
A Player Character played by bookazuu

A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Specklenose out of Emberdust.
Born in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2020).
Living at the age of 1 moons (0.1 years)
Short Description :

A mid-furred, odd-eyed silvery classic torbie and white she-kit with a short tail

Long Description :

When born, Muddykit was a tiny bundle of splotchy fur. When she grows, she will take on a similar size to her mother, Emberdust, being slightly smaller than average. She has a facial structure similar to Specklenose, with her features being sharper rather than soft and rounded. She is on the leaner side, but still well muscled, though any defining parts of her body are hidden beneath her mid-length, fluffy fur.

Muddykit’s pelt consists of a variety of colours, in which the primary one is a silvery cinnamon, making the young she-kit look quite different to those around her. The cinnamon is a rich, brownish-red colour that contains lighter, ghost like, pale swirling classic tabby markings. Peppered within her cinnamon colour are streaks and splotches of rich silvery red, also containing the same ghost like pale markings. It was the swirls of cinnamon against the red that gave Muddykit her name, along with Emberdust’s fondness for ShadowClan’s swampy territory. Another aspect of Muddykit’s pelt is the white that adorns it. Her chest and belly are a pure white colour, and there are a few random splotches of white amidst the mottled colours of silver cinnamon and red.

Muddykit inherited Emberdust’s shorter tail, leading to her own tail being around half length. Despite being short, it is incredibly fluffy, just like the fur on her white chest. From her father Muddykit inherited the lentigo condition. The skin of her nose, paw pads and ears are all adorned with different sized speckles of black, something which Specklenose adores about her.

Lastly, Muddykit’s eyes don’t have a set colour. The outside is a murky blue colour, but as the colour get closer to her pupil, it turns to more of a murky amber, some sort of central heterochromia. Her eyes are almond shaped like her mother’s.

Due to troubles with Emberdust’s milk, Muddykit remained quite skinny for the first few moons of her life until she was weaned and could feed on prey.


As a newborn Muddykit could show little personality other than being a bit loud. While having not much to complain over, she would often mewl very loudly. Whether she was hungry or just trying to speak, Specklenose was never sure. When nursing she isn’t too pushy, but is able to make it very clear if she doesn’t have enough room to latch on, squawking at the top of her lungs until someone pushes her closer, or moves one of her siblings out of the way. She doesn’t like to be left alone, hardly ever straying from the warmth of her mother and siblings. As long as she can feel the fur of another, she is comfortable.

As she grows, and her ears and eyes open, Muddykit will become more independent, more inclined to leave the side of her mother and see who else is pottering around camp. Playing is her favourite thing to do, and she often finds herself amidst trouble, like getting stuck in something or tripping over and spraining her paw. During the later moons of kithood she will become quite the troublemaker, trying to get her siblings to do all sorts of things with her, and if not, she’ll just do them herself!

Family means a lot to Muddykit, and she adores everyone she is related to, especially her immediate family. While Specklenose and Emberdust are a bit clumsy, Muddykit doesn’t know any better and thinks they are the best possible parents and showers all her family with affection.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2020) 143
Full History :

Muddykit was born to two young ShadowClan warriors, Specklenose and Emberdust along side her two siblings, Swampkit and Wolfkit. Her parents do their best to take care of her, despite the complications that arose with Emberdust’s milk production. She spends her days either meowing at the top of her lungs or crawling all over her siblings. Despite her parents best efforts, there has been a few little accidents with the kits. Specklenose has dropped Muddykit a few times, groomed her eyes, and one time even tripped over her when she had unknowingly crawled beneath his legs. Despite these accidents, she remains fine and loves her parents no less.

Sire :
Specklenose (A longhaired, silver lentigo broken mackerel tabby and white tom with blue eyes)
Dam :
Emberdust (A cinnamon broken mackerel torbie point she-cat with orange eyes)
Full Siblings :
Swampkit (An orange-eyed, seal broken mackerel torbie point she-kit with a stubby tail)
Wolfkit (An unkempt, mid-furred, black smoke tom-kit with orange eyes and bushy tail)
Other Family :

Flutterdream – Great-aunt

Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Muddykit Specklenose Rubblegaze (A longfurred, ticked blue point tabby tom with lentigo and white paws)
Pebbleshine (A black, silver and white spotted tabby she-cat with one blue eye and long fur)
Emberdust Dunestar (A primal ticked, fawn and white tabby tom with a kinked, bobbed tail)
Earthspeckle (A temperamental chocolate tortie with a scarred ear and blue eyes)
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Additional Details
Genetics :
This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Public :

Kitten 1‘s pelt type is shorthaired. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, Lyly)
They are a cinnamon silver classic torbie and white molly. (XOXo, blbl, Dd, dmdm, Aa, mcmc, Spsp, tata, bmbm, li, wbwb, EE, ShSh, Ccs, kk, Wsw)
They have a shortened tail. (acac, sfsf, JbJb, Mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)

Name Progression:

Muddykit -> Muddypaw -> Muddypuddle

or Muddykit -> Puddlepaw -> Puddlebounce/flight/paws/heart

Special Slot :
Financial Donation
Bans Data :
Muddykit has been compiled into the bans records.
Muddykit is a Female Cat with a Tortie Non-color restricted Bicolor pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-small Size and Semi-foreign build. Their eyes are Odd and ears are Normal. Their tail is Short, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Mix Manx Bobtail descent.
Last Updated :
2024-12-05 04:36

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