Moon Advancement



This page is current in editing and new content will come shortly.
Please excuse the construction!


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

This document will detail out the process of the moon change, so that all steps are explained and the entire list of tasks is laid out.

Task List

  • Update Rank Histories (See Below)
    • Leader
    • Deputy
    • Medicine Cat
  • Update Front Page
    • Almanac
    • MC’s Meeting
    • Gathering
  • Clan News Updates
    • ThunderClan
    • RiverClan
    • WindClan
    • ShadowClan
    • Non-clan
  • Handle moon related concerns


Updating Rank History

  1. Coming Soon.

Updating Front Page Details

  1. Coming Soon

Updating Clan News

  1. Coming Soon

Special Character Slots


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Issue a Special Character Slot

Admin Grant

  1. Create a placeholder character sheet in the name of the character assigned to the player receiving the special character slot using the appropriate instructions in other documentation files.
  2. Navigate to the Special Character Slots area of the website backend.
  3. Click the “Add New” button near the top of the page.
  4. Fill out the “Details” area:
    1. In the “Title” bar use the following naming convention: Playername – Grant – Charactername
    2. Set “Reason” to Admin Grant
    3. Set “Player” to the name of the player receiving the Character Slot Grant.
    4. Set “Character” to the the character created in step #1.
  5. Fill out the “Admin Grant” area:
    1. Set “Granting Admin” to your account.
    2. In “Grant Details” please include a quote of the submitted form request.
  6. Click the blue “Publish” button in the sidebar.

Financial Donation

  • Not yet started.

Non-financial Donation

  • Not yet started.


  1. Navigate to the Special Character Slots area of the website backend.
  2. Click the “Add New” button near the top of the page.
  3. Fill out the “Details” area:
    1. In the “Title” bar use the following naming convention: Playername – Grant – Charactername
    2. Set “Reason” to Other
    3. Set “Player” to the name of the player receiving the Character Slot.
    4. Set “Character” to the the character being assigned to this Other type of Special Slot.
  4. Fill out the “Other” area:
    1. In “Other Details” please provide as much information as possible as to why this character is being assigned to this special slot for a reason not normally used.
  5. Click the blue “Publish” button in the sidebar.

Rank Applications


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Setting up a new rank application

  • Going to write this up later. For right now, just have Kitsu do it 😉 This will be done as a new page, and this page will be kept for managing existing applications.

Opening/Closing a rank application

  1. Go to the “Rank Apps Admin” area in the admin area.
  2. Click on the application you wish to edit
  3. Change “Application Status” to “Opened”
  4. Edit the open date of the application to be the current date.
  5. Notes appear in the instruction area of the application, and should include any notes or special instructions (Links to characters eligible for adoption by this application should be included here).
  6. Edit the questions & question types as needed to keep the application current and get the information needed to make a proper decision possible.
  7. Click the blue “Update” button.

Attach a character sheet to a rank application

  1. Go to the “Characters” area in the admin area.
  2. Click on the character you wish to attach to the application.
  3. Change “Ranked Adoptable” to “Yes”.
  4. Click the blue “Update” button.

Closing a rank application

  1. Go to the “Rank Apps Admin” area in the admin area.
  2. Click on the application you wish to edit
  3. Change “Application Status” to “Closed”
  4. Edit the “Selected” field to be the character chosen to fill the rank.
  5. Click the blue “Update” button.

Clearing applications
(Before reopening a previously run application)

  1. Go to the “Rank Applications” area in the admin area.
  2. Check the box of each application that was a part of previous application round.
  3. Set the “Bulk Actions” dropdown to “Move to Trash” and click apply.

Putting Applicants into Consideration

  1. On the website’s public face, navigate to the Ranks Applications Department.
  2. Click on the application with applicants you wish to set to “In Consideration” (This will make it so the application can no longer be edited until a decision has been made).
  3. Scroll down to the “Applicants” area at the bottom and click the applicant you wish to mark.
  4. Click the “Apps Team” link.
  5. Check the “Staff Status” box.
  6. Click the blue “Update” button to save.

Accepting or Declining an Applicant

  1. On the website’s public face, navigate to the Ranks Applications Department.
  2. Click on the application you wish to make a decision on
  3. Scroll down to the “Applicants” area at the bottom and click the applicant you wish to mark.
  4. Click the “Apps Team” link.
  5. Check either the “Declined?” or “Approved?” box, as appropriate.
  6. Uncheck the “Staff Status” box.
  7. Click the blue “Update” button to save.
  8. Contact the user and inform them of the decision. Do so privately for declines, and make a public announcement for acceptances.
  9. (IF ACCEPTING) Follow the instructions to Close the application you just accepted an applicant for after ensuring that all other applications have been declined.

Moon System


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Create a New Moon

  1. Go to the “Moons” part of the Admin area.
  2. Click “Add New” at the top of the moons list.
  3. Deal with the “More Fields” area
    1. Enter the needed Moon number as the next sequential number going up.
    2. Enter the Correct next moon name, including the year in parenthesis behind it.
    3. Enter the season of the moon.
  4. Title the page “[MOONNUMBER] – [MOONNAME]
  5. Ensure that “Enable Weather” is set to “No”.
  6. Click the blue “Publish” button.

Add Weather to a Moon

  1. Go to the “Moons” part of the Admin area.
  2. Click the moon you wish to add weather to
  3. Write a short paragraph describing the seasonally typical weather.
  4. Weather Brief should contain a bulleted list of all notable weather events from the moon.
  5. Write the weather for the 27 days of the moon:
    1. Set the temperature range for that day. Definitions here.
    2. Write a quick few words about the day’s conditions. Avoid using temperature words, or the tooltips will automatically appear.
    3. Apply the human dates for the moon phase.
  6. Set “Enable Weather” to “Yes” (Weather will not display on the page until this is set to yes. Which is useful if you wish to work on the weather over a few days)
  7. Click the blue “Update” button.

Advance the Moon

  1. Go to the “Moons” part of the admin area.
  2. Click on the moon currently set to “Current Moon”.
    1. Uncheck the “Current Moon” box in More Fields.
    2. Click the blue “Update” button.
  3. Click on “All Moons” in the sidebar.
  4. Click on the moon you want to set to “Current Moon”.
    1. Check the “Current Moon” box in More Fields.
    2. Click the blue “Update” button.
  5. Click on the “Front Page Tools” in the admin sidebar.
    1. Update “Almanac”, “MC Meeting”, and “Gathering” with correct data.
    2. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom.

Character Approvals


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Getting Started

  1. When a character has a check requested it will appear on the “Ready for Check” list in the “Character Approvals” area of the Applications Department.
  2. The team member checking the character should go over the sheet with a fine tooth comb and identify any issues that do not meet game requirements (ADD LINKS WHEN THEY’RE DECIDED).
  3. If there are issues with the character they should be recorded clearly and documented and then the “Decline Procedure” should be followed. If there are no issues, then the “Acceptance Procedure” should be followed.

Processing Decision

Decline Procedure

  1. To deliver the decline notice, at the top of the character sheet in the black admin back click “Edit Character”. This will take you to the admin area of the site instead of the normal front-facing editor.
  2. In the “Comments” area of the character sheet editing screen, click the grey “Comment” button to open the comment box. Add your decline details into this box and click the blue “Add Comment” button.
  3. In the “Administrative” area of the character sheet editing screen, change “Check” to “Editing”.
  4. In the “Update” area of the character sheet editing screen, click “Update”.

Acceptance Procedure

  1. To accept the character sheet
    1. At the top of the character sheet in the black admin bar click “Edit Character”
    2. In the “Discussion” area of the editing screen; un-click “Allow comments” and “Allow trackbacks and pingbacks”.
    3. In the “Administrative” area of the editing screen; change “Approved?” to “Approve”.
    4. In the “Administrative” are of the editing screen; create and enter a short description of the character. (this field will only appear once the character has been set to approved in step #3)
    5. In the “Update” area of the character sheet editing screen, click “Update”.
  2. Contact the player through Site Private Message to notify them of the acceptance of the character.
  3. Post the character approval to current thread in the Announcements Forum.
  4. Post the newly approved character to the Announcements channel on the Discord.

Using Special Slots

Coming Soon.

Adoption System


Staff Information

The content of this page is geared towards use by the staff of CoSC.

Making a Character Adoptable

  1. Navigate to the character page that needs to become adoptable.
  2. Click “Edit Character” in the top black bar.
  3. Set the “Adoptable” field to “Yes”.
  4. IF the character is being confiscated, set player to “Adoptable Characters” and add the previous player to previously played by list.
  5. Click the blue “update” button to save the changes.

How to Accept an Offer

  1. Navigate to the offer you wish to accept.
  2. Click “Edit Adoption Offer” in the top black bar.
  3. Compare the Author line to the player line, if they do not match, Decline instead of accept.
  4. Set “Offer Accepted” to “Yes”
  5. Click the blue “update” button to save the changes.

How to Decline an Offer

  1. Navigate to the offer you wish to decline.
  2. Click “Edit Adoption Offer” in the top black bar.
  3. Set “Offer Declined” to “Yes”.
  4. Click the blue “update” button to save the changes.

How to Grant Character to an Adopter

  1. Navigate to the character that has been adopted.
  2. Click “Edit Character” in the top black bar.
  3. Set the “Adoptable” field to “No”
  4. Set the “Player” field to the player who made the accepted offer.
  5. Click the blue “update” button to save the changes.
  6. Send the player a private message with the onsite messages system to inform them of the accepted offer.

How to cleanup the system

  1. Navigate to the adoption department page.
  2. Click on the offer you wish to delete
  3. Click “Edit Adoption Offer” in the black top bar.
  4. Click “Move to Trash” in the “Publish” box on the right hand sidebar
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 until all offers that require cleanup are handled.

Notes about Cleanup

  • Do not delete an accepted application unless adoption is being re-opened on a character.
  • Delete all declined applications to for a newly adopted character to keep things organized.

Activity Checks



This page is current in editing and new content will come shortly.
Please excuse the construction!

This page will include all documentation on the process for running an activity check.