisker (A chocolate mink bicolor she-cat with a short tail and legs)
Pedigree & Geneology Pedigree :
Family Tree :
Click Here To Open Family Tree
Significant Cats Mentor(s) : Cottonbright (A large nearly all white she-cat with small ears and paws and lime eyes) |
Additional Details Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Litter Record : |
Notes Public : Name Progression: Sturgeonkit – Sturgeonpaw – (Sturgeontail, Sturgeoncrash,) Previously played by : Rinayla and AirJordanz
Bans Data : Sturgeonpaw has been compiled into the bans records. Sturgeonpaw is a Male Cat with a Gray Pointed pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Large Size and Semi-cobby build. Their eyes are Gray and ears are Abnormal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent. Last Updated : 2024-09-29 04:27 |