The Flock

The Flock

“From the earth we rise, to the sky we aspire, and through the Skyborne, we find our path.” – Kosmo, Crowned Sparrow

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In a world where earth meets sky, the Flock and its Sparrows are a community deeply intertwined with nature and the wisdom of their spiritual guides, the Skyborne. Guided by ancient traditions and a profound respect for the natural order, this group of dedicated cats and their avian companions navigate the delicate balance between the world below and the heavens above.


The Flock’s territory is a vast and vibrant expanse, south of the Riverclan border, teeming with life and rich in natural beauty, offering both challenge and sanctuary for its inhabitants. There land is punctuated by thickets consisting of maple, oak, and sycamore trees. These thickets offer shelter and resources, with their branches creating a canopy that filters sunlight and rain alike. Within one of these circle of trees lies the Training Lea, a soft, sandy training space for Chickadee and Fledgling to hone their skills. An Old Boathouse on the river’s edge, a relic from a time long past, provides shelter from storms and offers a place to hunt vermin. Not far from the boathouse lies the abandoned herb garden, where a diverse array of herbs grow wild and free, from fragrant lavender to healing comfrey. At the heart of the territory lies a river that cuts the land in half. The crossing can be treacherous – except at Caligula’s Crossing, a sacred area where large, ancient stones rise from the riverbed, forming a natural bridge, or so the story goes. Here, the Flock can cross safely, guided by the smooth, weathered surfaces of the stones. From the crossing lies the Flock’s camp nearby, providing the inhabitants with shelter, protection, and a home.


Mice and voles scurry through the underbrush of the thickets and squirrels are a common sight in the trees, as well as songbirds. Lizards are a common sight basking on hot days on the sand in the Lea. The river itself is a valuable source of food; fish is plentiful there, as well as amphibians, water vole, and waterfowl found among the reeds. The boathouse and the herb garden are home to mice, vole, moles, and shrews.


With so many cats in contact with Skyborne, many members are deeply attuned to the close-knit spiritual aspect of the Flock. Keen observation skills are a common trait, whether it’s in spotting prey, identifying threats, or noticing subtle changes in the environment. A strong adherence to traditions and the teachings of the Crowned Sparrow is prevalent, as well as a strong protective instinct toward their kin and territory.



Generally the appearance of cats in the Flock have no common distinction and can come in any shape or size, although currently, the Flock tend to show cats with long-limbed or semi-foreign, or semi-cobby features and tend to be larger than smaller.

The Flock Allegiances

Local Herbs by Season

Territory and Maps