

This character sheet was last updated on 2024-09-07 01:16


A Player Character played by Splashy

Unaffiliated Feral
A Male cat.
By Lazarus out of Pending Dam.
Living at the age of 60 Moons (4.6 Years)
Short Description:

Long Description:

Caribou is an oversized, ruddy-colored tom with long fur. He keeps himself well-groomed, though not to a truly unusual degree. He has a couple of scars from various fights over the years, and during his travels with his father, Lazarus (these being some nose, leg, and back scratches). He is adorned with a few unusual leaves, feathers, and small curiosities that he has found over the years.


Caribou is a rather relaxed and stoic tom, with a disposition that could be considered carefree to almost thoughtless. However, this is not completely the case, as he does have some curiosity that he doesn’t always outwardly express. He enjoys exploring the twolegplace and the farthest reaches of the forest that don’t belong to the clans, looking for special artifacts or items to hold onto or even trade.

Despite this calmness, though, Caribou is not without turmoil. Due to the death of his father and his half-brother’s mother, he finds himself quietly burning with hate against the clans and their violent tendencies. He is not as outwardly vengeful as many others of the group, however, and more wishes to keep a healthy distance, in hopes to keep his family safe.. though it’s not likely that he’d let them fight alone if it came down to it.

Key Dates:
  • Born in the Moon of Unnamed Blue (2016) 082
Full History:

5 Paragraphs total

Paragraph 1: Kithood

Paragraph 2: Apprentice-aged/pre-travel to twolegplace

Paragraph 3: Travel to twolegplace completed, group established/growth

Paragraph 4: fall of the group

Paragraph 5: Current day

  • No threads have been recorded.
Sire: Lazarus (A large fawn ticked tabby tom with primal markings & orange eyes)
Dam: Pending Dam (Dam will be created after approval)
Paternal Siblings:
Kosmo (An odd-eyed, cinnamon ticked mink tom with primal markings & most of his tail missing)
Offspring Parents Grand-parents
Caribou Lazarus Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Pending Dam Unknown Sire (For characters with an unknown father)
Unknown Dam (For characters with an unknown mother)
Significant Cats

Mother: Lucy (after “Loosey Goosey” since she’d let her twolegs hold her upside down, as many ragdolls do)

Notes & Additional Details


  • Caribou received his name not from his father, but his mother, who named him off of a tale of great deer that travel to the far north of the clans.
  • Foraging is a skill that Caribou taught himself, though only became truly important when he came to the twolegplace, where he could trade with kittypets and other loners who were curious in his trinkets.
    • This is because his hunting skill isn’t the best.. so he supplements it with food from these loners and kittypets

Group Ranking

The group is not currently established.

Caribou is open to siring for feral, semi-feral, and domestic cats. Unless a clan cat hides their clan status, he will never sire for a cat of that allegiance.

Caribou is open to maternal siblings. Full or paternal siblings must be okay’d with Faux.

Genetics: This character requires a genetic code to be bred.
Bans Data: Caribou has not been compiled into the bans records.

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