
Character Slot Allotment

One (1) Character Before Roleplay

Until ten (10) role playing posts have been made, a player only has access to a single character belonging to one of the four clans (ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, or ShadowClan).

After ten (10) Role Play Posts

  • 4 non-elder Clan Character Slots.
  • 1 Domestic Cat Character Slot.
  • 1 Feral or Semi-feral Character Slot.
  • Unlimited Clan Elder Slots.
Wanna break some rules? Bribe the Foxes by donating to CoSC!

Normal Character Slots

Each player is permitted the following total normal character slots with which to create characters to use in role play once they have reached 10 role play posts.

  • Clan Characters: Each player is granted four (4) Clan Character Slots that may be used to create cats who are members of ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan and/or ShadowClan.
  • Domestic Cat: Each player is granted one (1) Domestic Cat Character Slot that may be used to create a Domestic Feline (These are called Kittypets at most games).
  • Feral/Semi-Feral Character: Each player who meets the requirements for the creation of Feral and/or Semi-feral characters as listed on the Non-Clan Character Creation Page is eligible to create one (1) Feral or Semi-feral character. (These are called Rogues and Loners at most games).

Special Character Slots

Special character slots are those granted via a few very special circumstances based on contributions to the game by way of finances, game information, or plot creation. You may receive extra character slots for the following reasons.

  • Special Administrative Grant for use in a plot. Slots received in this way are linked to a character and will only remain with the player as long as the character does. To request an extra slot to support a plot, please fill out this form.
  • Financial Donation to the site Donations may be made from the CoSC Support Page. Details on available rewards are available on the Supporter Rewards Page along with records of donations and redeemed rewards.
  • Non-financial Donation to the site The details of this program have not been finalized, but all donations already made that qualify will result in the proper rewards.
  • Other reasons seen fit by the administrative team. This type is incredibly rare and issued only in extenuating circumstances. This will include things like a character becoming deeply entangled in game plot in a way that the staff feels should be released from tying up a slot. These slots are not permeant and are linked to the character in question.

Character Limitations

Pending Character Limitations

No player may have more than one (1) character undergoing the approvals process at one time unless the additional pending characters are covered by an exception. This is to prevent huge backlogs and problems with excessive characters pending belonging to a single player at once.

Exception: NPC as Related to Approved PCs – When a player is creating the NPC parent/sibling/mentor sheets of their PCs, the entire group of NPCs related to that PC may be pending simultaneously so long as no new PCs are in progress.

Ranked Character Limitations

No player may have more than two (2) ranked characters, one (1) from each of the two classifications of rank type, unless the situation is specifically addressed by an exception. These two ranked characters cannot reside in the same clan.

Rank Classifications

  • Leadership: Leader or Deputy
  • Spiritual: Medicine Cat or Medicine Cat’s Apprentice


  • Administrators: Admins may NPC Leader or Spiritual Ranks as required.
  • Moderators: Mods may NPC Leader or Spiritual Ranks as required, with permission of the Administration.

Non-slotted Characters

Certain types of characters do not count towards filling any of the character slots in the previous category. These non-slotted characters fall into the following types.

  • Elder Clan Member: Each player has an unlimited number of slots for elders that do not count towards your Clan Character Slot Limit.
  • Non-Player Characters (NPC): NPCs do not count towards your character slot limits, but are generally limited to creating parents for your PC (which are preferred to have passed on, in most cases, or expected to pass on fairly early in the character’s developing IC History). Players may be asked to eliminate excessive NPCs to make room for PCs at any time, and are expected to comply with this request.
  • Rank Application Characters: Characters acquired through a ranks application such as a leader or medicine cat do not use slots.

Non-transfer of Slot Types

Character slots cannot be transferred or traded between types. If you do not wish to play a character of a certain type, you cannot transfer that slot to turn it into another type.

Resolving Violations

Any time in which a violation of limitations policies occur, the player is expected to report to the admins and surrender characters until they fall back within limits or promptly arrange a death for the excess character.

Players found hiding violations will not get to select which characters they surrender. Selections will instead be made by the game administration.