A Player Character played by Faux |
Name Merrypaw
Affiliation Vitals
A Female cat who identifies Female.
By Boldstar out of Otterwhisker. Born in the Moon of Running Prey (2020). Living at the age of 9 moons (0.7 years) |
Appearance Short Description : A mid-furred seal mackerel tabby mink bicolor she-cat with aqua eyes Long Description :
Merrypaw is growing to be a somewhat sizable she-cat, taking a bit of her sire’s build comparted to the more sleek, short limbed frame of her dam. Larger in frame, her muscular physique nevertheless has a slight feminine touch, and will be a strong swimmer. Her coat color and the length of her pelt is more similar to her dam’s, the length of her hair clings to her frame in a dense wall of dark fur. The darkest furred of her siblings, Merrykit is mainly a brown she-cat, which will mature into a rich, warm hue that darkens at the edges of her frame. A dark mackerel tabby pattern covers her body, which fades into ghost markings on her already dark extremities. The only splash of white on her body is a small cloud shaped mark on her belly as well as the very tip of her tail. Her face is more round than angular, although her cheekbones give her the impression of a longer stare which frames a pair of large teal hued eyes (when they open and mature from the standard kitten blue). Her triangular ears sit wide atop her head, the edge of the tips slightly rounded and large to drink in all the sounds around her as her ears open up and she grows. As well as the very tip of her tail being white, her tail is shorter then average, thicker at its base. |
Personality As a kit, Merrypaw was content and undemanding, finding happiness in the warmth and comfort around her. As her personality has developed, this contentment has evolved into a steady sense of duty. She’s not the type to complain about tedious tasks or hard work, and takes on her responsibilities with a quiet, consistent determination to see her tasks done. She enjoys being of service, even if the task is something mundane like cleaning dens or more ‘gross’ like picking ticks off of elders. Merrypaw’s has a quiet appreciation and curiosity of the world around her, particularly the elements of RiverClan’s life that are unique, and loves to swim in the shallows of the river aided by her sturdy frame. Her taste for fish is nearly ravenous, and grows a bit morose when the river freezes over and fishing becomes a non-option in Leafbare. While she’s not overly expressive or chatty, she pays close attention to the emotional undertones of others and offers support when needed, even if her immature insight might not always acknowledge if that cat might need it. She’s more than willing to have the patience to sit and listen to the concerns of her clanmates, and especially her siblings, to help them with something they’re struggling with. She inherited a mix of her parent’s stubbornness as she grows. If she struggles to grasp a technique or gets criticized, Merrypaw is not a cat to be easily discouraged. Instead, she’ll go back to practice, determined to improve. She’s steadfast in approaching her goals, but tries hard not to overwhelm herself in the first place or set her own expectations too high. Being a more laid-back she-cat, she’s not very competitive at all feeling that two opposing forces can be a detriment even if offered in good faith. She’ll go along with a game or challenge, and might exaggerate her enthusiasm if it means that the other cat might feel better. Its a way for her to feel that she’s still connected with her siblings, and while her playfulness doesn’t dominate her personality, it peeks through in those quiet, familiar moments when she’s comfortable. As she matures, Merrypaw show signs of being fiercely loyal, both to her family and RiverClan. Partially this manifests as a strong desire to live up to the expectations of the strong figures in her life; Boldstar, Coldgaze, and Otterwhisker. She’s the type of cat who will go out of her way to take on extra duties – not to prove herself or improve her standing, but to ease the burdens of others. |
History Key Dates :
Full History :
(Kithood: 0 – 5 moons ) Merrykit is the second born kit from Otterwhisker’s first and only litter out of Boldstar, leader of Riverclan. She, along with her siblings, were born on the 22nd day of Running Prey 2020 during the early morning hours, her mother’s labor bringing the first of them into the world at the crack of dawn. In the darkness of the nursery, Merrykit joined her siblings at her mother’s side, knowing little of the wide world around her save for the warmth and the milk it provides. (Apprentice: 6 – Current ) During the Moon of Leopard’s Rest, Merrykit received her apprentice name, Merrypaw, and was mentored to RiverClan’s own deputy, Coldgaze, whom she has had some promising interaction with while she was still a kit. Despite his rough exterior, Coldgaze seems a cat of few words, fewer kind ones, although Merrypaw isn’t so concerned. She trusts her sire’s intuition and expects that he will have something to offer her, and she hopes to soften his edges – if only a bit. Threads :
Family Sire : Boldstar (A large primal ticked tabby tom with tufted ears and green eyes)
Dam : Otterwhisker (A chocolate mink bicolor she-cat with a short tail and legs)
Full Siblings :
Hailpaw (A blue ticked tabby she-cat with green eyes)
Stormpaw (A blue ticked tabby mink she-cat with a lighter underside and green eyes)
Sturgeonpaw (A grey-eyed, blue ticked tabby point tom with white paws and mask)
Pedigree & Geneology Pedigree :
Family Tree :
Click Here To Open Family Tree
Significant Cats Mentor(s) : Coldgaze (A longhaired, chocolate classic tabby tom with nicked ears and odd eyes) |
Additional Details Genetics :
This character has been assigned a genetic code.
Notes Public : Name Progression: Merrykit –> Merrypaw –> Merryaster Bans Data : Merrypaw has been compiled into the bans records. Merrypaw is a Female Cat with a Black Tonkinese Bicolor pelt of Mid-length Normal textured hair. They are of Medium-large Size and Semi-foreign build. Their eyes are Aqua and ears are Normal. Their tail is Normal, with Normal paws and Normal legs. They are of Non-purebred descent. Last Updated : 2025-03-07 11:38 |
Merrykit has been approved.