
A Player Character played by LixusPattison

A Male cat who identifies Male.
By Unknown Sire out of Pending Dam.
Born in the Moon of First Green (2020).
Living at the age of 10 moons (0.8 years)
Short Description :

A longhaired, blue point tom with blue eyes and a yellow, brass bell collar

Long Description :

A long thick pelt of blue-gray and cream fur and puddle blue eyes make the young Smokey a quite a large fluff ball. His face, ears, paws and tail are more blue-gray while his body is mostly cream. His tail is long and usually found to be fluffed up with excitement. He wears a yellow collar with a small brass bell hanging from it. He is almost always found with a smile on his face.


A loud and rambunctious young cat, who seems to think the whole world is his play den. He loves to spend the days playing with his house folk even though SOME cats in the noble Noon line may think that’s beneath him. He seems very friendly towards others and not easily put off.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of First Green (2020) 133
Full History :

Born in a large box with a see through wall, Smokey saw house folk walk past him everyday. Some would look at him and the other kits in his box while others would even come in and play with him. Sometimes a kit would go with some house folk to a new home. Or at least that’s what his Dam had told him. He waited day after day for his own house folk. At least he got to play with the ones who did visit. He would jump on them, chase them around, and let them scratch his head or back.


6 moons he waited. The day finally came. His own house folk. They smelled of other cats and that was great he wouldn’t be alone. He hoped these cats liked him.


Shortly after his new house folk brought him home he met THAT one. The Noons wanted him to obey anything they said, which included everything they thought he should know about being a good steward for their family. It was sometimes a fun game, but sometimes it was severely annoying.

Sire :
Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Dam :
Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Smokey Unknown Sire ()
Pending Dam Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Additional Details
Genetics :
This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Home Location :
204 First Avenue
Bans Data :
Smokey has been compiled into the bans records.
Smokey is a Male Cat with a Gray Pointed pelt of Long Normal textured hair. They are of Medium Size and Semi-cobby build. Their eyes are Blue and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent.
Last Updated :
2024-09-08 08:13

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