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Plain Text
The world of CoSC features a forest where the illustrious Rusty never set foot. Instead the four clans have existed for what feels like time eternal: Keeping borders, raising apprentices, and staying alive. This revised warriors universe focuses on the tribal, visceral vibe of the earliest books, taking it one step further to give birth to a version of Warrior Cats where choices matter and human morals don’t apply.
– It’s a murder most foul –
Danger has come to the territories of the Clans. Each group has lost at least one cat to a hidden murder. With Kits in the nurseries, and apprentices in training an unease has settles on all four clans.
With this shadow cast over the Clans all that brings hope of an end is prayers that StarClan or chance can bring the culprit to justice…
– What is the truth, and where did it go –
– CoSC Hopes You Will Join Us! –
We are proud to offer the following Perks!
– A unique take on the warriors world that provides a more visceral, realistic world.
– High standards of respect to powerplay and character development
– The freedom to build up and create IC groups, but standards requiring them to fit the world.
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**Warrior Cats Fandom**: Original forest, No canon Characters, Forum based
The world of CoSC features a forest where the illustrious Rusty never set foot. Instead the four clans have existed for what feels like time eternal: Keeping borders, raising apprentices, and staying alive. This revised warriors universe focuses on the tribal, visceral vibe of the earliest books, taking it one step further to give birth to a version of Warrior Cats where choices matter and human morals don’t apply.
**It’s a murder most foul**
Danger has come to the territories of the Clans. Each group has lost at least one cat to a hidden murder. With Kits in the nurseries, and apprentices in training an unease has settles on all four clans.
With this shadow cast over the Clans all that brings hope of an end is prayers that StarClan or chance can bring the culprit to justice…
**What is the truth, and where did it go**
**– CoSC Hopes You Will Join Us! –**
*We are proud to offer the following Perks!*
– A unique take on the warriors world that provides a more visceral, realistic world.
– High standards of respect to powerplay and character development
– The freedom to build up and create IC groups, but standards requiring them to fit the world.
– An OOC Discord to facilitate planning and casual player interaction, leading to a bonded and enthusiastic playerbase.
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