
DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.

Sleepswoon is a sleep disorder that makes a cat very drowsy during the day. Cats with narcolepsy find it hard to stay awake for long periods of time. They fall asleep suddenly. This can cause serious problems in their daily routine.

Depending on factors like the weather and stress levels the severity of the condition may fluctuate. The warmer periods of summer greatly exaserbate the condition.


This complaint is

  • Chronic
  • Incurable
  • Genetic
  • Worsened by heat
  • Inconsistent in severity
Related Herbs:
Related Symptoms: Daytime Sleepiness, Excitable Collapse, Hallucination, Sleep Disruption, Sleep Paralysis, Sleeplessness,
Mild Cases

Mild cases involve infrequent episodes of collapse, infrequent or mild insomnia, only rarely cause hallucinations, and only infrequently disrupt sleep.

Duration: Lifetime
Residual Effects:

Episodes of collapse occur at least bi-weekly.
Episodes of collapse rarely involve full collapse, and are easily woken from.
Associated insomnia is infrequent.


Attacks are unpredictable. (Staff may interrupt threads featuring a character with this condition triggering an attack)
This condition is genetic. (Offspring have a 20-40% change of inheriting the condition)

Moderate Cases

Moderate cases involve frequent episodes of collapse, infrequent but severe insomnia, infrequently cause hallucinations, and frequently disrupts sleep.

Duration: See mild duration

See treatment for mild cases.

Residual Effects:

Episodes of collapse occur at least weekly.
Episodes of collapse frequently involve full collapse, but are easily woken from.
Associated insomnia is moderate.


See mild complications.

Severe Cases

Severe cases involve very frequent episodes of collapse, very frequent and severe insomnia, frequently cause hallucinations, and almost constantly disrupts sleep.

Duration: See mild duration

See treatment for mild cases.

Residual Effects:

Episodes of collapse occur at least daily.
Episodes of collapse nearly always involve full collapse, and are sometimes difficult to wake from.
Associated insomnia is frequent.


See mild complications.