A Player Character played by freerangerage |
Name Coldgaze
Affiliation Vitals
A Male cat.
By Antlerrush out of Firelight. Born in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2018). Living at the age of 32 moons (2.5 years) |
Appearance Short Description : A longhaired, chocolate classic tabby tom with nicked ears and odd eyes Long Description :
A brown marbled tabby, with long legs and nicked ears. Despite his height, he isn’t a heavy cat although one might think that as his long fur makes him appear much larger than he is. His tail is shorter than most, and tends to stick out horizontally as he walks, making him appear rather strange. His eyes are a dark green and mid-tone yellow; his name comes from his personality more than his appearance.
Personality Coldgaze lives up to his name, in that he was never the most sympathetic cat. He is aloof, cold and tends to keep to himself. He is personable when one actually gets him talking but for the most part he is a silent figure in Riverclan, albeit a dependable one.
Coldgaze isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in, even when this causes him to be injured. He has gotten into multiple fights with other clans at the border over land rights – most notable Thunderclan and the use of Sunningrocks. He doesn’t stand for insults and would rather let actions do the talking. This may make him seem like an aggressive, violent cat but the opposite could not be more true.
Finally, Coldgaze has a lot of respect for Medicine Cats and Starclan. He has always felt a connection to the spiritual, and while it might not be as strong as a Medicine Cat or leader he will look to the stars for guidance first. He trusts that his ancestors – and now his loved ones – have his best interests at heart and wants to see the clan grow and succeed as much as he does.
History Key Dates :
Full History :
Kit: 0-6 moons Molekit was born alongside his 3 siblings – most notably Splashkit and was a bubbly, energetic kit. He was constantly testing the boundaries of what was allowed by escaping from the nursery and eventually the camp. On his 3rd moon, he succeeded in bringing himself and his littermates out of the camp. While Splashkit managed to find his way back, Molekit became hopelessly lost. He hid in the bushes until Splashkit returned and guided him home. Both of the kits were filthy – and received a stern talking to about the dangers of going out of camp alone. Splashkit seemed unaffected, while Molekit took the warning to heart – and was terrified of the world beyond the camp; and eventually, beyond Riverclan territory. Apprentice: 6-14 moons Molepaw was apprenticed to Duckfeather on his 6th moon, alongside his brother Splashpaw. Molepaw was terrified of the world by the time he reached apprenticeship. He was convinced that everything was dangerous – to him and to those he loved. This fear was evident during the first few moons of his training, and his mentor had a hard time teaching a cat that was shaking so hard he could barely stand. Splashpaw and Molepaw experienced heartbreak when during their 8th moon, both of their parents were killed by a she-fox defending its kits. Splashpaw clung to his mentor Ambereye, while Molepaw became more recluse, pulling away from everyone around him. His fears were real and proven. The world was dangerous – and he had to figure out a way to protect his clan from it. Ironically, the death of his parents made the apprentice appear less afraid – as if he had steeled his nerves. In reality he was determined to become stronger than everything that could hurt him. His aggressive behaviour got him into trouble when he chased a kittypet out of Riverclan territory, getting himself caught in a snare in the process. His desperation to escape the trap resulted in him injuring his throat and front claws – two of which would never grow back. He was only saved when two twoleg kits found him and, for some reason, released him. He limped back to camp – horribly injured – and spent three moons recovering in the Medicine cat den before he could return to training.
Molepaw accompanied Duckfeather to the Highrocks on his 14th moon. He wasn’t one of the apprentices who was chosen to enter, but he still felt that there was something about the cave that drew him in – and almost compelled him to sneak in after the other cats. Molepaw passed his evaluations in his 14th moon, and was granted the name Coldheart, for his aloof personality. He received his Warrior name two moons after his littermate Splashpelt, who was cheering him on in the crowd. Warrior: 14-23 moons Coldheart took to warriorhood like a fish to water. He wasn’t the greatest hunter, but he was constantly patrolling the edges of the territory with almost tireless energy. He was less enamoured with stories than Splashpelt, but he respected Boldstar for his bravery and aggression in the service of the clan even if he didn’t always agree with the tom’s more laidback attitude most of the time. He had very little tolerance for other cats who acted selfish, and this came to a head when another Riverclan cat was found to be breaking the warrior code. Coldheart had been following the actions of his fellow warrior for many moons and had seen him steal prey multiple times as well as travel to other territories to hunt. He harshly chastised his fellow warrior – who was many moons older than him. A fight broke out in camp, with Coldheart taking decisive victory after his opponent mocked Boldstar; something that he wouldn’t stand for. He didn’t always agree with the Leader, but time and time again they had proved that they lived for their clanmates. Something that his opponent clearly had never considered.
Despite being put on elder duty for a solid 4 moons, and spending most of his days digging trenches in dirt-place, Coldheart was given the name Coldgaze for his attention to detail and the critical gaze he cast on those who broke the Warrior code. He never regretted his choice to defend himself and his Leader from hateful accusations – and was grateful when his opponent finally retired so that he wouldn’t have to endure tense patrols or hateful looks. Deputy: 23 – 31 moons Coldgaze’s last few moons have been an absolute nightmare. Both Duckfeather and Splashpelt passed away under unknown circumstances and while he tries his best to put on airs that he is unaffected, his fear of the unknown is slowly consuming him. Despite his personal misgivings, Boldstar saw fit to reward him for his loyalty. Coldgaze was granted the title of Deputy; a title he does not wholly feel ready for.
Coldgaze attended the gathering on Moon of Lion’s Glory (’20) and was responsible for choosing Mistykit from the litter that was abandoned at the Fourtrees. When asked, he states that he saw potential in her. What he actually means is that he saw fear in her eyes, but she chose to fight it rather than flee. He respects that in a cat – even one as young as Mistykit.
During the Moon of Cheetah’s Flight (’20), Coldgaze took it upon himself to amass support for his idea of taking Sunningrocks from Thunderclan, starting with Briarfang – a cat he already knew shared similar ideals to him. Both he and the older tom trespassed on Thunderclan territory by way of ‘chasing’ a vole that had slipped out of their grasp where Coldgaze proposed the idea that Sunningrocks should be in the possession of Riverclan to Briarfang. They decided that this was a proposition that needed to be taken seriously and both of them agreed to slowly bring up the idea to the rest of the clan – so as not to undermine Boldstar, or cause either of them to get in trouble.
Within the same month, Coldgaze also assisted with attempting to keep Boldstar from passing on by taking charge in the camp when the elderly leader ate a piece of poisoned prey, and lost a life as a result. He managed to prevent the leader’s kits from seeing much of the event. Although Boldstar’s life was taken it allowed the Medicine Cat apprentice Nettlepaw’s to identify the cause; a strange green sludge in the belly of landprey. With this knowledge and Nettleplume’s new promotion Coldgaze made sure to alter the patrols to focus on non-land prey until Leaf-bare came. Moon of Turning Leaves (’20): Coldgaze brought Bloomfire onboard with his plan to take Sunningrocks. During Moon of Leopard’s Rest (’20) Coldgaze was granted Merrypaw as his apprentice. Moon of Long Nights (’20) Encountered the loner Kosmo
Threads :
Family Sire : Antlerrush (A long legged chocolate ticked tabby tom with a bobbed tail)
Dam : Firelight (A longhaired classic torbie she-cat with a bald spot on her tail)
Full Siblings :
Splashpelt (A large, square chested chocolate classic tabby tom)
Other Family : Silverlark (A gray tabby she-cat with green eyes) – Great, great, great paternal grandmother.
Pebblepaw (A gray spotted tabby tom with large paws and hazel eyes)- Great, great, great Uncle |
Pedigree & Geneology Pedigree :
Family Tree :
Click Here To Open Family Tree
Significant Cats Mentor(s) : Duckfeather (A calico ticked tabby she-cat with white paws and green eyes) Apprentice(s) : Merrypaw (A mid-furred seal mackerel tabby mink bicolor she-cat with aqua eyes) Others : Nettleplume (A blue-eyed, cream ticked tabby tom with a white locket & bushy tail): Coldgaze speaks to Nettleplume with respect – and sees the younger cat as a confidant and companion. Nettleplume has never once disappointed Coldgaze – while the young cat has made plenty of mistakes, Coldgaze understands that Nettleplume is very much still learning, yet has a younger, fresh perspective on the world that Coldgaze appreciates.
Mistypaw (A lilac tabby mink she-kit with mismatched eyes): Coldgaze feels some sort of responsibility for Mistypaw, given he was the one to choose her at the gathering. His distrust of non-clan cats and worry that she will be a burden clashes with his desire to see her thrive, and as a result he often distances himself from the young she-cat and looks out for her from afar. |
Additional Details Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Notes Public : Coldgaze has a negative view of Thunderclan at the moment. He thinks that the kits were put at the Fourtrees to show the clans true nature.
Coldgaze also has opinions on the ‘Fierceblood’ notion. He finds it stupid. All that title seems to do is create entitled warriors. Because of this, if he ever has any kits, he would ask the Queen not to announce the sire – Nepotism is a blight and should be eradicated. Parent Pool : This character is a part of the Parent Pool.
Bans Data : Coldgaze has been compiled into the bans records. Coldgaze is a Male Cat with a Brown Non-color restricted pelt of Long Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Common build. Their eyes are Odd and ears are Damaged. Their tail is Short, with Normal paws and Long legs. They are of Non-purebred descent. Last Updated : 2025-01-30 08:30 |