
A Non-player Character played by Splashy

A Female cat.
By Unknown Sire out of Unknown Dam.
Born in the Moon of First Fishing (2015).
Living at the age of 76 moons (5.8 years)
Short Description :

A lanky brown she-cat with green eyes.

Long Description :

Greenfang is a long, stretchy brown she-cat with lanky legs. She’s a slightly paler brown than Moosestride. She’s lithe and snake-like, made for slinking through the darkness of Thunderclan’s forested territory. She has green eyes.


Greenfang is a vicious, strong she-cat who is determined to make her name in the clans, but has been very unsuccessful so far. She is very open to the idea of having a lot of kits, believing that is how she will stamp her name into the clans, if becoming a great fighter won’t. She, unlike her son, has very little care for other cats outside of Thunderclan, and aims to wound another cat as much as possible when in battle.

Key Dates :
  • Born in the Moon of First Fishing (2015) 068
Full History :

Greenfang, unlike the father of Moosestride, was not the calmest cat of the bunch. Ever since kithood, she was determined to make her legacy one that would be known among warriors past her age. She’s been unfortunately falling flat on that wish, and has decided for a different destiny. This is to raise as many successful kits as possible. This has, so far, been the only successful part of her plans, especially after Moosestride became leader.

She was in no ways distant from Moose, and often pushed him as an apprentice to focus on his strength and to reach for the stars in his future. She considers herself successful, and whenever she sees him today, she smiles upon him gladly, to have been the dame of this tom.

Threads :
  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire :
Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Dam :
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Offspring :
Moosestar (A lanky, dark brown tom with yellow eyes and ripped-up ears)
Other Family :

Mother to Moosestar

Pedigree & Geneology
Pedigree :
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Greenfang Unknown Sire ()
Unknown Dam ()
Family Tree :
Significant Cats
Additional Details
Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Public :
  • Moosestar is Greenfang’s oldest of her many kits. If you wish to make a sibilng to Moosestar, I request they be at least a year younger than him.
Parent Pool :
This character is a part of the Parent Pool.
Bans Data :
Greenfang has been compiled into the bans records.
Greenfang is a Female Cat with a Brown Non-color restricted pelt of Short Normal textured hair. They are of Medium Size and Common build. Their eyes are Green and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Long legs. They are of Non-purebred descent.
Last Updated :
2024-09-19 06:07

3 thoughts on “Greenfang”

  1. This is just a post-approval request. It’s not serious at all enough to stop the approval.

    AppearanceShe, unlike her son, has very little care for other cats outside of Thunderclan, and aims to wound another cat as much as possible when in battle.: this is personality the rather thanthe appearance.

  2. Notes on Greenfang:
    1. Slight powerplay in this comment “She’s been described as “sleek and snake-like” with how she moves through the clan territories.” Just need to reword the statement so that it doesn’t put words into other cats’ mouths!
    Example: “she’s referred to herself as long and snake-like” or “she’s thought herself akin to that of a snake in the way she moves throughout the clan’s territories”

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