Emberback x Skyeyes

This application has been moved to the archive for preservation.

Sire: Emberback of WindClan played by Faux
Short Description: A stoutly built ginger classic tabby tom
Pelt Genes: LL RR ReRe lplp whwh LyLy
Color Genes: XOY BB DD dmdm Aa mcmc spsp tata bmbm ii wbwb EE ShSh CC ww kk
Body Genes: acac sfsf JbJb mm RtRt mkmk pdpd

Faux has consented.
Dame: Skyeyes of WindClan played by Kitsufox
Short Description: A calico tabby longhaired she-cat with brilliantly blue eyes
Pelt Genotype: ll RR ReRe lplp whwh LyLy
Color Genes: XOXo Bbl Dd dmdm Aa Mcmc spsp tata bmbm ii wbwb EE ShSh CC Wsw kk
Body Genes: acac sfsf JbJb mm RtRt mkmk pdpd

Kitsufox has consented.
Mating Date: 8th day of the Moon of First White (2019)
Mating Details:

This litter has been handled by the CoSC Staff.

This mating resulted in 2 kitten(s).
The kittens will be born 16th day of the Moon of Long Nights (2019).
Kitten #1: Brightkit to be played by IfOnlyApril

Kitten 1‘s pelt type is shorthaired. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy)
They are a red mackerel tabby tom with low white. (XOY, BB, DD, dmdm, aa, Mcmc, spsp, tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wsw)
They have no non-pelt body mods. (acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)

Kitten #2: Piperkit to be played by Dawnblaze

Kitten 2‘s pelt type is shorthaired. (Ll, RR, ReRe, lplp, whwh, LyLy)
They are a red classic tabby molly with low white. (XOXO, BB, Dd, dmdm, Aa, mcmc, spsp, tata, bmbm, ii, wbwb, EE, ShSh, CC, kk, Wsw)
They have no non-pelt body mods. (acac, sfsf, JbJb, mm, RtRt, mkmk, pdpd)