Bravesong x Wildcry

This application has been moved to the archive for preservation.

Sire: Bravesong of ThunderClan played by Faux
Short Description: A one, hazel-eyed, scarred black tuxedo tom with a twisted right forepaw
Pelt Genes: LL RR ReRe lplp whwh LyLy
Color Genes: XoY BB Dd dmdm aa McMc Spsp tata bmbm ii wbwb EE ShSh CC Wsw kk
Body Genes: acac sfsf JbJb mm RtRt mkmk pdpd

Faux has consented.
Dame: Wildcry of ThunderClan played by Faux
Short Description: A fierce lilac caramel ticked tabby she-cat with a single amber eye.
Pelt Genotype: LL RR ReRe lplp whwh LyLy
Color Genes: XoXo bbl dd Dmdm Aa Mcmc Spsp Tata bmbm ii wbwb EE ShSh Ccs ww kk
Body Genes: acac sfsf JbJb mm RtRt mkmk pdpd

Faux has consented.
Mating Date: 2LG2020
Mating Details:

This would be a mating strictly out of convenience.

Wildcry has not been blind to the lack of kits in the thunderclan nursery. With Dustpaw’s passing, she has decided it would be a good time to have another litter of kits if possible. She believes Bravesong would be a good candidate due to his prior senior warrior status as well as showing immense bravery in the face of danger and protecting his clan at the ultimate cost.

Moosestar hasn’t really impressed her and doesn’t want to give Greenfang a reason to gloat.

This mating did not result in kittens.